We Couldn't Change It If We Tried

Someone To Hold Onto

"You know," Joe said, wrapping his arms from behind me as I looked at myself with the dress from hell in the mirror. "It doesn't look that bad. I mean you looks kind of sexy." The wedding was today, and that meant the puce dress was back.

I laughed. "Please. The frills are eating you arms."

"Well," he laughed, kissing my neck. "Think of it this way, it'll come off in a few hours." His hands trailed down the stomach, pulling my dress up.

I giggled. "Joe, later. We have to get ready."

He didn't respond. Instead, he moved his lips up my neck to my ear. "I love you," he whispered. His hand was now under my dress.

"Ah my virgin eyes," Diana yelled behind us.

Joe and I jumped apart, looking at the door. I laughed as I saw Diana standing at the door, her hands covering her eyes. "I am so sorry," she said. "I didn't, and I can, oh my gosh. I am so sorry again. I just came up here cause I needed Dani's help. Nick said it would be okay and oh my gosh! I'm going to like have to gouge my eyes out now."

"Okay then," Joe said, his face red. "I will leave you ladies alone to do your womanly things. See you later." He kissed my cheek. "And you really do look hot." He kissed me.

"Ew," Diana said. "Come on! I don't want to kill my ear drums too." Her face was still covered.

Joe laughed before leaving. "You can open you eyes now," I said, smoothing out my dress.

"Thank God," she took her hands off her face. "I thought I was a goner there for a second."

I laughed. "What did you need help with?"

"I mean seriously, you're pregnant and you guys are still getting freaky. Don't pregnant couples not have se---," she babbled on.

"Okay then," I said, interrupting her. "Enough from Nick's girlfriend."

She stuck her tongue out a me. "I am not Nick's girlfriend."

"Yet," I smirked.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes.

"So what do you need help with," I asked.

"Well my original plan was to get you to help me burn these dresses," she said. "But I don't think there's enough time. And an early death isn't exactly on my five-year plan." Oh yes, the little 16 year old had a five year plan. I didn't even know what I was going to do next week, let alone 5 years from now. But this is, of course, beside the point.

I laughed. "Yeah, I don't think Blair would be too happy about that."

"Exactly," she said. "Which brings me to the next plan. Can I borrow earrings? The ones I had for this dress broke, and believe it or not, I don't have many puce colored earrings. And since I know how much you like puce, I was hoping you'd have some that matched."

I glared at her, smirking. "You interrupted my hot, steamy sex session for earrings?"

I was, of course, just kidding. But her hands flew to her ears. "Ah, my virgin ears!"

"Time to go to the church," Joe came in. Telling from his face, I could tell he'd heard that. "Diana? Still here," he asked smirking. "Damn it. I was hoping to have some hot, steamy sex with my pregnant girlfriend before the wedding. Darn it." He snapped his fingers. I laughed as Diana ran out of my room, screaming.


"Hey," I walked over to Joe who was sitting on the hood of his car outside the church. The wedding hadn't started yet, and people were still arriving. Joe had a far away look as he sat on his hood, leaning back on his hands. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "What's wrong?"

He sighed. "Do you think we did the right thing," he asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "With waiting with the engagement?"

"I do," I said. "This is Blair's big day. I mean, I've been in the spotlight of the family for years. Blair's whole life's practically revolved around me. She's given up so much for me. I think it was the least I could do to give her this day to have her as the crown jewel, you know? I mean, you know how much this wedding means to her. I don't think I could take that away from her. Besides," I smirked. "Do you honestly think that I'd have any puce at my wedding?"

He laughed, kissing me. "You're right."

"Of course I am," I smirked. "What brought this on anyway?"

"Some old lady with a really ugly broach just asked me when we were getting married and why it wasn't sooner," he said.

"An ugly broach," I asked. "Was she kind of short with a white wig?"

"Dani, you just described every old lady in there," he laughed.

"I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Did she have on a purple dress?"

"Yeah," he said. "You know her?"

'I should. And you should too," I smiled. "That's my Nana."

He gasped. "That's Nana Touchstone? But she's so old. And didn't Nana Touchstone have hair?"

I laughed, but then my face sobered up. "Yeah," I said, suddenly sad. My nana had been the one to take custody of Blair and me when my mom went to rehab. It was the only way Blair and I were able to stay together. Nana made sure that we were always happy. I don't think she'd ever scolded me – well except for the time Joe and I broke her vase and blamed it on Nick. Though she never scolded me, she always yelled at Joe. I guessed some things never changed if she had already yelled at him. When, I'd seen her about 10 minutes ago, she'd given me chocolate. "She was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago."

"Oh my God," Joe wrapped his arms around me tighter. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

I sighed. "It's okay. She's a tough little old lady."

He laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "So," he said, obviously changing the subject. "I'm thinking we have a note on the wedding invitation. No puce and no ugly broaches or no entry."

I laughed, kissing him. "I like the way you think."

"So Big Rob did a quick parameter check," Joe said. "No sign of Cory."

I shuddered. The place he'd touched my hand burned, scarring me. Joe had been so furious that he'd been that close to me. I knew he felt liked he'd failed or something. But it wasn't his fault that Cory was there. How were we supposed to know he'd actually touch me, even if he was there? "Good," I said.

