We Couldn't Change It If We Tried


"Hey Joey," I said as he massaged my shoulders. With all this extra weight, that Joe still denied I had, it had been hard not being sore everyday.

"Yeah babe," he asked, leaning down to lightly kiss my neck.

"I'm sitting right here you know," Nick made a gagging sound. "This is the living room. You could do that in Joe's room, where the rest of us don't have to watch it."

"Go call Diana," I suggested, smirking at him. Ever since the dreams of Nick had stopped, it had made me like Diana even more. She really was perfect for Nick. Where he was shy, she definitely wasn't. She was weird – in a cool way. But man, apparently, she talked a lot, because Nick was always on the phone with her. But she seemed to really make him happy.

Nick glared at me as he left the room, leaving us alone. Joe leaned me back onto the coach, lying down with me. His lips were on my neck. "So what did you have to tell me," he whispered against my neck.

Chills went through my body. "I – I was thinking about this whole publicity thing with the pregnancy."

He pulled away to look at me. "What about it?"

I gulped. His eyes were staring into mine, mesmerizing me. "I – I think it wouldn't be so bad if we told."

He looked at me for a second, a million emotions playing across his face. Finally, a huge grin broke out on his lips. "Really," he asked.

I laughed. "Really."

He kissed me, pure joy radiating from his face. He was literally glowing. "This is great," he said. "It'll be perfect." I laughed at his enthusiasm. It was too cute. "We should tell everyone at the TRL show when Kevin tells everyone about Blair –"

My face went snow white at this. Did we have to tell so soon? I mean, sure I was all for telling the world a few seconds ago, but that was when I thought we could wait a while – like a few months a while. "Dani," he put his hand on my cheek, which was now shaking. "Babe, are you okay? Danielle?"

I shook my head, trying to get out of the daze. "Um Joe? Can we hold off on the news for just a bit?"

"But if we're going to tell," he said. "Shouldn't it just be one big story rather than two? I mean one big shock like with my parents instead of two little ones which could turn out bad."

Damn, he was really excited about telling everyone about the pregnancy. I could hear it in his voice. "I know Joe," I said quietly. "I'm just – not completely ready yet."

"Okay," he said. "We can wait." He kissed me again.


"Welcome back to TRL," Lyndsey Rodrigues said as we waved to the people standing outside. "It's our first day of Jonas Fan week here on TRL, so please say hello to the Jonas Brothers."

We walked back over. "Thank you," Kevin laughed.

"Hey guys," Nick said.

"What's up TRL," I shouted at the camera. Nick rolled his eyes at me, as he and Kevin smirked.

"So thanks for coming on today," Damien said. "Man it has been crazy here all weekend. Fans have actually been camping out outside since Friday."

"We have the greatest fans ever," Kevin said.

"And now you have your CD out, correct," Lyndsey asked.

"Yes and we are so excited," Kevin said.

"And we really hope you all like it," I added. "Whoo!"

Lyndsey laughed. "Well, why don't we put up the track list and we'll point to a song and you can tell us about it. Sound good?"

"Yeah," Kevin said. "Let's do this."

"Bring it," I said.

"So Video Girl," she pointed to the last track on the CD. "What's that one about?"

"Basically that's about everything we don't like in a girl," Nick said.

"You don't like," she repeated. "Okay, so why don't we go around and you can each tell us what bothers you most."

We all looked at each other, wondering who should go first. "I'll start," Nick said. "Being good to our mom, that's a must."

"Nagging definitely," Kevin said.

"And you Joe," they asked me.

I thought about it for a second. "I think the most annoying thing is like what Kevin said with nagging. It's like when they whine, it's like go away."

Lyndsey laughed. "Alright girls, so the way to these boys hearts. Be good to mom, don't nag and don't whine. Easy enough right? Now next one, what about lovebug?"

"Love bug is actually about when you're at a party and there's so much noise but you just want to get close to the one you're singing about," Nick answered.

"Okay," she giggled. "Now when's the last time you guys were bit by the love bug?"

We all looked at each other again, trying to think of a way to avert this question. I wanted to say when Dani told me she wanted to go public with the pregnancy. That had been so amazing. I'm not too good with keeping my mouth shut so having the freedom to tell the world how happy I was right now was the best feeling in the world. But she wasn't ready. And though it didn't make a difference if it was today or next week or even next month, I was still really excited. Kevin nodded, telling us he's start. I held my breath. This was the moment he'd been waiting for – the moment I wish I could have too.

"Um I'd have to say when I found out my girlfriend Blair was pregnant," he said. Everyone on the audience gasped. Nick and I nodded at him encouragingly when he looked at us, his face kind of nervous.

"Wait, isn't that Dani's sister," Damien asked. "And she's now pregnant?"

Kevin nodded. "She's almost a month along the way now."

"Okay then," Lyndsey said, being the first to recover as everyone stared at him. I knew everyone was shocked and probably disappointed. I mean we had all taken the vow. "Well congratulations Kevin. So what about you guys? Love bugs any time recently?"

Nick quickly tried to get the attention off of Kevin. "Um I was recently when I met Diana, the actress."

"So are the rumors about you two dating true," Damien asked, obviously trying to move away from the awkwardness as the audience continued to stare at Kevin, their mouths open.

"Not yet," Nick chuckled. "But it's definitely a possibility in the future."

He looked at me to help. "Um I was – well am everyday," I said. "Dani is so amazing and I really love her."

"Aww how cute," Lyndsey said. "You guys are so amazing together. Last time you guys were here, she was with you. And seriously, I have never seen a more match made in heaven couple than you two."

I grinned. "When I saw you guys at the Teen Choice awards, you guys couldn't keep your hands off of each other," Damien added.

"It does seem like they fall more in love all the time," Lyndsey nodded.

