We Couldn't Change It If We Tried

Everything I Knew

"Oh my God, I'm already getting fat," I whined as we climbed into the car to head to the Teen Choice Awards.

"Dani, it's been one day," Nick rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Nicholas," I glared at him. "People are going to know. Know what the next US Weekly front-page headline will be? Danielle Touchstone: Pregnant or Just Getting Fat?"

Joe laughed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Dani, you're not getting fat. You're still as skinny as ever. Now relax. No stress, remember?"

"Easy for you to say," I mumbled. "You're still as toned as ever. More so actually." I touched his muscles. Have you been working out even more?"

"I went to the gym this morning," he said. "I figure that I'll lose muscle mass in my arms if I just run. Like," he asked, flexing his arms.

"Yeah," I laughed as Nick rolled his eyes and mumbled, "Show off."

"Okay guys," Kevin said. "You guys ready? Dani?" They all looked at me, seeing as I was the only pregnant girl right now.

"I'm ready," I rolled my eyes. "We've done this a million times."

"Yeah but you've never had to pretend not to be pregnant," Kevin smiled comfortingly.

"I'm an actress Kevin," I pretended to do a diva pose. They all laughed. "I can do this. Let's go."

"And so it was written," Joe jumped out of the car, leaning in to offer me his hand. "Milady?"

I giggled. "Thank you kind sir." I took his hand as he helped me out. Immediately, we were bombarded with the flashing of cameras. It dawned on me that this would be the first time that Joe and I would be seen as a couple again. He still had my hand as we walked down the red carpet.

We were stopped by MTV. "Hey Vanessa," we all hugged her.

"Hey guys," she said. "So Dani and Joe? Back together?"

"Yup," I grinned as Joe wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"So cute," she cooed. "So Dani, how do you feel about this feud you've been rumored to have with rising star Tinsley Carmichael?"

I knew about all the stuff Tinsley had been subtly saying about me in interviews. My publicist called every time she heard. But almost all of it was untrue. The only thing she even got remotely right was that Joe had cheated on me, and that it was my fault. In my many years in this business, I had learned to ignore this stuff. Fighting back made you look bad in the public eye. Joe's arm tightened around me, telling me not to get stressed by this. I just shrugged. "There is no feud. I have no problem with Tinsley, except that she tried to steal my boyfriend." Again, Joe's grip tightened around me. "But obviously, it didn't work. Joe and I are together again, so I don't even care anymore."

"So it's not true that you tried to damage her career after your breakup with Joe," Vanessa asked.

"Definitely not," I laughed. "Tinsley's a good singer, and I hope she achieves all her dreams."

Vanessa turned back to the camera. "You heard it here first. Dani will not be fighting back." She turned back to me. "Now Dani, what does Tinsley need to say to actually make you mad enough to retaliate?"

"Honestly," I grinned. "Nothing. All this drama Tinsley's creating is going to hurt her in itself. I don't really need to do anything but sit back and watch."

"But what of the world's opinion of you," she asked. "What if your fans start to believe the stuff she says?"

I shrugged. "True fans would know I'm nothing like the things she says."

We moved on then, wanting to escape before she asked about specific rumors – like the one where Tinsley told people magazine that Joe and I broke his vow, which wasn't exactly untrue, but it would lead to unnecessary questions.

We finally got in, finding our seats fairly easily. We were on the couch next to the one with Vanessa and Zac, and an actress named Diana, who wasn't here yet. I seriously loved her. I asked Joe to remind me to get her autograph. Then of course, our couch held us, Big Rob, and Demi, Selena, and Tinsley. Joy, I thought. This would be a fun evening.

And of course, somehow, I was placed next to them because the boys would have to get up first for their part, and then Selena was placed closest to me. Even more fun. "Hi," she smiled at me. Demi just crossed her arms in front of her next to Selena, a mad look on her face.

"Hey," I said.

"So – you and Joe are back together," she asked.

