We Couldn't Change It If We Tried

Running From Lions

Nick, Kevin, and Joe especially, were all shaking with anger, trying to control themselves. They knew they couldn't say anything without losing it. And they couldn't afford to lose it on the radio. Jesse's mouth was wide open as she stared behind her, looking for instructions from the station manager. I saw that he too, was shocked, and just speechless. Everyone was rendered immobilized as they assessed this. I, however, gained my composure. I needed to end this now. "Look Cory. I am grateful that you're such a big fan. But I love Joe. And as much as I appreciate all the flowers, I'm not going to be uh – leaving Joe anytime soon."

"You will, even if I have to force it. Be sure to check your mail when you get home, my love," he said, and hung up. His voice was firm and cold.

I gulped as Joe's hand shook. "Is there any way that number could be traced?" His voice was hard and cold. It scared me.

"Um," Jesse was still staring at her manager. I saw that he shrugged, unsure of what to do. I was finding it hard to believe that they were surprised by this. I mean, stalker psychos were part of the celebrity life. Maybe it was the fact that he'd made the threat on a public radio station that threw everyone." She turned back to us. "Yeah, Chris will trace it and he'll get it to you before you leave." Joe nodded. "Okay, so I think we have time for one more question."

"Bring it," Kevin said, trying to get the atmosphere back to normal.

"So," she said. "In the past, we've seen such a positive reaction to your joint song, The Way We Are. Are you guys planning any more duos any time soon?"

"Um," Kevin said. "Well, that's actually a really big possibility."

"We're actually considering doing a joint CD," Nick added.

"We're together all the time," I said. "And we've written a lot of songs with each other for each other, so now we're thinking about writing a few songs to do together."

"It's definitely something we're strongly considering," Joe finished.

"Well you heard it here first," Jesse said. "Look out for the joint CD. Now here we have The Way We Are by Danielle Touchstone and the Jonas Brothers." She put on the song, and the ON AIR light went off.

"So did you guys trace it," Joe asked as the manager came in.

"Yeah," he said. "But problem. It's a pay phone."

"Fuck," Joe mumbled. "Dani, I will protect you."

"He's not going to get past us," Kevin said confidently.

"I know I've seen celebrity stalkers before, but this is the first time a direct threat has been made on the radio station," the manager said.

"You guys think he'll try something," Jesse asked.

Joe shrugged. "He's been sending her all these flowers and notes saying he'll come for her and me and the baby can be gone quickly, freeing her."

"If he actually tries anything though," Nick said. "We'll just have to see, I guess."

Joe groaned. "I wish we just knew where and who he was. We could end this. Get some kind of restraining order or something. I feel like we're leaving Dani out in the rain, unprotected."

"Joe," I said quietly, talking for the first time. "I know I'm going to be safe with you. I'm not scared."

He smiled weakly, kissing me. For a split second, it was just he and I. We were in our own little world, happy and together. But then we heard the gagging sound from Nick and the awe from Jesse, bringing us back into the cold reality of the stalker.

When we got home, there was another bouquet of flowers waiting for me. Inside the envelope was a picture of a man's arm. My name was carved into it. On the back, in red writing, were the words: Pain is little compared to my love for you. Joe sniffed it, making a disgusted face. He didn't need to say anything for me to know. It was blood. I threw up.


"It'll be both of us, and she'll be safe," Diana insisted as we sat on the couch, waiting for Blair to come for her date with Kevin. In the past few weeks, Diana and I had actually grown really close. She was like the little sister I never had, which was why I hadn't told her about the extent of the creepiness from the stalker.

"Sorry Diana," Joe said, still staring at the TV. "I'm not letting her go anywhere without me until this stalker's caught."

She groaned. "But it's girl time. I'm sure you don't want to be there when we go tampon shopping."

"I'm sure Joe would enjoy that," Nick smirked. His arm was draped around Diana's shoulders. She, of course, had a huge smile plastered on her face. I guess they were closer than he let on. I'd have to investigate as soon as I had one of them alone. I was banking on Nick, since he was easier to pry information out of.

