We Couldn't Change It If We Tried

Like You'll Never See Me Again

"And these are the only notes he has sent you," the officer asked me again.

"As we've explained officer," Joe rubbed my arm as he saw me glaring at this guy. They were fucking asking me the same damn questions instead of looking for my sister, my mother, my brother. "A few other -- pictures and items were thrown out. They were too -- creepy to have anyone see them."

He nodded, writing notes down as he'd been doing the whole time. What the hell was he writing anyway? I wanted to grab that damn notebook and stuff it up his butt. And then there would at least be new questions. "And what did he say the last time he called," he asked.

I sighed. "He said he'd come for me. The usual stuff. And then he gave all three of them a chance to talk to me."

"He actually gave them the phone," he asked, amazed.

I sighed in frustration. "I don't know. Seeing as they said they were tied up, I'm guessing he held the phone for them."

"So he held the phone for his hostages to talk to you," he asked.

I turned to Joe. He had an amused look on his face. Of course, he'd find this funny. When I was assigned the officer from hell. "We don't actually know, seeing as we couldn't see them."

"But you spoke to them," he asked.

I groaned, and Joe started laughing. I elbowed him as Nick came over to see what was going on. "Yes, we spoke to them. For 4 minutes each. That's what he gave them."

"Why 4 minutes," the officer mused. Joe whispered something to Nick, and they both started giggling. I glared at them.

"I have a song called 4 minutes," I explained. "It was probably symbolic."

"Symbolic how," he asked.

I sent a helpless look towards my boyfriend who was cracking up at this. "Well," Nick said through his laughing. "He is obsessed with Dani."

"And what makes you think that," the officer nodded, writing more notes down.

"Um, the notes and the kidnapping might be a tip off," Joe said, barely able to hold back his laughter.

"And you're sure the notes are from the same guy," he asked.

I had had enough. This guy would kill me before Cory even got within 10 feet of me again. "Okay then," I stood up. "Um, I have to go pee. Pregnancy and everything. You understand, don't you, Officer. . . . Peaburn." I smiled at him, looking at his name tag.

He cleared his throat. "Um, yes of course. My questions can wait till you return."

"No," I said quickly. He raised an eyebrow at me. Joe and Nick snickered. Damn it. "What I mean is, no, no. We can't hold off on these questions. Every second counts when we're dealing with lives, right?" He nodded. "Great. So, Joe and Nick here," I patted their shoulders. "They know just as much as I do about the stalker. And they'd be happy to answer all your questions. Right boys?"

"Um," Joe stood up. "Maybe, I should help you with the um, the bathroom. You know, pregnancy and all."

I laughed. "Nonsense Joseph. I can go to the bathroom alone. Besides, you're needed here to answer this fine officer's questions much more than I need you with me." I kissed his cheek. "I'll be back."

"So, these notes are definitely from the same guy who kidnapped the hostages?"

"What's that mom," Nick called. "Yeah, I'll go check my sugar." He ran quickly, leaving a glaring Joe on the sofa with Officer Peaburn.

"And we're sure these hostages are actually hostages," he asked. "They haven't gone of their own free will?"

"Not unless free will is willing being tied up," Joe said. "Well, with Kevin and Blair you never know." He smirked. But his humor seemed to be lost on the guy. "Never mind."

I laughed and walked towards the stairs. I figured that this would buy at least 10 minutes. I could probably come down and go see if the other officers had any questions. Besides, Joe looked like he was having so much fun.


I walked down the stairs, trying to not make too much noise. I didn't want Officer Peaburn to see me and realize he had another question for me. But of course, with my hippo pregnancy thighs, stealth was lost on me. I practically pounded down the stairs. I was sure he'd heard me. But then I heard Joe scream, "No, he's obsessed with her. It's not some ruse to get close to me, you freak." I laughed as Denise's warning tone followed. "Joseph," she said.

"I don't know Joe," Diana said, Apparently, she'd arrived in the few minutes I'd hidden in our room. "With the pregnancy and all, Dani's got nothing on you. No offense Dani."

"Thanks Diana," I rolled my eyes.

"Look, she's back," Joe half yelled in joy. "Now you can ask her. First hand experience and all."

"Were you not present for all the gift bearings," Officer Peaburn asked.

