We Couldn't Change It If We Tried

Three Small Words

"What about this one," I asked, holding up an XXL dress. I didn't even know they made dresses this big. And here I was shopping for one.

"Dani," he sighed, rolling his eyes. "That's way too big."

"Are you kidding me," I snapped. "I'll be lucky if this fits me."

He laughed. "So, when do you think we'll tell people?"

I sighed. I hadn't told him my new fears of coming out with our pregnancy. Blair's treatment had gotten worse over the week. Fans were tearing her down left and right, saying she was some Jonas trapping hussy. Kevin had been – scary for the last week. The usually romantic, wise older brother seemed on the edge every time I talked to him. He barely went out anymore, staying with Blair. And one of the few times he had, he almost punched a reporter in the face for asking if Blair had trapped him. Luckily, Big Rob had been able to restrain Kevin. "I – don't know Joe. It doesn't seem like the right time, what with Blair and everything."

He nodded, understanding. Blair had been a wreck for the last week. She had even contemplated getting an abortion so that people would stop saying stuff. Kevin, of course, was against this. And Blair quickly saw her mistake. Joe wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead. "We can wait."

I sighed, burying my head into his chest. The dress was still I my hands, a reminder of the burden I would eventually have to come into the open with. "How about we wait a few months," I mumbled quietly.

He pulled back. "Dani, I thought you were happy with the – you know, now."

"I am," I said. "I'm just – scared."

He nodded, hugging me again. "It'll be okay Dani. I'm right here with you. I love you."

"I know," I said. It was the only thing keeping me going. "I love you too."


"Sup my brothers," I said as I came down the stairs.

"Oh shit, he's coming," I heard Nick say in the kitchen.

"Nick," my mom's warning tone came.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "Hurry, Nick, hide it before he comes –" I came into the kitchen. "Hey Joe."

"What's hanging bro," Kevin said, putting something behind his back.

"What's behind your back Kevin," I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Behind my back," he turned his head to look. "Nothing."

"Look sweetie," my mom said, her voice diverting. "I made you chocolate chip waffles."

"Okay, what's going on," I said. The chocolate chip waffles only came out when something bad happened and my mom was trying to ease the blow.

"Nothing honey," my mom smiled at me. "Yum, waffles."

"Nice try mother," I rolled my eyes. "What are you guys hiding?" I reached behind Kevin's back, but he quickly threw the object to my mom. "What is it?" I tried to take it.

"I'm open," Nick said. My mom threw it to Frankie, with all good reason. "No one ever passes it to me." I jumped at Frankie, who panicked throwing it to Nick.

I quickly grabbed it out of Nick's hands. "And that's why," Kevin mumbled as they all sat at the kitchen table, defeated. Nick stuck his tongue out at him while I opened up the – newspaper? Why were they hiding a newspaper? And then I saw, my mouth dropping open, my jaw practically on the ground. The front page had two pictures of Dani and me. In the first one, she was holding up that huge dress to show me. And in the second one, I was hugging her. The headlines read: Two new Jonas Babies in the Touchstone future?

"What – what is this," I asked, looking to the people in the kitchen. "How did they – what the – oh man! If Dani sees this, she'll –"

"Morning guys," Dani said, coming into the kitchen.

"Morning babe," I threw the paper behind my back over the islander. She didn't seem to see as everyone else mumbled their greetings. I hugged her. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah," she said. She turned to my mom. "Hey Denise, can I see the tape measurer? I think I'm getting rounder."

"S-s-sure," my mom stammered. "It's – in the, um, in the drawer near the um, the sink." I threw a helpless look at her. If she went near the sink, it would be on the other side of the islander, and thus in clear view of the newspaper. "Actually, Dani honey, why don't you sit, I'll get it for you. I'm sure you're still tired, what with the pregnancy and everything. And of course, we'll have to do everything soon anyway. Good practice, huh?"

Dani made a face. "Thanks Denise. But I'm going to stay as active as I can. Maybe I can keep the baby fat to a minimum. You sit, I'll get it." She started towards the sink.

I quickly jumped in front of her. "Hey Dani, I um, I was wondering if I told you I loved you today. As the mother of my child and the love of my life, I think I should do that more often. Don't you? So here goes. Danielle Marie Touchstone, I love you." I kissed her, throwing my arms around her. My mom and my brothers all cooed purposely. Hugging her, I saw Nick make a gagging gesture and Kevin smack him across the head. I tried not to laugh and give myself away as trying to distract her.

"I love you too Joseph Adam Jonas," she pulled away. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to see how fat I've gotten."

"But baby, you've barely gained a pound," I tried to keep her from moving. I looked at my family for help. I saw Kevin push Frankie forward.

She laughed. "Baby," she mocked me subtly. "I've gained like 10 pounds. I want to see how round I've gotten. Move Joe."

"Um Dani," Frankie came up to her.

"Yes Frank the Tank," she stopped to look at him. "Why have you gotten so fat?"

I smacked my head as Dani's mouth dropped. My mom and Kevin were shaking their heads, and Nick was laughing. She turned to look at me, glaring. "Told you I was fat." She started walking again.

I tried to hug her again, but she ducked under my arm, escaping to the other side of the islander. "Hey what's this," she bent down. Oh crap. She picked it up, putting it on the islander as she looked through it. Maybe she wouldn't see it, I hoped. "Anything interesting? Hey look, Jennifer Aniston's backyard wedding ceremony. Aww poor Christina Applegate. Cancer at 36? I feel so – what the hell?" Okay, so she saw something she didn't like. Didn't necessarily mean it was –. "Two Jonas Babies in the Touchstone Future? How the – what – but. No!"

"Dani, baby," I walked over to her, putting my arms around her to calm her. I gently led her to the table to sit before she had a panic attack. "They don't know anything for sure. They're just making assumptions."

"But they're right," she said. "And they're going to see my round stomach and they'll know for sure."

Nick grabbed the paper, skimming it real fast. "But Dani, is that really a bad thing? Look, they have fan comments and a lot of them say they wouldn't mind if you were pregnant with Joe's kid."

She glared at him. "Like they didn't care with Blair?" We all saw Kevin wince at that. "Maybe we should juts hide me away until I've had the baby and then pretend we adopted." We all stared at her, wondering if she was serious. "I'm kidding guys," she rolled her eyes. "I know the baby would have too many similarities to his hot daddy to make that feasible."

"His," I asked.

Dani shrugged. "Whenever I imagine the baby, I see a little boy."

I smiled, hugging her. The panic attack seemed averted. "So, you okay," I asked.

She sighed. "I don't know. I know there's no point in getting worked up, but --. Can we just not tell anyone yet?"

As excited as I was to tell the world, I nodded. Dani did not need stress right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it was so short and well -- stupid :(
Next one will be longer and better = ]
Anyways comments please.