We Couldn't Change It If We Tried

Fall For You

"Why didn't you come after me that day," I blurted out as Joe started to walk out. "Why didn't you come tell me you loved me, and that it was just a stupid mistake?"

He turned to face me, his expression pained. "I thought you wouldn't want to see me," he said quietly. "I thought it was over."

"Shows how much you know," I rolled my eyes. "It wasn't over for me. Not then. But it's too late now Joe. It's been too much time. Too much as happened."

"Do you still love me," he asked, moving closer.

"It doesn't matter Joe," I said, looking away. "I just – it's too late."

He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me against him. I shivered at his touch, which was so familiar and comforting, yet so new and unexpected after our recent falling out. "It wasn't too late then Dani. And it's not too late now, not if it's what you want." His lips met mine with a new, unfamiliar urgency and longing. Icouldn't didn't want to stop myself from wrapping my arms around his neck, kissing him back, our lips moving in sync. I sighed as his mouth opened mine, his hands trailing down my sides.

"Joe," I gasped as he pushed my lightly back onto the bed.

His lips were on my throat then. ""What do you want baby," he whispered against my neck before putting his hands on either side of me, hoisting himself up.

"I want -- you," I choked out, surprised at the truth of my words after everything that had happened. I put my hands under his shirt, trailing up his chest as I took his shirt off. I ran my hands slowly up and down his bare chest, finally resting them on his abs.

He stared at me the whole time, smiling. "I love you Dani."

"I love you too Joe," I whispered as he came back down on me, his lips meeting mine. His hands trailed down to the bottom of my shirt, slightly pulling it up, his lips never leaving mine. I arched my back, letting him take it off. His lips left my lips, leaving a moist trail on my skin as they made their way down my jaw to my neck. His hands slowly made their way down the side of my body, sending chills up and down my spine. Every place he touched was on fire, as he tugged on the hem of my skirt. He pulled back to smirk at me. "A little help here?"

"Oh sorry," I smiled weakly as I lifted my hips and he pulled it off. All that was left was his pants now.

I gripped his belt, undoing it quickly, and throwing it to the floor as his lips met mine again. "Dani," he pulled away slightly. "Are you sure about this? I mean, is this really what you want?"

"Yes," I said firmly. "Are you?"

He nodded. "But I don't want you to regret this later. I love you Dani. I want you so bad. But are you positive?"

The time with words was over. I undid the button on his pants in response. He smiled at me slightly as he slid them off and dropped them carelessly on the floor. With one movement, he had me on top of him, so that I was straddling him. He reached up and unhooked my bra. My heart fluttered as I felt the tension grow. I leaned down, and gently put my lips to his neck, my hands trailing down his abs to his boxers. "My turn," I smirked as he softly moaned.

He quickly took off my underwear too, and with another movement, I was under him again. We silently stared at each other, taking it all in. This was it, I realized. He leaned in, pressing his body closer to me as we started to become one. "Joe," I said, stopping him for a second. "I'm scared it's going to hurt."

He kissed me passionately. "Dani, I would never hurt you. I'll be careful okay?" I nodded, still scared. He touched my face gently. "If it hurts, tell me to stop, and I'll stop."

"Promise," I whispered, still scared.

"I promise," he kissed me again hard as he fully entered me.

"I love you," Joe moaned as he slowly pulled out of me, falling down beside me. "I love you so much Dani." He wrapped his arm around my waist, holding my naked body against him.

"I love you too Joe," I whispered, my hands wrapping around his neck as he kissed me. I felt exhausted, and from the sound of his voice, I knew he did too.

"Go to sleep babe," He whispered, his hands reaching up to gently push the hair out of my face. I nodded, sighing before closing my eyes. I couldn't believe we had actually done it.

I woke as I felt Joe shift. It was already morning. I smiled as he kissed me. "You're up," he asked.

"Thanks to you," I pretended to be mad. I sighed dramatically. "And I was having such a good dream too."

"Then I'll just have to make it up to you then, won't I," he smirked as he put his lips to my neck.

"I'm shocked Mr. Jonas," I smirked too. "Are you trying to seduce me?"

