You Are Nothing What You Seem

I Am Such A Haunted Soul

I wake up and groan, rolling on my side to look at the clock. It’s ten. Late enough to get up, I guess.

I push back the covers and roll off the bed, stumbling to the bathroom door. I jiggle the knob, but the door is locked. Only now I realize that the sounds of the shower running are coming through the door. Damn Alex.

I am suddenly struck with inspiration. I sprint out of the room down to Alex's door. It's open. I walk inside and head straight for the dresser. I open all of the drawers, looking for his underwear drawer. Once I find it, I grab all of his boxers and sprint back out of the room.

I carry Alex's undies back to my room, where I shove them into a cardboard box in a dark corner of my closet. I grab one pair of boxers out, then shut the door. Satisfied with my work, I put a chair underneath the handle to the bathroom door and grab the key for my bedroom door from the top of the jamb, shutting and locking the door behind me.

I walk down to the kitchen, whistling. I put the boxers down on my chair at the table, then walk over to the fridge. I open the freezer door and pull out a box of waffles. I carry the box over to the counter by the toaster, pull out two waffles, and drop them into the toaster, pushing down the button and putting the box back into the freezer.

While the waffles are…toasting…I heat up the syrup in the microwave. When the waffles pop up, I put them on a plate and douse them in syrup. I turn on the TV and find a good episode of Spongebob to watch while I eat.

I've cut one bite when Alex comes stomping into the kitchen. He only has a towel around his waist, and his hair is damp. I try not to stare at his toned chest and abs. I didn't know he had such a great body.

"Where the hell is my underwear?" He fumes.

I smirk at him, pulling out the pair of boxers. They're black with smiley faces on them. "You want them? Tell me a secret."

"You're kidding," he says. I shake my head, grinning.

"Make it a good one."

"OK. Um…I'm afraid of the dark," He mutters.

I burst out laughing and toss him the shorts. "It was a good one."

"Where's the rest?" he demands.

"You'd better have another secret ready tomorrow. Or something better," I say.

He growls then stomps back up the stairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha, I know this one is super short. I just wanted to update and introduce the concept of boxers for a secret. I'll try to update again soon!
haha. my friend cut my hair today. I have bangs now. my parents flipped out, but we said it was our friend's aunt who did it, so now dad is just questioning the aunt's common sense instead of yelling at me. (:


title credit - Don't Wake Me Up ;; The Hush Sound