We Couldn't Change It If We Tried

Shadow Of The Day

"Are you sure you don't want to come," Joe asked again as Denise put more pancakes onto my plate.

"I'm positive," I rolled my eyes, putting mayonnaise on my pancakes.

"That is so gross," Nick said, watching me,

I stuck my tongue out at him. "You try being pregnant."

Denise laughed. "Don't worry honey, the cravings will go away eventually."

"When," I groaned. I had been eating the grossest things for the last few weeks. "I mean, okay this isn't as bad as the dirt and crushed ice I wanted the other day, but still. Mayo and pancakes?"

"I had to hide all the houseplants," Joe added. "That was weird."

"Shut up," I smacked him. "It's not my fault. It's this damn baby. But you got to admit. Some of the stuff is good. Joe, you said you liked the grilled cheese with strawberry jam."

"That one was actually not bad," he admitted as I thought about how I could actually go for one now. Nick just threw a disgusted look at us.

"Hey guys. I'm back from Blair's," Kevin came into the kitchen. "We have to leave for the interview soon." He looked at my plate and smirked. "Cravings again Dani?"

"Yes Kevy," I rolled my eyes. "How's Blair? Her cravings this bad?"

He nodded. "She was actually trying to eat the dry wall when I got there."

I shuddered. I'd heard of the people who ate baby powder and dry wall. Even with the pregnancy, I couldn't imagine that. Luckily, my cravings weren't that bad. "So when will you guys be home?"

"Well we have the 3D movie filming afterwards," Kevin said.

Joe took my hand. "Do you want to come to that?"

I shook my head. "I'll just see you guys later."

Joe sighed. "Than why don't we go out tonight?"

I thought about it. I knew I'd become such a bore recently, especially after the newspaper. As I continued to get bigger, the more and more evident it was that I had a baby in the oven. Joe would always want to do something with me – just to spend time with me alone. Ad a lot of the time, I'd refuse, not wanting to go into the public. I'd been secluded in the Jonas house for a while now. "Okay," I said, seeing Joe's hopeful face, It lit up and he leaned over to kiss me.

"It'll be fun," he said. "You'll see. We'll go eat or something."

"Food is a good plan," I mumbled, digging into my pancakes. And of course, they all laughed at me.

They left soon after that, leaving me to eat my disgusting pancakes in peace. Denise went to take Frankie to baseball practice. The doorbell rang. When I answered it, no one was there, but there was a bouquet of flowers with a note. I looked around, trying to see if I could see who left this. No one was in site. I picked up the stuff and went back into the house. Putting the flowers in water, I turned to the note.


When I see you my eyes shine,
Like the sun ever blazing,
Like a man seeing the light for the first time,
Your hold on me will always last.

I feel love for you,
One day you will be mine,
As the sky is always blue,
One day I will have you forever.

Your voice is that of an angel,
Your face echoes in my dreams,
Now you're screaming in hell,
But one day you will be free with me.

Your Rescuer

What the hell? What did this mean?


"And we are back with the Jonas Brothers," Ellen said as we all hugged her. "Welcome back boys."

"Thanks for having us," Kevin said.

"Anytime, anything," she waved it off. "So, Nick, Joe, and Kevin."

"Ellen," Nick said.

She laughed. "Yes, I am Ellen. Now Kevin. Your girlfriend's the one that's pregnant, correct?"

"Yes," Kevin said. "Blair is 2 months pregnant at the moment."

"The fan's response to that had been crazy," Ellen said. "What are your thoughts on that?"

"I think, personally," Kevin said. "That if fans think Blair actually trapped me, then they don't know me, and they aren't true fans. True fans would be happy that I'm happy, because I truly am."

"What about the brothers," Ellen asked. "How do you feel about the pregnancy?"

"Frankly," Nick said. "We couldn't be happier. It's about time we brought another Jonas into the family. And besides, Kevin's happy."

"Yeah," I said. "As long as he's happy, we don't think anything else should matter."

"So what's it been like for your family," she asked.

"Crazy," we all said at the same time.

"Every thing's hectic right now," Kevin elaborated.

"And with the tour with Demi Lovato coming up, we're just rushing around a lot," Nick added.

"Plus," I added. "It's crazy having a pregnant person in the house." Okay, so I was talking more about Dani, since she was the one at our house. Blair stayed at her apartment. "The cravings in themselves are enough to drive me crazy." All three of us laughed at Dani's pancakes and mayo memory from this morning. I really hoped she was watching right now. I bet she'd be throwing stuff, saying it was the 'damn baby'.

"In the house," Ellen asked. "Doesn't Blair stay in her apartment?"

Crap. "Uh yeah," Kevin said quickly. "But she's at our house a lot."

"Oh," Ellen laughed. "So Joe. The rumors about Dani seem to be growing. Is there truth to them? Can we expect two baby Jonases soon?"

"They're not true," I said. "Dani was buying clothes for Blair, and some magazine got pictures of it."

