We Couldn't Change It If We Tried

Skyway Avenue

"Talk," I said.

Nick sighed. "Joe, I'm – really sorry."

"Whatever," I mumbled. "You knew what you were doing."

"Yes I did," he said. "But that doesn't mean I don't regret it. I know she's your pregnant girlfriend, and that even if I did have feelings for her, I should have stopped before then – when you guys got back together."

"Yeah you should have," I said. Even before that though, his mistake hadn't been liking Dani, as I now knew he did. It had been giving up on me. My own brother had given up on me because of a girl.

"And – I'm sorry I didn't believe in you," he sighed. "Well I did – but I'm sorry I didn't show it. I know I've been a jerk to you lately."

I looked at him. "Yeah you have been. But at least I know why. You like my girlfriend."

He nodded. "But I promise. Those feelings will stay to myself until I can squash them. And I promise Joe. I will squash them."

I smiled at him, hearing the sincerity ringing in his voice. "Thank you Nicholas."

"So uh," he shifted, kicking the floor. "Are we cool?"

"Yeah we're cool," I put my fist up. "Pound it."

He stared at my fist, then looked at me, smirking. "No Joe."

"Come on Nick, pound it. You know you want to," I smirked.

He rolled his eyes and pounded my fist. "Man, you've got a really sharp right hook," he said.

I looked at his face, feeling guilty. "Sorry about that Nick."

"It's cool," he smiled. Then he sighed, his face sobering up. "Joe, it was all me with that kiss. Dani's pulled away once I gave her a chance and she – told me she loved you. But seriously man, you shouldn't have said those things to her – no matter how mad you were."

"I know," I said quietly. And part of me had known it all along. I had known that Dani wouldn't cheat on me, especially when she was pregnant. Just seeing her kiss Nick had made something go off. And even then, I shouldn't have said those things. It was one of those good job Joe things that just came out of my mouth without thinking that I'd end up regretting the second they were out of my mouth.

"You guys," Blair ran to us. "Dani's awake. And she wants to see you Joe. She won't see anyone until she sees you she said."

I nodded, walking to her room. Sighing heavily, I walked in. Dani was laying on her bed, her face broken into a huge smile as I walked in. "You actually came," she sighed in relief.

"Of course," I said, lingering by the door. "Dani, I'm so sorry about this. It's all my –"

"Don't you dare say fault Joseph Jonas," she warned. "It wasn't your fault that my hormones are crazy right now and making me do silly things like this."

"You call a panic attack silly," I asked. I walked closer.

She smiled. "It's no different than the time we went to the Philadelphia Zoo, and tried to get Nick to go put his head in the turtle's butt, and he started crying when you picked him up to throw him over the fence."

I laughed. Only Dani would ever make that comparison. I sighed. "Dani, I'm – sorry about before. I shouldn't have hit Nick. And I shouldn't have said those things to you."

She took my hand. "Joe, I'm not mad. It was totally understandable. I'm the one that should be sorry. I let the little curly haired runt kiss me."

"Nick explained," I said quietly.

"You should have punched his other eye too," she mumbled. "Wait – he explained?"

I laughed. "Yeah, he said it was his fault. And that he's going to try to stop liking you."

"Wow," she sat back on her bed, looking amazed. "Nick's awesome."

"But I'm better right," I asked warily.

She laughed. "Of course."

I leaned over and kissed her. "But who's the better kisser? Me or Nick?"

"Hmm," she kissed me again. "Nick definitely." She laughed as my face fell. "Just kidding Joey. Nick's got nothing on you." I smirked.

"Hey I heard that," Nick said from the door. He didn't try to come any closer. "I'm so much better than Joe."

"Sorry Nickie," Dani laughed. "Now are you going to stand there or are you going to come give me a hug?"


Nick left shortly after. Blair and Kevin had come and gone too, leaving Joe to lay in my bed with me. We were both lying on our backs, our arms extended in front of us, just messing around. "Joe," I whispered.


"I'm scared." My voice was low.

He put his hands down, turning on his side to look at me. He pushed my bangs out of my face with one hand to see my eyes better. "Of what Dani?"

