

"Angel!the phone is for you!!!"said Ryan[her brother!]. Angel ran up to the phone that was hung on the white wall.

"Hello?"said Angel.It was her friend, Janeasha. angel was so excited talking to Janeasha because Janeasha is moving to another school called Astumbo school. Whenever angel had the chance to talk with her, she would call her! So Janeasha asked,"What is Ryan doing?"

Angel told Janeasha that she doesn't really know! Janeasha asked her if she could check.
Angel agreed to do hat for her, so Angel ran down the dark and hollow hallway and asked her brother Ryan. Ryan told Angel to tell Janeasha that he is sleeping. Of course she couldn't lie to Janeasha, so Angel walked slowly approaching the phone thinking what shes gonna tell Janeasha or what she is going to do. As she picked up the phone, she said in her mind"I can tell Janeasha to keep a secret and don't tell Ryan i told her that". So she did.

She asked Janeasha if she could keep a secret. Of course Janeasha said yes. Angel slowly whispered to the phone....."Hey Janeasha Ryan told me that to tell you he pretending to sleep and he is only using that as an excuse." Janeasha swore to Angel that she wouldn't tell. Of course Janeasha had to tell Ryan because they were going out so yea.Janeasha could've told Angel, but instead she wanted to hurt her in the heart.

Angel thought she could trust Janeasha, but she thought wrong. After the minute they hung up, she told Angels brother. Ryan called Angel out of her aunties room she was staying in. Ryan kept lecturing her. after Ryan had finished with his lecture, her mother called Angel into the kitchen with her. when she came in her mother had a mad face on. As Angel approached her mother with fear, her mother was yelling at her while she was holding a silver spatula. Angel ran into her room with tears running down her face in a rapid speed. Angel wanted to commit suicide, but she wondered if something marvelous would happen after she did suicide. So Angel waited for one week and waited ti check if any thing worse would come in hand, and it did. as days past, more friends have been breaking their friendship with her.
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The next chapter you will find out if she will do suicide or more and yes astumbo is a real school!=]