"How are things with you guys," she asked.

"Great," I answered. "We're really at the best we've ever been."

"It gets sick sometimes," Nick added. I stuck my tongue out at him and he smirked.

"Seriously," Ellen said. "I've had her on the show a few times too, and I have never seen two people more made for each other. You guys are exactly alike."

"Yeah, they're both like little kids," Nick said.

"Hey, we've gotten responsible," I said without thinking. "We've had to, what with the ba—" I stopped as I saw Nick and Kevin's horror struck faces. Ellen's mouth was wide open as she stared at me. Oh crap! I really hoped she wasn't watching.


"Dani's going to kill you," Nick said.

"That's if she finds out," I said.

"Joseph," Kevin sighed. "You just told the world she's pregnant on television. She was probably watching it."

"No she wasn't," I said confidently. "I texted mom. After she got back with Frankie from his baseball practice, she took Dani shopping, which was while our show was on, which means she doesn't know yet."

"Doesn't mean she doesn't know," Kevin pointed out. "Even if she doesn't know you told, she's going to know the secret's out."

"You guys – you can't tell her that I told," I begged. "Please?"

"She's going to find out eventually," Nick said. "And then she'll kill you."

"Please guys," I asked again. They both sighed and nodded. "So who wants to stop and get some DVDs on the way home?"

"Why DVDs," Nick asked.

"We need to be using all the TVs before our date. And General Hospital comes at 3. And you know how much she loves watching that and how many news commercials come on during it."

"DVDs it is then," Kevin said as we got into the car.


"I love this place," Dani said as we walked into Applebee's.

"Me too," I said as we walked to the hostess. "Two please, Jonas." She gasped, hurrying to write down our names, a huge smile on her face. She looked at Dani, and then her stomach. Dani was too busy looking around to notice this, but I did.

"Right this way," she said, ignoring the people waiting. She sat us down at a table where the TV was in clear view. Crap, I thought. All the day's hard work in hiding it could go down the drain right now.

"Um, could we sit somewhere where there's no TV on," I asked.

"The World Cup's on tonight," the waitress said. "Every TV is on."

I sighed. "Thank you anyway." I pulled the seat out for Dani. Then, sitting down, I tried to divert her attention from the TVs.

"Is it just me or is everyone staring at us weirdly," she whispered, leaning forward. "And I mean even weirdly than the usual oh man celebrities 1 o'clock stares."

I looked around, noticing that everyone was staring at us. Oh crap. News traveled fast. "Let's just try to ignore it," I suggested, hoping she'd forget it for now.

For a moment, I thought she would argue, but then she nodded. I let out a sigh of relief. "So I'm really glad we came out tonight," she said, looking at the menu. "I feel like we haven't done anything in forever."

"I know," I said. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," she smiled at me as I took her hand across the table.

Hey, everyone screamed as someone hit a home run on the TV. Dani looked at the TV. "Who's playing," she asked.

"Um, the Mets and the Phillies I think," I said. Crap. I needed to get her attention away from the TV. "So, have you written any songs lately?"

"A few," she said absent-minded, still looking at the TV. And we'll be right back after these messages from our sponsors. She turned back to face me, her full attention on me. "With not leaving your house, I have tons of time. Nick's helped me a lot too with the music and a few lyrics. Frankie too." She smiled.

Danielle Touchstone and Joseph Jonas are expecting a baby, says Joe in his Ellen interview, the TV said.

The whole restaurant turned cold as Dani whirled around to face the TV. The clip from the interview where I put my foot in my mouth played. When it was over, the whole restaurant was quiet as she turned back to face me. "Anything you want to tell me Joe?"

"Um," I said. "I kind of let it slip about the pregnancy at our Ellen interview today."

"What. The. Hell. Joe," she said slowly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to upset you," I said.

Her voice rose. "And you thought me finding out like this wouldn't upset me? Good one McGenius."

"I'm sorry," I said, knowing I had been stupid beyond belief twice.

"Save it," she rose from the table. "Just take me home."

I nodded, leaving money on the table and following her out. The car was just as silent. As I was driving, she said, "You should have told me." Her voice was low.

"I know," I said. "I'm sorry. I was just – trying to protect you."

"I need to know stuff like this Joe," she looked at me.

"I know that now," I said, turning to look at her. "I'm really sorry Dani."

"I am too," she said quietly. Then she screamed, "Joe, look out!"

The car crashed into us before I could do anything. "I love you," I said as everything went black.


Beep. . . beep. . . beep. "Dani," I screamed, my eyes flying open.

"Easy honey," my mom put her hands on my shoulders, calming me. "She's alright. She's fine." There were tears in her eyes.

"The baby," I asked. She looked away. No, I thought. The baby. "Mom, the baby?"

"They – they don't know yet," she broke down on my bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
BAM! Surprised, huh?
So i decided to put another chapter out today =]
I actually liked this chapter.
comments/feedback/banners please people.
More on psycho fan later =]