You Are Nothing What You Seem

Love Me Now

The pounding of the music is a beat in my stomach, ricocheting throughout my torso.

I'm sitting on the back porch, under a light, reading a book. Jane Eyre. It's bomb. I'm a sucker for a love story.

The door opens but I don't look. It's probably just another drunk couple, out looking to wander away in the dark to have sex.

To my surprise, though, whoever it was walks over and waves their hand between the book and my face. I look up and find myself face-to-face with Alex.

"I've been looking for you everywhere!" he exclaims, sitting down next to me.

I shrug. "Here I am."

"Had anything to drink yet?" He asks.

I shake my head. "Nope, and sorry, but I'm not really planning on it."

"I wouldn't peg you for a straightedge," he observes.

"You either," I counter.

"What?" he asks, confused.

"No alcohol on your breath," I say. I make my own observations.

"Well maybe I just haven't started drinking yet," He says.

"Don't get me involved when you do, please," I say.

He laughs. "Whatever you want." He stands up and walks to the door, turning back to me just before he goes inside. "Come find me when you're ready to have fun."

I just roll my eyes and look back to my book.

After a while, I do start to get thirsty. I pull out my phone and find a new text is in the way of me seeing the time.

where are u? from Isabel.

party. I reply.

I immediately get a new text. where?

alexs friend marks place. hes a swell

im on my way

finding something to drink. see you soon.

dont get drunk without me!

I smile to myself and check the time. 9:43. We've been here for almost two hours. Wow.

I put my book in my bag and stash it underneath the chair I'm sitting in, then stand up, heading for the door.

It's a screen door, opening into the kitchen, so I hear the voices before I see them.

"So, do you think she's actually a lesbian?"

"I swear to God." Ah, geez. It's Skank.

"What makes you think so?" Skankette asks.

"Dylan says that on their date, she like, hardly touched him. Wouldn't kiss him or anything." Skank says.

"Woah. Weird. Normally girls are all over him." that was Skankette.

"She must be gay. I mean, come on, if a guy like Dylan asks her out, or any guy, you'd think she'd try something if she were straight. It can't be every day that she gets asked out." and Skank.

Alright, I think it's time for an entrance. I pull the door open and look into the kitchen, meeting Skank's gaze.

"Is it true?" Skankette immediately asks. Well, she's not one to beat around the bush. Or maybe she's just stupid.

"Is what true?" I ask innocently, looking at the drink selections. Apparently as Mark is loaded, he'll leave the alcohol out for people to mix as they like. That'll make for an interesting cleanup.

"Are you gay?"

I roll my eyes, walking to the fridge. "What makes you say that?"

"You've never had a boyfriend," She says.

"What makes you think that?"

"I know everyone. I've never talked to anyone you've dated," she says matter-of-factly.

"Just because I've never dated anyone doesn't mean I'm gay," I say, pulling out a bottle of Coke and turning to face Skank and Skankette.

"Just come out. Everyone knows you're a lesbian," Skank says nastily.

Right as she says that, Alex walks into the kitchen. Skank smiles sweetly at him. "Hey, baby. What's up?"

Ignoring her, Alex crosses the room to where I'm standing. Placing one hand at my waist, he smirks at me before pressing his mouth to mine. I react like last time, letting myself get pulled into the kiss. One hand, the one holding the soda, snakes up behind his neck, while the other rests on his chest. He holds me tightly, our bodies pressed together.

"What the hell?" Skank shrieks.

Alex pulls away and turns to look at her with a 'what do you want' expression on his face. "She's my girlfriend. That's generally what one does with one's girlfriend, wouldn't you say?"

"You're with me," Skank says menacingly.

"Hmm. I didn't know that," Alex says thoughtfully. "I thought I was with Jane."

"You can't be with Jane," Skankette says. "She's gay."

"Not from what I've experienced," Alex says, smirking again. I giggle.

"You are so fucking dead," Skank says, glaring at me. She turns and stalks out the door, into the rest of the house. "Come on, Chloe."

Skankette ā€“ Chloe ā€“ follows her obediently. The moment she's gone, I push Alex away from me.


"What?" He asks nonchalantly.

"You fucking kissed me. Again!"

He shrugs, beginning to mix a drink. "They were going on about how you're a lesbian. I figured you would have wanted to prove to them that you're not. Unless you are?"

"No, Iā€™m not gay," I say, outraged. I pick up my soda off the floor and walk over to where Alex is standing. "But I wouldn't want your help to prove to them that I'm not!"

He shrugs again, smirking down at me. "There's not much that you can do about that now, is there?"

"I hate you!" I say, spinning and walking outside. Sinking back into my chair, I pull out my phone and text Isabel.

alex kissed me again.


skank and skankette were bugging me about if im gay or not. Alex materialized and started making out with me

did you kiss him back


omg. im almost there. Where are you?

back porch

ill be there in 5 minutes
♠ ♠ ♠
allo. here it is, another installment. i think either the next one or the one after that is going to be the last one.
i lost my phone at the dance last night. somewhere between the restaraunt and school. so i got a new one today. it's rad.


[title credit - No One Would Riot For Less ;; Bright Eyes