You Are Nothing What You Seem

Just A Creative Homeless Guy

"I think gummy bears are gross," Alex sighs. I grin and throw him a pair of boxers.

"That's a weird one."

Alex shrugs, catching his shorts. "It gets me my clothes." He turns and leaves my room.

I lock the door behind him, then walk to the bathroom, locking both doors. I pull off my pajamas and slip into the shower, turning the hot water on full blast.

Alex has to work tonight. I bet he'll bring Skank around today. God, I hate her. She's so annoying. A huge slut. She's always making snide comments about me, about the way I look, the way I eat, the way I dress. And I can't tell you how many lesbian cracks and allegations I've heard over the past week. I loathe her.

After turning off the water, I pull a large fluffy towel into the shower, wrapping it tightly under my arms before opening the shower curtain. Oh, good. The bathroom is empty. He hasn't made it in.

I open the door to my room and look around. It looks like he hasn't been in here, either, but I can't be sure. I walk over to my dresser and open my underwear drawer. Ah. All of my bras are gone.

Well, apparently Alex didn't remember that I went shopping the other day. I pull the bag – Victoria's Secret – out from under a pile of clothes in the laundry basket in the corner of my room. I pull out the new, lacy black bra and rip off the tags.

I put on the bra, paired with a pair of bright red up-your-ass shorts – the kind that are so short that I buy them only to wear as pajamas – and quickly run a comb through my hair. I towel dry it and leave it damp and cold on my shoulders.

I grab my phone off my nightstand, unplug it, and leave the room. I walk quickly down to the kitchen, where Alex is seated at the table. His eyes widen at the sight of me when I enter the room. I smirk in his direction as I walk to the fridge.

"You missed one."

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" He asks weakly.

I surface from the fridge, milk in hand. "The shirt I wanted to wear today is in the laundry. I couldn't decide on a different one. I'll find something later." I walk over to the cabinet and pull out a box of cereal, Cinnamon Toast Crunch. "Why? Don't you like it?"

He glares at me before grabbing the last piece of toast off his plate and storming away upstairs. I grin to myself, pouring a bowl of cereal and getting comfortable at the table.


Alex and I agreed to return all articles of clothing belonging to the other person, and we did. He's at work now. It's nearly one, and I'm not tired at all. That may have been because I fell asleep today and slept for six hours, though. Grin.

I wander around my house, trying to find something to do. I would call Isabel, but she's spending the night at Adam's house, the little slut. Cassy is at the beach this week, too.

In the kitchen I find a box of chocolate cake mix. mmm. Cake mix sounds good.

I get the box down and pull a mixing bowl down from on the top of the fridge. I pour the powder from the box into the bowl, then wander around the kitchen gathering up the rest of the ingredients. In time, I've found everything and mixed it accordingly.

I'm carrying the bowl into the living room when the front door opens. I stop dead in the middle of the hallway, staring at the slowly opening door. Frozen, I watch as the door swings open to reveal a figure. My racing heart slows when I realize it's only Alex.

"God!" I say, walking into the living room. "You scared the shit out of me!"

He laughs. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to watch a movie."

"What's in the bowl?"

"Cake batter," I say simply. He just shakes his head sadly.

"What movie?"

"Lord Of The Rings. Ever seen them?" He shakes his head and I gasp theatrically. "You have to! We'll have a marathon! Go get another plastic spatula!"

"Why?" he asks, confused.

"So you can help me eat cake batter, of course," I say as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh," He says, walking to the kitchen.

While he's gone, I get out the first movie and put it into the DVD player, turning on the TV. I've got the title menu up by the time Alex gets back, and we settle comfortably onto the couch as I start The Fellowship Of The Ring.
♠ ♠ ♠
going to a football game tonight (: I might meet hot guys. that'll be rad. wish me luck!


title credit - New Math ;; Bo Burnham