"There's security all around," he said. "They have his picture, and they're ordered to arrest him on the spot. I will keep you safe this time." He kissed me.

"You guys, the wedding's about to start," Nick ran to us. "Can you guys make out later?"


"Um," I stood up, lightly tapping my glass with my knife. "Could I have everyone's attention please?" Everyone got quiet to look at me. The wedding was over, and we were at the reception hall. It was now time for speeches, and lucky me. I was first.

"Thank you," I said. "So we're all here to help Blair celebrate her big day. I say Blair and not Blair and Kevin, because Kevin's a chill guy. He doesn't really need a big wedding or reception. This is just another day in the rest of his life with Blair. Also, Blair might kill me if I don't emphasis how important this day is for her." I smirked at my sister. "Anyways, Kevin has always been like a brother to me. He's an amazing guy, who though sometimes tries to act older than he is, is always there for me." Kevin laughed. "And Blair, well, she's more than just my sister. She's my mother, my father, my best friend. Blair's given up a lot for me over the years. And I am so happy that she's finally found the guy to make it all worth it. I know Blair will be happy forever because she's found the love of her life. And that's something worth commemorating. Not everyone is as lucky." Everyone looked at Joe, confused. I laughed, putting my hand around his neck. "I wasn't talking about me personally there. I've found my special someone too. But I mean in general. Finding the love of your life is hard. But hey, the Jonases are one special family. Who knows, maybe Diana will be saying the same thing about Nick at my wedding." I winked at them. Everyone laughed. Diana glared at me and Nick turned red. "Anyways," I raised my glass. "Here's to Kevin and Blair. For finding each other."

"For finding each other," everyone repeated.

I sat down as Joe and Nick stood up. "Our turn," Joe smirked.

"Now, our speech isn't going to be as mushy as Dani's," Nick smirked at me. "Instead, we've decided to introduce you to the real oldest Jonas."

"You know, get you to know our big brother more," Joe said. "Get into his mind, know his thoughts, see things his way—"

"They get it Joe," Nick rolled his eyes. "Anyways, so Kevin's always the older brother in our bunch."

"That's just cause he likes to talk a lot," Joe said. "Kevin can never keep his mouth shut."

"And that's always made him a prime target to Dani and Joe's pranks," Nick smirked.

"Like once, when we put laxatives in his burger," Joe laughed. "He was in the bathroom for practically a whole day."

Nick laughed. "Yet somehow, he always keeps his cool."

"That's just cause he thinks he's so mature," Joe rolled his eyes. "Which is why he and Blair make such a good pair. Blair thinks she's mature too. But I know for a fact that she still watches Arthur everyday."

"Do not," Blair called out, turning red.

"Right," Joe laughed. "Anyways, congratulations bro. We know you're going to be happy for the rest of your life for finding someone who talks as much as you." Nick and Joe smirked at Kevin before sitting down.

"Now," I stood up. "Joe, Nick, and I are going to perform a song Joe and I wrote for Kevin and Blair's first dance." We walked over to the stage as Kevin took Blair's hand to lead her to the dance floor. A huge smile was plastered on both their faces. It made me so happy to see them both so complete.

Nick took a guitar and started playing. Joe and I stood hand in hand, ready to sing.

"It's my mistake and I admit it," I sang.
"Sometimes I hold you much too close.
Love you so much I just can't quit it.
Don't even ask me to.
Don't even ask me to."

Joe joined in. "Don't even ask me to let go.
Everyone needs someone to hold on to." I faced Joe, wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.
"Everyone needs someone in this world.
When you need strength,
I'll be a rock for you."

Then came my part. "When you need and soft,
I'll be you're little girl."

Then he joined in again. "Everyday I believe it.
Just because.
In you I have seen it.
The miracle of love.
Of Love.
Everyone needs someone to hold on to
Everyone needs someone in this world.
When you need strength,
I'll be a rock for you."

"When you need sweet and soft," I sang alone.
"I'll be your little girl."

"Everyone needs someone," he finished.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," I kissed him. We pulled away, looking at Blair and Kevin. They were kissing, lost in their own little world.

I thought about how perfect everything was. I was with the guy I was made for. And for some strange reason, I had been lucky enough to have him made for me too. I was going to spend the rest of my life with him, and I had no regrets. He was my life. And then I looked at my sister, and she had found that someone too. After all the heartache my parents had gone through, after everything, I had been so lucky as to get Joe. And suddenly, I realized something. Iwasn't couldn't be mad at my mom for breaking down after my dad died. If Joe died, I'd be just as broken. My whole life would shatter. It would have no meaning. And suddenly I knew. This was what pure happiness was. This moment, watching Kevin and Blair with each other, as if there was no one but them, with feeling Joe's arms around me as he kissed my forehead. I could live in this moment forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I actually liked this chapter.
No creepy Cory this time. But he shall be back. Muaha.
Yeah. Hehe anyways, I think I'm getting cheesy =[
Oh well *sigh* Let me know what you think of the chapter please.
Comments/feedback/banners please.
Oh and you guys should read Hello Beautiful How's it Going by Katie (Katie Gangbang)
Seriously amazing stuff right there =]