You Are Nothing What You Seem

I'm A Changer

I sigh. "I'm so hungry!"

"Go get something to eat then," Isabel says.

We've been sitting at the food court for about twenty minutes now. Alex seems very relaxed, but I'm tense as hell.

I turn to Alex, pouting. "Will you go get me something to eat, please?"

He rolls his eyes. "What do you want?"

"Um. A cheeseburger!" I say.

"OK," He says, standing up and walking away.

"Oh my god, Belle, you're not going to believe it!" I exclaim, scooting my chair closer to hers and grabbing her arm.

"What, what?" She asks excitedly.

"Well. Tonight, before we came, something happened. Alex was hiding in the bathroom, and he scared me, and we fell over, and he fell on top of me, and we made out," I say quickly. I was going to wait to tell her, but hey. She's my best friend.

"What!?!" She squeals. I nod silently, blushing. "Oh my god. You two are totally going to end up together!"

I stick my tongue out at her. "But I don't want to end up with him. I hate him."

"OK, OK," She says, placating.

"I bet that's why he's doing all this shit. Being nice to me, and kissing me and stuff. Just to mess with my head. Yeah, that's it," I say, paranoid.

We sit in silence, each contemplating our own thoughts. Alex shows up with my cheeseburger after a few minutes, and I thank him, losing myself in a McDonalds heart-attack-on-a-bun.
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OHEMGEE I know this one is superdupershort. Sorry. I just wanted to get something out. I haven't updated in a long time, I know. I got a bad grade in geometry on my progress report, and my parents put me on a computer ban. I'm allowed on now because we have a four-day weekend. I'm going to update again, hopefully more than once, over the next four days.xoxo

title credit - The Point Sometimes ;; Gregory And The Hawk