The Phantom of the I-5


The scream pealed over the freeway, echoing across the empty streets. My blue eyes looked up at the sound as I stood. My wife came bursting through the door quickly, a towel still wrapped around her wet hair.

“Jack,” she whispered, “What was that?” My arm wrapped around her shoulders, gently pulling her to me.

“I’m not sure.” I turned her to me and kissed her softly. “Stay here with the kids. I’m going to see what happened,” I said gently as I smiled down at her. Her crossbow lips puckered into a soft pout and I couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’ll be fine my love. I’m a cop remember?” I kissed her again and headed into the house.

The hour was late and I knew my kids were asleep. Praise, my wife, followed in after me as I grabbed my gun belt off the wall.

“I have a bad feeling about this Jack. Please, don’t go,” she insisted.
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Remember, this is just the prologue... It's also a prototype idea and not my main story, so this will take longer between posts.