"No, I died," he screamed. "Every time a new gift would come, I'd die. And then 20 minutes after she opened it, I'd miraculously resurrect myself from the dead! Does that answer all your questions?"

I laughed, noticing that every single person in the room was trying to hold back laughter. "Almost," Officer Peaburn said, writing on his notepad. "Why after 20 minutes? And how did you resurrect yourself? I don't think I read that in the manual." Everyone started laughing.

Joe groaned before walking up the stairs, mumbling about revenge and Officer Peabrain who said, "Where's he going?" No one answered him. I had the feeling that no one wanted to be the next questionee.

"So any headway," I asked.

"We have everything set up," another officer said to me. "Next time he calls, we'll be able to trace it. We're just waiting for it now."

"Great," I nodded. "And that should he'p right? Then you guys can go do your thing and do the whole bam, bam, shoot, shoot, arrest, save my sister thing?" The officers exchanged a look, not answering me. "What," I demanded. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Hostage situations are -- difficult," one said.

"What the hell does that mean," I said, my tone hysterical. I barely noticed Joe walk back over to us. "He has my sister. He has my mother, my new brother-in-law. You better fucking tell me if there's something wrong."

The officer's face is apologetic. "It's not that anything's wrong. We just have to tread carefully. We don't want him to act irrationally by being boxed in like that."

"Irrational like killing my sister," I asked, tears pouring out of my eyes. Joe wrapped his arms around me. "Is that the fucking irrational you're talking about?"

"Sh, Dani," Joe said soothingly. "It'll be okay. You know Blair's fine. You talked to her. He let them talk to you. He won't hurt them."

"Hmm, really," I laughed bitterly. "I don't know. Maybe we should ask Officer Peabrain what his manual says on irrational hostage behavior. I'm sure that'll set us on the right track."

"Actually," Officer Peaburn said. "The manual says--"

"Shut up," Joe groaned. "Danielle, listen to me. It's going to be okay. This guy, as crazy as he is, is in love with you. He would never hurt your mom, or Blair, or Kevin. He knows that would hurt -- no. He knows it would destroy you. And as psycho and creepy as he is, he seems to genuinely care about you."

"Maybe this isn't the best place for her," Paul suggested. "Maybe she should get some sleep."

"Think of the baby too," Denise added.

"No," I said firmly. "I'm not going anywhere until we find Blair."

They all agreed reluctantly, and the long wait began. We all sat around, staring at the phone, willing it to ring again. I sighed, looking around at the people in the room. Denise and Paul were sitting on the sofa, their expressions frantic and wild. Nick and Diana were sitting on the ground, leaning on the wall. Diana had her head on Nick's shoulder. I noticed their hands were intertwined. That made me smile slightly. It made me think that even though the past few hours had been hell, the happiness I longed for, the happiness I felt when I was with Joe. It was still possible in situations like this. Nick and Diana looked truly happy being next to each other. I leaned my own head on Joe's shoulder, taking his hand. He smiled, kissing my forehead.

And then finally, our long wait was done. The phone rang.

"Hello Danielle," his voice came. The officer put his thumb up, encouraging me to talk.

"Hi Cory," I said, my voice shaking a bit. This time, however, it was not fear. It was anxiety. I was no longer afraid. I was worried for my sister, my mother, and Kevin. "Are my sister, my mom, and Kevin okay?"

"Oh, they're fine," he said. "Eating pizza actually."

My eyes widened. "You... bought them pizza?"

Cory laughed. "I love you, but I am not an animal."

"Good to know," Joe mumbled.

"Ah Joseph," Cory said. "Good. You'll want to be here for this."

"Why," he asked.

"Because now I will announce my demands for you," he said. "How much are you willing to give?"

"I'll give you anything," I said quickly.

"Oh I know you will," Cory said. "But my question is. . . how much is Joseph willing to sacrifice for your family."

"They're my family too," Joe said.

"Ah," Cory said. "But would you trade them for a night with Dani?"

"No," he said automatically.

"Then, I am afraid we have nothing else to discuss." The officer waved at me, telling me to keep it going.

"Uh wait," I said quickly. "This isn't Joe's decision. It's mine."

"I'm listening," Cory said.

"I'd give anything to get them back," I said, not completely lying. Joe sighed. He could hear the truth in my tone. "Anything."

