We Couldn't Change It If We Tried

Dirty Little Secret

"The Dark Knight is my new favorite roller coaster," Nick announced as I pulled onto our street. Kevin had surprisingly let me drive. He sat in the back with Blair. I think it wasn't because he trusted my driving, but rather that he wanted to be by Blair while she felt sick, and he trusted me more than Joe. Joe sat up front with me, smiling at me every time I looked at him. I'd smile back, completely breathless. I had been blissfully happy all day because everything felt so normal again. Everything was the way it was supposed to be.

"No way bro. Superman is still the best. And you're only saying that because you're a batman freak," Joe smirked at Nick in the back seat.

Nick glared at him playfully. I sighed. Thankfully, Nick's hostility towards Joe had gone immensely down today. "Am not," he stuck his tongue out at him. "Am I Dani?"

"Sorry babe," I laughed. "But I got to agree with the boyfriend on this one. I still remember the batman costume you used to play with."

"Whatever," Nick rolled his eyes at me. "I was like 5. At least I didn't stare at my glow in the dark Barney shirt when I was 11."

"Which is exactly why you're not as cool as me," Joe smirked as I pulled into their driveway.

Kevin gawked at us. "We didn't die," he announced, sounding surprised.

"Thanks a lot Kevin," I rolled my eyes. "I can drive, you know."

He smiled at me about to open his mouth to say something, probably some smart-ass, not funny comment. But then Blair groaned lightly, and we all turned to look at her. "Blair, honey, are you okay," he asked softly, pushing her bangs out of her face.

"I – I feel nauseous again," Blair said.

"Let's get you inside," I suggested. After much debate, we decided to put her in Kevin's room, rather than my house. The boys left to go get different things for her as I sat on the bed, putting my hand on her forehead. "Blair, honey. What's wrong with you?"

Blair sighed, tearing filling her eyes. "I don't know. I'm just so tired."

"Shh sis," I hugged her. "Don't cry. You'll be okay."

She laughed softly. "I don't even know why I'm crying."

"You'll be okay," I said again as the boys came back. Kevin had a wet rag for her forehead. Nick had an extra pillow and blanket. And Joe had a bucket, for some unfathomable reason.

He shrugged as we all looked at him, questioning his sanity. "What if she needs to throw up and can't make it to the bathroom? It's more helpful than a pillow." He smirked at Nick.

"What would ever make you think that," Nick asked, genuinely curious.

"Not helping guys," I rolled my eyes. I got up and started ushering them out. "Come on guys. Blair needs to sleep. Yes, that includes you too Kevin."

"It's my room," Kevin whined at the same time that Blair said, "I want Kevin here!"

"Fine," I sighed. "Kevin you can stay. Joe, Nick, out!"

"Your girlfriend's bossy," Nick mumbled as he went down the stairs.

"Tell me about it," Joe smirked as he took my hand and pulled me to his room. As soon as the door was closed, he wrapped his arms around my waist, his lips crashing on mine.

"Joe," I giggled, pushing away slightly as he reached under my shirt. "Not right now."

He pouted his lips at me. "Oh but the last time was so much fun." His lips went to my neck.

"Joe," I sighed. "Your family is here. We –can't right now."

He sighed too and pulled away, but not before kissing me again. "Fine," he sighed dramatically. He took my hand and pulled me onto the bed, wrapping his arms around me. I lay my head on his chest, sighing with comfort. It was amazing how everything with Joe had just – fallen back into pattern, even after the long months of our separation. It was like we had never been apart. Joe lightly ran his hand up and down my back, sending chills through my body. "Dani," he said softly.


"I've been thinking," he held up his hand to look at it, his thumb twirling his ring. His purity ring. "Maybe I shouldn't wear this anymore. I mean, isn't it a lie? I mean I've already broken the vow. It's wrong for me to wear it." He took it off, holding it in his palm.

"I'm so sorry Joe," I choked out, my voice breaking. "I made you break your vow."

He grabbed my face, kissing me. "No Danielle. It was my choice. Me, not you."

"But I took your – innocence."

"You make me sound like a little damsel in distress," he smirked at me. I gaped at me, not believing he was actually trying to make this into a joke. I sighed. I guess it wasn't surprising. I mean this was Joe. But I smacked him anyway. "Ow. I'm just kidding Dani. But seriously," he looked at the ring again. "It was my choice. And I don't regret it – any of it. I love you Dani." He kissed me. When he pulled back, he grabbed my hand, and put the ring into my palm. "I – I want you to have it."

"Joe," I gasped. "I can't do that. This is yours."

He shrugged. "But I'm yours – fully and completely forever. Take it Dani. Think of it as a promise ring. Because one day, I do plan to do this right."

"Joe," I gasped before I kissed him. "Thank you."

He smiled at me before wrapping his arms around me, and kissing the top of my head. "I love you Dani."

"I love you too," I sighed, burying my head into his chest.


"Why am I here again," Joe asked as we walked down the aisle in the supermarket.

"I have to buy tampons," I said.

"Again, why am I here," he rolled his eyes. " Couldn’t you bring Kevin?"

