You Are Nothing What You Seem

When We Get Down

"Jane, are you going to miss me this summer?" a voice whispers in my ear. Arms snake their way around my waist, and a warm body presses against my back.

"Fuck off," I say, pushing the arms away. I turn around and come face to face with Alex Barnes.

He smirks. "Aw, come on Jane, tell me how you really feel."

"Alex, leave me alone," I say, pushing my way past him.

The pulsing lights and pounding bass give an electric current to the crowd.

"Jane!" I hear. I turn to the direction from where the voice came, and see my best friend Isabel making her way toward me.

"Hey Bell," I say when she reaches me.

"So, what do you think of Adam?" she asks.

I look around at the stage. Isabel's boyfriend is singing in the band on stage, Exit 42. I laugh. "He's pretty good."

She beams. "He was so excited for tonight."

"I bet!" I say. I look around at our partying classmates. "God, it's so weird to think that the year's already over."

"Yeah, I know!" Isabel agrees. "We're on top next year."

"Yeah, officially seniors," I say, grinning.

"It's so cool that we got to use the Embassy for this," Ray says, walking up.

The Embassy is an old theater downtown, where lots of local – and a few signed – bands play on weekends.

"They're going to have a lot of cleaning up to do," I say, glancing over at our friend. He looks cute tonight in skinny jeans with a tuxedo t-shirt. I wonder if his boyfriend is here. I pull my camera out of my pocket and throw my arm around Isabel's neck, pulling her in for a picture. "Say cheese!"

The flash goes off and I pull the camera back around to see the picture. I'm sticking my tongue out, and Isabel's got her eyes crossed. "You two are losers." Ray says, looking at the picture over my shoulder.

"Yeah, but we're your losers," I say, grinning hugely.

We make our way through the crowd, laughing and chatting with our friends, until we make it to the edge of the stage. Adam winks at Isabel and finishes off the song.

"We're gonna take a little break!" he says, putting the mic back and jumping off the stage. He pulls Isabel to him, wrapping his arms around her waist. "How're we doing?"

She giggles. "You guys are great."

"Thank you," he says before kissing her. She giggles again. Ah, geez.

"Come on, lovebirds, I'm hungry," I say. I link one arm with Adam and pull them through the crowd to the front room of the Embassy. I walk up to the counter and say "Large fry?"

I hand over two dollars and take the huge cup of fries that they hand me. I douse them in vinegar and salt, and carry my food back to the table that my friends have claimed in the corner. Shawn, Cassy, and Jayce have joined our group.

"Hey guys, you're doing great!" I say to our friends in Exit 42. Shawn plays bass, Cassy plays drums, and Jayce plays guitar, along with Adam.

"Thanks Jane!" Cassy says, taking a few fries.

"So, I have a feeling that this summer is going to be awesome," Isabel says from Adam's lap.

"Well, seeing as how my parents are going to be in Europe for the entire summer, and I'll be home alone with Noah, I'd have to say yes, I think this summer will be especially fantastic," I say, sitting down.

"Noah?" Cassy asks.

"My older brother," I explain. "19, cute, single."

"And straight," Ray sighs. I laugh.

"So, what're we gonna do tomorrow?" Shawn asks.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to be sleeping in, eating pizza, and getting rid of my old school stuff," I say, eating a fry.

"That sounds like fun," Cassy says.

"Yeah, it doesn't take much to please me," I smirk.

"That sounds kinky," Alex says, walking up and staling one of my fries.

"Shut up, dick," I say, pulling the cup away.

"It does, I’m just saying," Alex shrugs.

"Is it your goal in life to annoy me to death?" I ask.

"No, actually, I want to design skyscrapers, but that's a close second," he smirks.

"So is that all you're here for?" I ask.

"No, I wanted to know if you would dance with me," He replies.

I study him for a moment through narrowed eyes before saying "Sure." I put my fries down on the table and turn to my awe-struck friends. "Don't eat all my fries." I grab Alex's hand and pull him back to the dancefloor.

Let me explain something about the relationship between me and Alex Barnes. He came to our school in second grade, and the first thing he said to me is that I have a grandma name. We've been enemies ever since. He's always teasing me and picking on me. I can guiltlessly say that I hate him.

In the absence of a band, someone has put on a CD, and some crappy rap song comes on as Alex and I enter the room.

"This music sucks," I say, pulling Alex into the mass of people. We start dancing. "So, why did you ask me to dance?" I ask, my body rubbing against his.

"You look gorgeous tonight," Alex says low in my ear, putting his hands on my hips. "Why did you say yes?"

"I'm not gorgeous, what are you talking about?" I ask, distracted by his answer.

He laughs lightly, "Yeah, you look great tonight."

I don't know what he's talking about. I have on a short denim skirt, zebra-stripe leggings, and a black tank top. I left my long, red hair down, and it's falling over my shoulders. He must be on drugs if he thinks I look good. Of course, Alex on drugs…doesn't surprise me.

"Is this a ploy to get laid?" I ask, suddenly suspicious.

"If it were, do you think I would be using it on you?" he retorts.

Asshole. I pull away from him and turn to walk away. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back. When my body is pressed against his, he puts one hand behind my neck, leans down, and kisses me. Alex Barnes is kissing me.

It only lasts a moment. When I realize what's happening, I put my hands on his chest and shove him away.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I yell. I turn and shove my way through the crowds of people until I break out of the room. I rush to my friends' table and throw myself in a chair.

"You look mad," Shawn observes.

I grunt. Alex walks into the room, glances our way, then walks out the door.

"What happened?" Isabel asks.

"He kissed me," I say disgustedly.

"What!?" Cassy exclaims.

"I don't know what happened!" I say. "I asked him why he asked me to dance, and he's like 'you're gorgeous' and so I was like 'what the hell' and then I asked if it was just a ploy to get laid, and he was all 'if it was, would I be using it on you' so I tried to leave and he grabbed my arm and kissed me."

"He's probably just messing with you," Jayce says.

"I sure hope so," I say darkly.

The rest of the evening passes quickly. I push all thoughts of Alex from my mind and busy myself with taking pictures and having fun with my friends.

When I get home, it's a little past midnight. I walk into the living room and am very surprised to find Alex sitting on the couch with Noah, watching TV.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

Alex smirks at me. "Didn't your parents tell you? I'm staying here for the summer."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, yeah, I've got another story.
I wanted an origional that I knew I would actually continue with, it is.
Hope you like itxoxo

title credit - Taking Control ;; Eisley