I giggled as Joe tensed, remembering our own experience tampon shopping. "Dani's pregnant," Joe rolled his eyes at her. "I may be a guy, but I know she doesn't need them."

"That's strangely disturbing," Diana stuck her tongue out at him. "But I haven't gotten any alone time with Dani in ages. No girl time could be bad for her health you know. I mean, being stuck with all guys, no offense or anything, but it could do some serious damage to her social habits." Joe just shook his head. Diana sighed, turning to me. "A little help Dani."

"Sorry Di," I laughed. "I can't go against the boyfriend on this one."

"What happened to chicks over dicks," she mumbled, glaring playfully at me.

"I take offense to that," Nick said, smirking at her.

"Oh suck it up Jonas," Diana smirked back. "Your butt head brother won't let me spend time with my best friend."

"No, you can spend time with her," Joe shrugged. "Just not outside this house without me."

"Jeez, way to not get that we don't want you there," Diana rolled her eyes, laughing. "Fine Joe. I mean, I get why you're being a protective meanie, but I think that a small shopping trip to the mall where there will be hundreds of people is safe. Especially when she's with someone as cool as me."

I laughed as Joe turned to her. "Look Diana, this guys is sick. He fucking carved her name in his arm. It's not safe for her to be anywhere alone. And as cool as you may be, you're still a small, beautiful girl. You won't be able to stop him if he tries something."

"He did what," she gasped, her face absolutely revolted.

I sighed, showing her the picture. Her hand flew to her mouth. "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I didn't know. Oh my gosh Dani. He's psycho."

I shrugged. "I know Joe will protect me."

"Okay, so shopping's definitely out," Diana shuddered.

Finally, the doorbell rang and Blair came in. "Hey guys," she said, smiling at us.

"Awesome," Kevin jumped up. "Ready to go babe?"

"Yup," she smiled. "See you guys later." They left.

"Three weeks laundry says they come back engaged," I said.

"I'm with you on that," Nick said.

"I'm in," Diana said, having spent enough time with us to be comfortable with our betting style. "And when they come back not engaged, I want car rides wherever, whenever."

"Um, broken leg," I said, indicating the stupid cast sill on my leg.

"But it's going to be off in like 4 weeks," she said. "Then you can drive me whenever."

"Fine," I said. "I'm not going to lose anyway. Get ready to do some laundry."

Joe draped his arm around me as Nick sat up. "Guys, since Kevin's not here. Let's play guitar hero. We all are on the same sucky level anyway."

"Speak for yourself," I smirked, picking up the guitar. "I'm a beast at this game."

"We'll see," Nick smirked back, picking up the other one. "I mean, I am the guitarist."

"You're a dead monkey now," Joe laughed as we started.

Four hours and many games later, I was still victorious. "Damn," Nick groaned, handing me the diet dr. pepper can that was rightfully mine now. "Joe, your girlfriend just cleaned me out."

He laughed. "Those are breaks for doubting her Nickiepooh."

Diana laughed. "Nick, she cleaned you out. She wiped the floor with you. You're a dead monkey. She got you so bad that—Sorry," she mumbled as he stared at her, giving her the hello, you're supposed to be on my side look.

"Mm, diet dr. pepper," I said, drinking my trophy. "My favorite."

"I hate you," he mumbled as he sat back in the sofa.

"We're back," Kevin said as he and Blair walked in.

"Wait," I shouted, getting up. I tried to be quick about it, but with all the extra weight, it didn't exactly work as fast as I would have liked. "Blair, can you throw this out for me?" I handed her the can, holding it slightly to the left so she'd have to use her left hand.

"Sure," she said, clearly confused. Se held out her left hand.

"Ahh," I screamed, grabbing her hand. "Diana, get ready to do my laundry because my big sister is now engaged." I held up her hand for everyone to see the massive rock on her ring finger.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this chapter isn't that great. I just needed to get all this out of the way.
But yeah, next few chapters shall be getting better and more intense =]
Anyways, comments/feedback/banners please