"Maybe," he said as I felt his hands trail down my sides. "Is it working?"

"More than you know." I pulled his face to mine, my lips moving in sync with his. He rolled a bit so that I was on top of him, his hands wrapped around my waist. I could feel us being put back into the same situation as last night.

But then his phone rang. I sighed, pulling away. "Where do you think you're going," he asked, his hands suddenly in my hair, pulling me to him.

I kissed him before sighing and pulling away. "You should answer it."

"I'd rather not," he smirked at me. "I'm kind of busy here."

"Joe," I laughed, pulling away more. "You're a freak!"

"Oh please baby," he rolled his eyes. "You know you love it."

"Yes I do," I kissed him quickly. "But now you really need to answer that phone."

He sighed and picked it up. "Hello? Oh hey Nick." I raised an eyebrow, looking at the clock on my nightstand. Why was Nicholas calling Joe at 9:00 in the morning? Wasn't he not talking to him? "Yeah, I slept at Dani's then. Kevin wants to go where? Yeah, that sounds awesome! Okay, let me ask her." He cupped the mouthpiece of the phone as he turned his attention to me. "Kevin wants to go to Six Flags. You want to go?"

"Hell yes," I said, enthusiasm filling my voice. I loved Six Flags.

He laughed, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, we're in. Okay, see you in a bit. Bye." He hung up before kissing me.

I kissed him passionately before pulling away again as I felt my heart flutter. "Joe! We have to get ready."

"They can wait a bit little longer," he mumbled against my skin, sending chills up and down my spine. "They'll be fine." He rolled us around so he was on top of me. I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck as he kissed me again, sending us right back to where we were last night.


Joe and Dani walked out of her house, hands intertwined. Joe wouldn't let go as Dani started locking her house. Were they dating again? I groaned loudly.

"What's up Nicholas," Kevin asked before following my gaze. "Oh." He sighed. "Nick, I know you like Dani, and I'm sorry, but you've got to face the facts. She's in love with him man. We've always known they were made for each other."

"I know Kevin," I rolled my eyes. "I just – can't help it. Joe was – such a jerk to her. And how can we be sure he still even loves her like that?"

"I think it's pretty obvious he does," Kevin said. "I think it's pretty obvious they both do."

"But he hurt her Kevin," I whined. "He's hurt her again and again with the drinking stuff."

"I know," Kevin sighed. "But he's really cleaned up. He's trying. It's hard on him Nick. But he can do it. He just needed to see that he was losing Dani because of his problem. But he needs our help too Nicholas. He needs to see his brothers are here for him too."

I sighed. I knew he was right. I knew I was being a jerk for how I had been acting towards Joe. But it was hard I really loved Dani. She was such an amazing person. And Joe had been basically throwing it all away, taking it for granted.

"Hey guys," Kevin said loudly, snapping me out of my thoughts as Dani and Joe walked over to the car. "We're just waiting on Blair. She wasn't feeling too well. But she said she'll be out in a minute."

"What happened," Dani asked, concern for her sister arising instantly. See? Told you she was amazing. "Is Blair okay?"

"She's fine," Kevin assured her. "She just felt nauseous this morning. But she should be out soon."

And as if on cue, Blair walked out. "Hey guys," she said, her voice weak.

"B," Dani said, worried. "You okay? Kevin said you were nauseous. And you don't look so good right now."

"Wow thanks for calling me ugly," Blair rolled her eyes playfully.

"I wasn't," Dani said defensively.

"Right," Blair laughed before looking from Joe to Dani to their still intertwined hands. "So are you two together now," she asked the question that was itching in my throat. We all, including Joe, looked at Dani for her answer.

Dani smiled, kissing Joe quickly. "Yes," she looked right at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Intense huh?
Not that long, I know =/
But I like this chapter =]
hehe anyways, comments please. one more star to go =]
I'd love feedback.
Oh and just as a shout out thingy =]
You have to read Disenchanted by Sam (DAZZLEme)
if you haven't already.
It's literally my favorite story on mibba right now!
So if you haven't, check it out!
You'll love it =]
Okay so feedback please =]