I looked right at Tinsley, who was looking kind of timidly at Vanessa; subconsciously recoiling from the unseen by me slap she had received at Joe's part. "Yes, Joe and I are back together. Thanks for asking."

"Good. I'm glad. You guys are perfect for each other," Selena smiled. I gawked at her. Her smiled and tone seemed genuine. What was she trying to do now? I tightened my grip on Joe's hand as anxiety flowed through me.

His lips were on my head. "Relax," he whispered in my ear.

I nodded. "Thanks," I said to Selena.

"You guys were nominated for best couple right," she asked. "I mean besides best team up for way we are?"

"Um yeah," I said. Did this have something to do with her plan?

"I really hope you win," she smiled.

Was she trying to drive me insane? "Really," I asked. I had to know.

"Yes," she said. Demi huffed next to her. "I mean it Dani. You're one of my best friends. And I feel horrible for what happened."

"You should," Vanessa called out from the couch over. I smiled at her.

"I do," Selena said quietly. "And well – I guess what I'm trying to say is. . . can we just forget about this whole thing?"

"Like you forgot about it last time," Vanessa was suddenly sitting on my lap, glaring at Selena.

"Vanessa," I said, trying to stop her. I turned back to Selena. "No more tricks?"

"I swear on – the crazy, funky hat dance from Wizards of Waverly Place," she put her right hand up. "And you know how crazy I am about that dance."

I laughed. "Okay Selena. We can try this."

"Great," she hugged me. Demi scoffed. Selena sighed, obviously ignoring her, before smiling at me. "The show is starting soon."

"Miley's the host right," Vanessa asked, still on my lap.

"Yeah," I said, rolling my eyes. "Joy."

They all laughed. "I should get back to my couch," Vanessa said, getting off me.

"My legs," I pretended to get feeling back in them.

She glared at me playfully. "Okay Miss Gut."

I gawked at her before turning to Joe, tears already in my eyes. "You said I wasn't getting fat yet," I whispered.

"You aren't," he promised.

Unfortunately, Vanessa was close enough to hear all of this, including my choice of the word yet. Her mouth widened as it all registered in her eyes. She looked from Joe to me to his hand, then to mine. Then she went back to her seat silently, though not before giving me a look saying we'd talk later.

"Hi," a girl said, walking to us. "I'm Di—"

"Diana," I half shouted. "I freaking love you." I jumped up, hugging her.

She seemed kind of scared by the way she froze up. "Um thanks," she said as I pulled away. "You're Danielle Touchstone, right? I love your music."

"Thanks," I grinned. I turned to Joe. "Diana loves my music." She nudged him. He laughed. "This is my boyfriend Joe, and his brothers Nick and Kevin. And that's their bodyguard Big Rob."

"The Jonas Brothers right," she asked, looking at each of them before her eyes rested on Nick. I noticed that she smiled. Something flipped in my stomach. What the hell was that? Why would my stomach flip because she smiled at Nick. "I love you guys."

"You're an amazing actress," Nick said, smiling back.

"Aw thanks," she smiled. "So I guess I'm in this couch." She sat on the edge, right next to where Nick sat on our couch.

"So Diana," Joe said, obviously seeing the connection between his brother and this new girl too. "We should all hang out some time."

"Definitely," she was still staring at Nick.


His soft lips met mine as he lightly pressed me against the sofa, leaning over me. His dog tag hung over me as he smiled at me. "I love you Dani," he said as he kissed my neck.

My hands wrapped around his neck, getting tangled in his curls as I pulled him closer to me. "I love you too Nick," I whispered, kissing him.

I jerked awake. What the hell was that? Why was I dreaming about Nick Jonas?
♠ ♠ ♠
Muaha. Bet you weren't expecting that huh?
Well as I said, I got an idea when I was camping.
This one isn't that great
But it shall be portrayed in the next few chapters
So hopefully, it'll get better =]
Oh and the actress Diana from the story is staticntheatticc.
But yeah so comments please.
And feedback would be awesome =]