Cory laughed. "Now Danielle. Do you honestly expect I, the one who loves you for all eternity to believe that? That you'd go against your precious Joe. I am not naive. You would do anything yes, but not if Joe said no."

"Then you don't know me as well as you thought," I said.

"I know everything about you," he said.

"Reading her bio on her fansites doesn't qualify as knowing her you asshole," Joe said.

"Ah yes," Cory said. "But I also know her wants, her needs, her desires. Do you know those Joe?"

"You're wrong about me," I said quietly. "Those things you said before. I do want those. I've always wanted those. But I also want something else more. I want Joe. I have Joe. And as long as I have him, I don't need those."

"How touching," Cory laughed. "I must commend you though Joseph. Your brainwashing technique works beautifully."

"He didn't brainwash me," I said. "this isn't some sci-fi movie. I have my free will. I have my own thoughts. I have my own desires. And what I desire is my family."

Cory laughed. "There's that fighting spirit I enjoy so much. Tell me Danielle, did you like my pictures?"

I almost threw up. Joe tightened his arm around me. "You're sick."

"And we got him," Officer Peaburn announced. Everyone glared at him. One of the other officers hit him upside the head. "Oops."

"Is that the authorities," Cory asked, amused. "I'm shocked. Well then, I guess I will be seeing you sooner than either of us planned. Farewell for now my love. Joseph, I pray this is the last time we talk. And for you, it might just be." He hung up.


"How long does it take them," I asked, pacing around the living room. Denise, and Paul were sitting on the sofa. Joe was on the chair, staring at me anxiously. And Nick and Frankie were laying on the floor, leaning on their elbows, watching me pace. "The house was on the street. And another thing. On the street? When the hell did we get a new psycho neighbor?" Denise and Paul sent me a warning look. "Oops, sorry Frankie. What I mean is, why didn't we know that we had a new person on the street?"

"We've been extremely busy," Denise shrugged. "With the baby and everything, we haven't exactly had a chance to pay attention to the neighborhood."

"It'll be fine Dani," Paul assured me. "Just give the officers a chance."

"Give the rug a chance too," Nick smirked.

I glared at him. "Isn't it past your bedtime or something?" He laughed.

The door bell rang. I literally ran to the door, the Joaneses not far behind me. I threw it open. There, covered in dirt, her clothes torn, her face bruised, was my mother. I threw my arms around her, tears coming freely. She hugged me back. We didn't say anything. But then I pulled away. "Sorry."

That seemed to make her sad. "It's quite alright dear. You can hug me, you know. I am your mother."

"Um, where's Blair and Kevin," I asked, changing the subject.

"My baby," Denise cried before my mom could answer. She ran past us, sprinting down the walkway to where Kevin was helping Blair out of the police cruiser. Seeing Blair, safe and alive brought tears to my eyes. And then, I wasn't that far behind Denise. She threw her arms around her son while mine went around my sister.

"I'm so glad you're home," I whispered.

Blair hugged me tight. I felt her shaking as she cried just as I did. She laughed lightly. "Seems like this time, I'm the one who went looking for trouble, huh?"

"It's okay Blair," I laughed too. "We know you like the thrilled life."

"That's not good," Officer Peaburn said as he got out of the cruiser. Blair looked at me, confused. I just shook my head, telling her not to ask.

When everyone was situated inside, the officer explained how Cory was gone when they got there. My mom, Blair, and Kevin were still tied up, but he was nowhere to be found. they did a quick parameter check, and were still searching. But as of now, they couldn't find him.

"We'll find him soon," the officer assured us as Denise poured them coffee.

"Where could he hide," Officer Peaburn asked.

"You know Officer Peaburn," Joe threw his arm over his shoulders. "I don't think you've ever asked a smarted question."

Nick and I cracked up. Blair and Kevin looked really confused.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I updated again =]
I actually wrote a large portion of this last night
And as I'm getting ready for the JB concert, I decided to just finish it.
yes I am that obsessed with writing.
Anyways, as you can probably tell with Officer Peaburn, I'm trying to go light on the creepy.
So... story comments/feedback/banners please.
Oh and yeah read Careful With Words by Sarah, the little sis. (sarahway) I'm in it. woohoo =]
Haha. anyways, yeah. Comments please. Bye....