We Couldn't Change It If We Tried

Take Me Away

"I am not going," I said firmly, crossing my arms in front of my chest. I had been home for two weeks now, and Joe actually expected me to go to an interview now. I mean honestly? I had a freaking cast on my leg and a sling on my arm. I looked like complete crap, I had gained like 20 pounds, and the baby was clearly there as my stomach grew rounder. No way was I going to an interview like this.

"Come on babe," he wrapped his arm around me, kissing the back of my neck softly. "They've been begging us for so long. And you really have to get back out there."

"Back out there when I look decently presentable," I rolled my eyes. "Not like this."

"Well I think you look beautiful," he smiled at me.

I smiled back. "Aww baby. You're so full of shit."

He laughed. "Seriously Dani, you look amazing, even like this."

"What he means is that despite the fact that you look like shit, you look good, considering," Nick corrected, smirking at us. I glared at me, grabbing the remote from next to me and throwing it at him. He laughed. "I'm just kidding Dani. You look amazing, seriously. I mean, the pregnant look? You actually pull it off."

I rolled my eyes. "Nice save Nick. But I'm still not going."

"Dani, I'll be right there with you," Joe said. "I'll even hold your hand, the whole time. I won't let you go once."

I sighed. "But what if people say something?"

"Since when do you care what people say," Joe asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Since I stole your innocence and got pregnant," I scoffed.

Nick laughed. "Joe, the damsel in distress."

This time, Joe grabbed his phone and threw it at him. He turned to me. "First of all, you did not steal my innocence. That makes me sound like such a pansy." I laughed, kissing him on the cheek. "And second, yeah, you are pregnant. But I thought you were happy about it now."

"I am," I sighed. "But still. I don't want to hear how everyone hates me now. I mean, another Jonas is clearly off the market."

"I've been off the market since we were 14," he kissed me. I could tell my statement confused him. Nick made a gagging sound.

I smiled. "But even then, there was always the chance that you'd stray, you know? Ever fan had the hope that you would." Joe still looked confused.

"And now true fans know she's got you," Nick rolled his eyes at Joe. "Jeez, it's kind of obvious. You're extra slow."

"Go away," he mumbled to Nick before turning to me. "Who cares what they think though Dani? That's my point. I'm glad it's you that I'm with – that I'm going to stay with."

I smiled. Nick, again made a gagging sound. "Seriously, you guys are too lovey-dovey."

"Then go away," we both said at the same time. We looked at each other and started laughing.

"Fine, jeez," Nick rolled his eyes. "I'll go see if we're leaving soon." He got up and left, calling Big Rob's name.

"Please come," Joe kissed me again. He pulled back, throwing the full power of his pout at me. I sighed, which made him grin. He knew he had me. "Yes! You won't regret it."

I pulled away. "You better help me up to the room if I'm coming. I am in major need of some make-up."

He laughed, saluting me before getting up and picking me up. "Aye, aye captain." He carried me up the stairs and set me in the chair Denise had put in front of our dresser. I sighed as I looked aroundJoe's our room. I couldn't believe I was actually living here – with him, with my family. "Do you want me to straighten your hair for you?" I nodded, sighing again. Joe was so amazing. He'd done nothing for the last week, but help me with every possible need I would have. And because we were already so alike, he knew my needs before I even did sometimes. I didn't know how I had gotten so lucky, but I wasn't going to complain. Joe was the love of my life.

"Hey Joe," I said quietly as he plugged in his straightener.

"Yeah," he asked as he sat on the bed, waiting for it to heat up. His tone was unsure as he assessed my voice.

"Do you miss having a room to yourself," I asked.

He laughed, probably understanding my quiet voice now. "No way. I love having you in my, our room."

"Even with all my girly products," I asked.

"Even with all your girly products," he got up to kiss my forehead. Then he started with my hair.

"This is kind of weird," I said, indicating him straightening my hair.

"I know. But I love you, and I'd do anything for you. Let's just never talk about it again," he suggested, grinning.

I laughed. "Agreed." I started fixing my face.


"And we are back with The Jonas Brothers and Danielle Touchstone," Jesse Jordan said. "And you are listening to Q102. So this is the first interview for any of them since before the accident, correct?"

"Yes ma'am," Kevin smiled. "But, we're glad to be getting out there again, especially after the – event. And we're happy everyone is okay." He smiled at Joe and me. I started shaking a bit. I knew this was dangerous territory. Pregnancy talk was bound to result from this. Joe squeezed my hand lightly as he felt my tremors.

"So Dani, Joe," she said. "It was you two in the accident, right? Tell us, how amazing does it feel to be sitting here."

We laughed lightly. "You have no idea how happy we are to be here in one piece," Joe squeezed my hand again.

"It's seriously the greatest feeling, being alive," I added.

She smiled at us. "Now, if I have it correctly, your tour with Demi Lovato was postponed? Why was that? I mean, we've had hundreds of emails and calls begging us to ask you why."

Nick laughed. "Well, the most important thing for us is to have our family safe and healthy. With the accident, we feel we need some more time to regenerate. We know that this tour wouldn't be all it could be, and we only want to give our fans the best."

"And with the babies coming," Kevin said. I wanted to stomp on his foot – hard. He just had to bring that up. "We think now's not the best time. I mean, neither Joe nor I could leave Blair or Dani right now."

"And with Dani's injuries," Joe added. "It wouldn't be advisable to bring her along. We think taking some time to heal and get everything settled from this hectic situation is important."

"But we are sorry we're disappointing our fans," Nick finished. "Our fans mean everything to us, but we don't want to give them half a performance, if after, even a year, we could give them better."

"Well, you have our support here," Jesse said. "We're huge fans of all of you guys here at Q102, and we're going to be behind you 100%."

