You Are Nothing What You Seem

Now You're An Actress

"So he says he did it to prove to them that you're not gay?" Isabel asks. She finally arrived a little bit ago, and is sitting in the chair next to mine.

I nod vigorously. "Yeah, but I'm like why the hell would he care, you know?"

"He wants you," Isabel says knowingly.

I laugh. "No way. It's Alex and me. We've been through this before. Maybe he'll kiss me, but that just means he hasn't gotten any lately. Especially if he's stooping to me."

Isabel shakes her head slowly. "You have no self-esteem at all. Why won't you realize how hot you are?"

I roll my eyes. "Shut up, Belle."

She laughs. "Whatever. You'll admit it when you're ready."

"And til then, shut up," I say laughingly, shoving her.

Just then, Alex comes out the door, an angry look on his face. "We're leaving. Come on."

"What the hell?" I say, not standing up.

"I'm leaving, and seeing as how I brought you, you're coming back with me," He says impatiently. "Now come on."

"No, I don't want to leave," I say.

"You didn't even want to come," he says accusingly.

"Isabel wasn't here then."

"Well you can see her tomorrow."

"I'm seeing her now."

"If you don't come with me now, I swear to god, I'll burn all of your underwear," He threatens. I can see in his expression that he's dead serious.

I immediately stand up. "Bye, Belle." She just laughs. I grab my bag and move to follow Alex.

Apparently I'm not moving fast enough though, because, sighing loudly, Alex grabs my wrist and pulls me quickly through the house. Down the driveway we go, Alex ignoring my protestations the whole time.

"What the hell!" I say, sitting in the car as Alex pulls away into the road.

Alex doesn't say anything. I glance over and he's fuming. I slam back into the seat too, crossing my arms angrily over my chest.


When we get back to the house, I get out of the car before Alex has even finished parking. I stomp into the house, up the stairs, and into my room, slamming the door shut behind me.

Alex is through the door behind me just a few seconds later, an angry look on his face.

"Why the fuck are you so pissed?" He spits out.

"You made me fucking leave, and you fucking kissed me. Wouldn't you be pissed too?" I glare at him accusingly from on my bed.

He rolls his eyes, throwing his arms up in the air. "I was helping you!"

"So you say," I say, jumping up.

"They were going on about how you're a lesbian. Did you really want them to think that?"

"I could have handled it myself!" I exclaim. "I don't need your help for anything!"

"Well there's not much you can do about it now!" Alex shouts.

"I hate you!"

"You know what?" Alex says, walking closer and staring down at me.

"What Alex, what more could you have to say to me?" I say, laughing harshly.

"I would say I hate you too."

"Would say?"

"Yeah, that's what I would say. Except I've got a thought in mind."

"What thought would that be?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"I really think we should stop pretending we don't have feelings for each other," Alex says.

We stand there, arms crossed, staring at each other.

He makes me so fucking mad.

But so happy.

No he doesn't.

Yes he does.

No way. I hate Alex Barnes.

No you don't.

If I don't hate him, then what's that feeling coursing through me right now?

Love, bitch.

No fucking way.

Do what he said. Stop pretending.

Before I know what's happened, my arms are tight around Alex's neck, my mouth hard on his. He wraps his arms around my waist, holding me tight.

What the hell am I doing?

You know exactly what you're doing. You're doing what you've wanted to do since you were seven years old.

At that moment, my brain decides to take a sabbatical. It flits away, leaving me in peace as Alex pulls my clothes off.
♠ ♠ ♠
woo! sex!

Just a warning: Next Is Last

have you ever realized that you've gotten too attached to a friend? because I have. it makes me depressed. suicidal thoughts, runnin through my head...


title credit - Dress Up In You ;; Belle & Sebastian