You Are Nothing What You Seem

You Don't Have To Know The Truth

It's been three days since the whole 'do you wanna fuck me alex? belle thinks you're jealous' thing. My date with Dylan is tonight.

"Excited for tonight?" Alex asks as I sit down at the kitchen table with a Poptart.

"Yes, not that it's any of your business," I say, taking a bite of my Poptart. Yum, brownsugar cinnamon.

He laughs. "Hey, I'm just trying to be nice."

"That's a change," I say dryly.

"Yeah well, don't get used to it, I'm sure it'll go away fast," He says.

"I don't doubt that," I say, standing up and walking out the back door. I can't stand to be around him!

I sit dejectedly on the swing in the back of the backyard. It hangs down from a really tall tree. I've got a treehouse up there, too. It's great. Isabel and I used to go up there all the time to play castle.

I finish the Poptart and slowly swing back and forth. I don't want to go back inside. Not knowing that he will be there, waiting to make some snide remark about my hair or my clothes or something.

My phone rings suddenly, belting out some crappy, generic ringtone. I fumble in my pockets for my phone, glancing at the screen when I have it out. I don't recognize the number.


"Hey, Jane, it's Dylan."

"Oh, hey!" I say, more relaxed. "What's up?"

"Just working out the details for tonight. Dress casual, jeans'll be fine."

"OK, what time should I be ready?"

"I'll pick you up at six. Do you have a curfew?"

"Nope, as long as I'm back before dawn." Why would I have a curfew with my parents out of the country?

"OK, good. I'll see you at six, then."

"See you at six," I echo, then click the phone off.

I wonder what he has planned. Doesn't sound like anything too fancy if I can wear jeans. That's good, I guess. I like comfort.

I stand up and wander back into the house. Alex isn't in the kitchen anymore. I walk out to the living room. He's sitting on the couch. I walk over and sit in my favorite recliner. I curl up, my legs pulled to my chest. On the TV, a movie is starting.

"Whatcha watching?" I ask.

"I Am Legend," Alex replies, glancing over at me.

"Sweet! I love this movie!"

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for your date or something?" he asks, still looking at me.

'My date isn't until tonight."

"I still think you're gonna get hurt," He says under his breath, turning back to look at the TV.

"I wish I was infected with whatever virus the people in this movie get," I say coldly. "Then I could just eat you, and not have to deal with you anymore."

"Honey, you wish you could get your teeth that close to me," He says smugly.

I scoff. "You're so fucking arrogant!"

"You know you love it."

I roll my eyes. "Sure, sure."

We don't say anything else while we watch the movie. My mind slowly wanders away from the plot.

Alex is such an ass. I wonder why he's so arrogant. He's a prick. Rawr.

I wish I could like, stab him in the neck with a spoon or something. That'd be great. Then he'd go to the hospital, then his parents would come home, then he'd go back to his house, then I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore! Although I'd probably get sued…that wouldn't be good. My parents would get mad.

I snicker at the thought of my parents yelling at me for stabbing Alex in the neck with a spoon. Alex looks at me weirdly.

"Something funny?"

I shake my head. "Nope, I'm just crazy."

"You can say that again." He says quietly. I roll my eyes, ignoring it.
♠ ♠ ♠
bah. I know it's short. sorry.
I'm going on vacation tonight.
won't be back til next weekend. more updates til then.xoxo

title credit - Invasion ;; Eisley