"Because you're my boyfriend," I rolled my eyes too. "And I needed someone to drive me. And, Kevin doesn't get embarrassed. It's so much fun watching you squirm."

"That's not fun. They're tampons," he whined. "Couldn't you have brought Blair? She's a girl too. You could have made this into a girl's night out or something."

"A girl's night out spent buying tampons," I stared at me, sarcasm flooding my voice. "Wow that sounds like so much fun. Remind me to add that to my list of thins to do for a girl's night out right after grocery shopping. Now stop complaining and help me look for a good brand."

"Eww no way," he shuddered. "I'll come with you. But I draw the line at actually looking at them. Besides how would I know which brand is good? I'm a man. I'm going to go look at – manly stuff, like the sports section."

"Fine Mr. Man," I rolled my eyes, pretending to be annoyed. In fact, this was exactly what I wanted. "I'll meet you there when I'm done." He left, and I pulled my sunglasses and hat on, covering my identity. I grabbed a few boxes of random tampons. This wasn't actually why I was here. I didn't need tampons. I went into the other aisle, and started looking through pregnancy tests.

"Can I help you miss," a sales person asked me, noticing my obvious distress. Of course I was distressed! What if someone saw me shopping for a pregnancy test! The tabloids would eat that up. Luckily, this lady didn't seem to recognize me.

"Um hi," I used a fake voice. "I need a – um a pregnancy test."

The lady smiled at me, as if understanding. "Do you know which kind you want?" I shook my head. "No, your first time can be hard." What the hell? Way to jump to conclusions lady. Though I had to admit, this was shady. "Now, I'd go with the First Response." She handed me a box.

"Thanks," I said, hiding it in the middle of the tampon boxes. She eyes me suspiciously. "My uh – boyfriend is here, and he doesn't know."

She smiled, nodding. "Best tell him soon dear. Especially if that comes up with a pink plus sign."

"I will," I smiled at her, anxious to get away. "Thank you." I practically ran to the sports section, where Joe was waiting for me, his chest held out, trying to act 'manly'. "Let's go stud," I rolled my eyes. "I got my tampons." I smirked as he squirmed. He eyed the boxes in my hand.

"Just hurry," he said, his voice different all of a sudden. Confused, I walked to the self-checkout line.


Dani just bought a pregnancy test. I saw it poorly hidden in between the tampon boxes. Did she really think I wouldn't? But a pregnancy test? I know we didn't use a condom, but – it was only once. Okay twice, but still it was the same day, kind of, so it counts as one, right? And if she thought she was pregnant, why hadn't she told me? Didn't she think I deserved to know?

We were both quiet as I got into the front seat. She started driving, flipping the radio stations. "Thanks for coming with me," she said quietly.

"Of course I came," I snapped. I don't know why my tone sounded so mad, but I could tell she was confused by it. Hmm – maybe it was cause she was possibly carrying my child and had chosen not to tell me! What did she think? That I would tell her to get an abortion? Or that I would break up with her, leaving her to take care of my baby by herself? So much for trusting me. She didn't say anything the rest of the drive. When she pulled into her driveway, I sighed and turned to her. "I'm sorry Dani. I'm just – tired."

She smiled at me. "It's okay Joe. Um – I have to go – use these." I gaped at her. Was she going to do the test now? What if it did come up positive? Of course I'd stand by her, no matter her decision, but what if we were having a baby?

I kissed her. "Okay, call me later?" She nodded and went into the house.

I went into my room, and sat on my bed. "What's wrong," Nick asked as I sighed.

"Nothing," I snapped. Nobody has even noticed my missing purity ring. Like I'd tell Nick now that not only had I broken my vow, but also I had potentially gotten Dani pregnant.

"Okay," he said, confused by my tone.

"Sorry," I sighed again. "I'm just – tired."

Nick smiled at me. "Get some sleep." He left me to my thoughts.

The same question replayed in my mind. What if Danielle was pregnant?


"Ready," Blair asked me, holding my hand.

"No," I said. "But I guess it doesn't really matter, right?"

She hugged me. "No matter what, everything will be okay. We'll always have each other."

"I know," I sighed. "I'm just – worried. Life's just beginning, you know?"

"I know," she sighed too. "But he's a really great guy. He wouldn't just leave after this. But it is scary. Aren’t you terrified?"

"A bit," I admitted.

"I'm so scared, and we don't even know what will happen yet."

"What do you mean what will happen? It'll either be pink and it'll change our life, or it'll be blue and everything will be fine, and unchanged."

"I mean – what if he doesn't want any part of it if it comes out pink," Blair said, her voice worried. "What if—"

"Blair stop," I said. "He's amazing. I have no doubt in my mind that he'd step up." My voice was confident. There really was no doubt in my mind that it'd be okay either way. "I have faith."

"How are you so calm? This is – life changing!"

"I know Blair," I said. "I just – I don't want to react a certain way until we see it. Whatever it is though, I know it'll be okay."

"You're a lot more sure then me," she said.

"I have to be," I smiled at her. "Okay, let's look. I have to know for sure now."

Clutching our hands tighter, I grabbed the pregnancy test as Blair breathed in deep. I gasped and dropped it. "B-Blair, it's a pink plus sign."
♠ ♠ ♠
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