Status: On Hiatus (Sadly....)

You Saved me in the Moonlight


We finished etaing, and Kevin sighed.

"I could eat chicken all day...."

I giggled. "So, what do you wanna do now?"

"Well, until we reach our next concert location, we might as well relax for a little while." Nick settled into the couch more, and closed his eyes.

"Hey, hey!" Joe announced suddenly. "Tell us about your family!"

I tensed. "No, you guys don't want to know about my family; we're pretty boring people..." I laughed nervously and fidgeted with my hands.

They all looked at me funny, then Kevin broke the awkward silence. "I don't think you could ever be considered boring."

I blushed and looked down, my hair covering my face, and my hands still fidgeting.

There was more silence, but short-lived.

Joe let one go.

And man, did it have some kick to it.

"SICK! Joe!!" Kevin and Nick shouted, both leaping from the couch, while I fell onto the floor laughing. Joe was grinning from ear to ear.

Then a pillow smacked into his face.

"Ha!" Kevin raised his arms in triumph.

Well, he was, until Joe tackled his legs, sending them both sprawling to the ground. They rolled around for a bit, until they both were smacked in the face by Nick and his pillows.

He was dragged to the ground as well.

I was still laughing uncontrollably on the floor when I noticed that they were headed in my direction.


All of a sudden, I was caught up in the roll-fest.

"Guys! Guys!" I said, pushing whoever was on top of me. But it was futile; I knew they couldn't hear me over their own shouting. I fought my way out of the mess of the Jonas Brothers' arms and legs, almost getting smacked in the jaw. Once I was out,I gasped for air, then started smacking the heck out of them all with some nearby pillows.

I was pulled again into the mess, and someone started tickling me.

"S-stop-p! Stop it!" I laughed until I was almost out of breath. Someone had sat on my stomach, trying to tickle me to death. I could still hear the other two brothers rolling on the floor, but couldn't recognize who was on top of me because of the tears of laughter in my eyes.

Then it stopped. The others were still "fighting." I looked up, wiping the tears away, only to see Joe, with a weird expression on his face, looking past me. I scooted out from under him, sitting up with my legs curled up underneath me.

I poked his nose. "You okay?"

His eyes turned towards me, and I saw so many different emotions run through him.

Some of which I didn't want to see.

Then, I could see him change back into his silly self. "You should be more worried about those two." He looked over at Nick and Kevin. Kevin had Nick in a choke-hold.

Joe grinned and attacked Kevin, while I looked on, shaking my head at them and ignoring the moment that just passed between Joe and I.

So much for a "relaxing" day.

Ah, well. I guess boys will be boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am SO SORRY this took so long.

I feel like a jerk-face. TT_TT

Gomen nasai.

I hope you enjoy! Fluff will be coming up in the story between Erica and....someone...soon!!

Hehe!! Comment and guess who you think the fluff will be with!!

And other comments are always welcome!