"Having this baby," I said.

He leaned over, kissing me. His lips lingered on mine, sending shocks throughout my body. So this was what Kevin had said would be the worth it parts. He pulled away much too soon. "Dani, please don't be scared. I don't want you to be scared. I promise. I'm going to be her with you every step of the way."

"But I have my career, and you have your band," I sighed. "And my fans. I'm letting everyone down."

"Dani," he kissed me again. "True fans will stay with you till the end. And the other ones," he shrugged. "You don't need those."

I sighed. I knew he was right. But it didn't quell my fear. "Excuse me," a voice pulled us out of our own little world. A world where everything was perfect and I wasn't pregnant. We both looked up to see the doctor. "Miss Touchstone? Is this the father?"

"Yes," Joe said. "I am the father."

"Okay," the doctor nodded. "Now as your sister so … kindly told me," he winced. "Your pregnancy is to be kept a secret."

I couldn't help but laugh. Joe laughed too. "Blair can be very . . . forceful when it comes to Dani."

"I've noticed," the doctor mumbled. "So, I did all the tests personally. Some of these nurses have daughters who are huge fans, and who knows what could get out."

"Thank you doctor," I said. "So – how am I?"

"Well," he looked at his clipboard again. "As I told you before, it was a mild panic attack, nothing to worry about for a normal person. However, you are not normal. Many panic attacks could potentially be bad for the baby. And with your hectic life, I'm sure you have enough stress and problems to cause quite a few panic attacks."

I nodded, understanding. My life was really stressful at times. "So what do you suggest doctor?"

"Basically? No stress. At all. You shouldn't put yourself in situations where you could even potentially be stressed. I'm sure I can trust Mr. Jonas here to make sure of that," he looked at Joe.

"Of course," Joe said right away. He turned. "Guess you'll have to get your way even more," he smirked at me. I laughed swatting him.

"Oh thank God she's finally awake," Denise ran into the room. Paul and the boys followed her in. "Danielle honey, how are you feeling?"

The doctor looked incredulous at the amount of people coming in. He started panicking when he saw Blair. I laughed again. Apparently, Blair had a knack for threatening people. "I'm okay Denise."

"Good," she smiled at me before turning to the doctor. "They have the teen choice awards tomorrow night. Is it possible for her to go? Or will she have to stay here longer?"

"What," I yelled. "No! I have to go! I'm performing and presenting an award, and the way we are won again and I won a few, and doctor! This is very stressful!"

"She can go," the doctor looked at Blair before answering. "Just as long as she isn't too stressed beforehand. And she shouldn't experience any stress while there, so no stressful situations, which includes, people, awards, or whatever."

I waved that off. "No problem doc. That just means I have to avoid Tinsley, Miley, Selena, and now apparently Demi cause she was being all cold to me at the Disney jam concert thing in Penn's landing last time I saw her. I guess that's to be expected though, cause she is best friends with Selena. Oh and then there's all the people who were at Joe's party. They'll probably ask why we're back together. And uh – what if I don't win, and –"

Joe laughed, putting his hand on mine. "Dani, babe, I'll be there with you every second. No stress, promise."

"Yeah Dani," Nick said. "And there's no way you won't win."

"If she promises no stress," the doctor continued. "She can be discharged today."

"Yay Dani," Joe screamed, hugging me. The doctor threw another incredulous look at him. Joe ignored him. "You can come home today!"

"Yay," I yelled too, grinning.

"Just remember," the doctor said. "Don't put yourself in stressful situations. And upon request for secrecy I presume, I will be your doctor during your pregnancy. Call me if you're feeling panicked again."

I nodded, anxious for him to leave so we could go. Joe squeezed my hand. I wanted to go home so badly. This hospital scene was too pregnancy reminding for me. The sooner I got in my own bed the better, and the sooner I could pretend there wasn't a life growing in me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I originally had another plan for this chapter that I was excited for.
But I decided to change it and hold off for it until the next one.
Anyways, this chapter was okay.
Feedback and comments please =]