I caught her double meaning. She was talking, mostly to me there, and she was talking about the pregnancy too. I knew that that was my cue to talk. But Ididn't couldn't. "Thank you," Joe said quickly, catching my hesitation.

"So Dani," Jesse said, clearly wanting me to talk.

"Yes," I said, a bit timidly. Joe ran his thumb over my hand to calm me.

"I hear that there was a point while you were in the hospital when you almost didn't make it."

I felt Joe tense up next to me. My heart started beating fast. This was a sore topic for both of us – for two reasons. But of course, Jesse didn't know that. "Um, yes. My heart actually gave out for a few minutes." I heard Nick and Kevin both take sharp breaths at that. Joe was practically shaking now. I subtly put my other hand over his to calm him. "But, luckily, I have an amazing boyfriend who wasn't going to give me up."

Jesse smiled at Joe. "You know, the devotion and love you two have – I've never seen it paralleled, especially at such a young age." We both looked at each other, smiling.

"We believe they were made for each other," Nick said. And we both tensed, waiting for the part where Nick said something about how we were always hooking up in front of him. But it didn't come. "And they really were. They're so alike in every aspect."

Jesse grinned. "Well, it's nice to see such love. I mean, just the way Joe looks at you, Dani, it makes me so jealous." She laughed. "It makes me think that this, what you guys have, is what every relationship should have."

"Well, I love Dani," Joe said. He leaned over to kiss me. "I love her more than anything."

I smiled, a blush creeping to my cheeks. "Joe is the love of my life. I don't know how I got so lucky."

Jesse awed. And there came Nick's sarcasm as he made another gagging sound. We laughed. "Now, we have had callers calling in for hours, hoping to get a chance to ask you guys a few questions."

"Alright," Kevin said, grinning.

"Bring them on," Nick added.

"So the first caller is a girl named Claire," Jesse pushed a button. "Hey Claire. You are now on with Dani, and the Jonas Brothers."

"Oh my gosh," Claire said. "I love all of you guys. You guys are amazing."

"Well thank you," we all said.

"So my question is for Joe."

"Yes," Joe said. "I got the first question. Beat that suckers." We all just rolled our eyes as he cleared his throat. "Hey Claire."

"Oh my God. I can't believe I'm actually talking to Joseph Adam Jonas," she squealed.

"That's my name, and feel free to wear it out," Joe said. I laughed. "And yes, it is an honor to be talking to me." We all rolled our eyes.

"So, I know that you all write your songs and you're drawing from personal experiences and stuff," Claire said. "My question is, how many of those songs are about Dani?"

I blushed as everyone looked at me. Joe smiled, and Kevin smirked. Nick started laughing. Joe glared at him. "Sorry, it's just funny. See, lovey-dovey."

"Well Claire," Joe said. "We have this triangle thing where we throw lines out there. I'd have to say a lot of them on my parts are about her. Like, Hello Beautiful, Love bug, Inseparable, Please Be Mine are a few. If the songs about love, the parts I came up with are about her."

I kissed him softly. "I love you," I whispered.

"Thanks Claire," Jesse said. "Next caller, is a girl named Madison. Hello there Madison. You are on with Dani and the Jonas Brothers."

"No way," the girl squealed. "Okay, so I am your biggest fan! And it doesn't matter to me that Dani's pregnant, or your tour was postponed. I still love you guys. My question is for Nick."

Nick stuck his tongue out at Joe. "Ha. First is the worst, second is the best."

"That still means I'm better," Joe smirked. "Second born, little bro."

"Hey there Madison," Nick said.

"Oh my gosh. Okay, so my question is are you going out with Diana? She's my favorite actress, and I think you guys are like perfect together."

Nick grew red as Joe and I snickered. "Um, well no. We're just really good friends."

"Thank you Madison," Jesse said. "Next caller is a girl named Lily."

"Hi guys," the girl said. "Just want to say I support you guys with everything. My question is for Kevin."

"Third is the one with the hairy chest," Nick and Joe said to Kevin, cracking up.

"Hello Lily," Kevin said, glaring at his little brothers.

"So I always said I was going to be Mrs. PKJ2," Lily said. "But, my question is, is Dani's sister Blair going to be Mrs. PKJ2 soon?"

We all looked at Kevin at this. This was the first question that had surprised us. None of us but Kevin knew the answer to this. "Well, firstly, thank you. I'm flattered. And I hope so," Kevin chuckled.

I grinned. Was Kevin going to ask my sister to marry him soon?

"Aww cute," Jesse said. "Now, the next caller is a guy named Cory. You have a song with the name Cory in it, right Dani?"

Yes, I did. Was this a coincidence? "Yeah. Hi Cory. I love your name."

"I love you," the guy said. His voice was low and deep, but still a little young.

The boys all tensed. I was guessing that they had pieced it together too. But it had to be a coincidence. I mean, what was the chance that my stalker would be the caller? "Aww thank you," I said, trying to keep my voice calm.

"I hope you got the flowers I sent," he said, his voice smug.

I froze. I opened my mouth to speak, but Joe beat me to it. "That was you?" His tone was angry and deathly.

"I believe I was talking to Dani, not you," the guy's voice was just as deathly. We all gasped. It was him.

"Um, Cory," I said, trying to take control of the situation before Joe lost it. "Thank you for the flowers. We got them. They were beautiful." I tried to put the emphasis on the we – as in Joe and I.

"Anything for you," Cory said. "So my question is, what are you doing wasting you time with that worthless swine? Don't you see how great we could be?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys. So this chapter was okay, I guess.
But I have a huge plan for the stalker so stay tuned =]
Wow you guys are amazing with the comments and feedback. Thanks!
I really cannot thank you enough for that.
But yeah, so the usual guys, comments/feedback/banners please.
I haven't gotten any banners in a while :(