"It gets annoying for us though," Nick grumbled. "They're so lovey-dovey all the time, and somehow I'm always there." He shuddered, smirking. I laughed, punching him playfully. "They're both so immature sometimes though," he continued. "So they make such a good couple."

"I am not immature," I stuck my tongue out at him. "And if you don't like it, you can just close your eyes."

"I wish I could gauge my eyes out," he mumbled.

"How would you then see Diana," I smirked.

He glared at me as everyone laughed. The attention was away from Kevin thankfully . . . for now.


"That wasn't too bad," Nick said as Big Rob closed the door of the car.

We were finally done. The whole show had turned awkward after the whole Blair's pregnant thing. Kevin just sat there, staring out the window. I felt really bad – for him and for me. For him because things were obviously going to get hard now, and for me, because I'd be in the same position once Dani was ready.

Now I'm speechless, over the edge. I'm just breathless. I never thought that I'd catch this love bug again.

We all looked around, wondering which of us was corny enough to have our own song as their ringtone. Big Rob picked up his phone. We all started cracking up as he talked into it. "What," he demanded.

"Dude, that's your ringtone," I asked, clapping him on his back.

He glared at me. "Yes, and?"

I took my hand away. "Nothing," I said, scared as Nick laughed at me.

Big Rob turned back to his conversation on the phone. "Alright, I'll tell them. Talk to you later man."

"What," I asked leaning forward.

"Nice Joe," Nick rolled his eyes. "You don't even know it's supposed to be us."

"It is," Big Rob said so I stuck my tongue out at Nick. "That was your publicist. It's the response to Kevin's statement." We all froze, staring at him. He sighed. "People don't like it – your fans mostly don't. But they don't blame you. They're blaming Blair. They're saying she trapped you."

And I swear, the temperature in the car dropped like a million degrees as all our mouths dropped opened.


"And we are back on PST. I am Chris Rollins and we are sitting here with the infamous, talented, and extremely hot Danielle Touchstone," Chris said. "So Dani. How about a cup of coffee later? Maybe some ice cream?"

I laughed. "Thanks Chris. I'm flattered. But Joe might get mad if I go out with you."

"Ah yes The Jonas Brothers," he said. "Well at least I didn't get rejected for Michael Jackson or something. So their CD just came out. What's your favorite song on there?"

"I'd have to say Love bug," I said. "It's so amazingly sweet and I love it. And I think love is when no matter how much you work and how tired you get at your job, when you see or hear that person you love, they are all you are aware of – all you want to be aware of. Like in Love bug, when you're somewhere where there is tons of people the only person you want to be see and be near is the one you're singing about. I think that's partly why I love that song so much."

"Love bug," he repeated. "Well that's love acoording to Danielle Touchstone. I'm sure guys and girls everywhere of all ages are rushing to remember that." He laughed. "I'd have to say that was my favorite song by them too. This has to be proof that you should just leave Joe and go out with me right now."

I laughed. Chris was always flirting with me when I came on here. I decided to mess with him. "Okay, let's go."

"Really," he smirked. "And your Joseph?"

I laughed again, smirking. "Who said Joe has to find out?"

He laughed this time. "Dani, love, as amazing as you are, I know you're not naïve enough to think he wouldn't find out. Everything comes out eventually." His tone was suddenly a bit serious and suggestive.

I gulped. What was he trying to imply? If he knew anything about my … predicament, wasn't there some interview rule not to make the interviewee uncomfortable if you wanted them to come back? And PST was always calling me for interviews … there had to be something that would stop him from mentioning it. If he knew, that is. I might have just been being extra paranoid, as per usual. "That is true. Sorry stud, but our little runaway doesn't seem too possible anymore," I laughed, trying to turn this back into a joke.

"Dang it," he snapped his fingers in fake frustration, smirking at me. "So speaking of things coming out, the news of your sister is everywhere."

I wanted to smack myself in the head. Kevin was going to announce her pregnancy on TRL today. I totally forgot! This was about Blair not me. "Yeah. She's terrified of course, but Kevin's a really great guy so I know it's going to be okay."

"Didn't all the Jonas Brothers take a purity vow," he asked. "And now he's clearly broken it. What's your response to that?"

I sighed. "Well, breaking the vow was wrong on both their parts, but it was a mistake. And now at least they're both taking responsibility for it. And I know they aren't married, but they're in love."

"So what's your response to all the fans and people out there right now saying that your sister trapped him. I mean he is a Jonas Brother. One fan even went as far as saying she just wanted fame and money."

"Trapped him," I repeated, angry. But scared too. Everything was obviously being pinned on Blair. When Joe and I went open with our secret, would people be the same way with me? "Blair isn't that kind of person. And Kevin and Blair are so in love. Besides, Blair wouldn't need to trap him for either of those. She's more than my sister; she's my mother in almost every sense of the word. And everything that's mine is hers. She has all the money I have. And Blair hates the famed life. She prefers to be behind the scenes as my manager."

Obviously noticing my tone, Chris started asking me about other stuff, not touching on Blair for the rest of the interview. But I couldn't get my mind off of it. There was no way we could come out now. People obviously didn't like the fact that Kevin had broken his vow and was now tied down. I could only imagine the response with Joe – what with all the videos and stories and even signs at their concerts that told him to dumb me everyday. But then there were just as many fans, on both our sides, that had the same things telling us they loved us together. If people found out about our pregnancy, would I lose all my fans? Would people start to hate me? To hate Joe? I think the last part was the worst.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this chapter was okay...
Comments and feedback please =]
Hope you guys liked the chapter
I love this song!
It's on of my favorites on the new album!
And wow this sequel already has more comments than
we could change the world!
and it doesn't even have half as many chapter yet XD
i can't believe it!
Thank you guys so much!