Status: Pending Chapter :) [I lengthened the story to its original length, since the last few chapters were written for a shorter storyline] Expect one slow update before Jan. 15th]

Tokio Turquoise

I can't be mean.

"Hell yes, I do." Tom grinned beside Bill.

Bill jumped about three feet into the air at his randomly appearing brother. Tom chuckled at his side, moving his lip ring and looking at me suggestively. A beer rested in his hands. I smiled back at him, an innocent one just to test his drunkness. He grinned harder at my smile, eyebrows starting to waggle. My smile enlarged into a full-blown grin. He looked pretty stupid right now.

"Ugh, Tom is drunk without me." Bill shifted positions and frowned.

"And? Your brother is having fun, be happy for that." I almost snarled at him.

He looked shocked at the words that spewed out of my like daggers, his mouth open. I frowned at him, and he looked a bit sad.

"Sorry. That was a bit inconsiderate, I guess." He said, facing Tom.

"Yeah, considering you're twins." Mand bitched.

Whoa sweet jesus. TWINS?!

My face showed my shock, and the brothers grinned at the same time. Bill started laughing, and I frowned.

The area looked more like a party than the passie's gathering ground, with the body guards talking to the passies, the band drinking and talking to everyone, and their producer appeared to be here as well, along with the manager. Well, we guessed he'd be here because of us.

I stared at the black walls, covered in posters of bands. There was a Tokio Hotel one, one with the band laughing together whilst struggling in a pile of mud. I snickered at it, the dirty boys smiling wide at my mean giggles.

Bill stood beside me and looked up at the picture, a far away look in his eyes. Tom staggered around, flirting wildly with the passies. His eighth drink landed on one of their shirts, which made me flounder around in laughter. Bill attempted not to join me, only to start howling as Tom tried to lick it off of the girl's cleavage. Georg joined us in a second, smashing into the entrance in a fit of laughter. Mand was biting her lip at the scene, with William on the floor in silent shakes. The entire posse almost erupted, Gustav supporting a shaking Nancy. And what did Tom do after the chick pushed him away from her cleavage?

He decided to take a nap on her.

His entire 5'11"1/2 frame fell on her and immediately began snoring loudly. The girl looked scared but didn't make a sound, instead widening her eyes at the now totally hysterical roomful of people. The manager blushed a fiery red, his laughter turning into shards of painful embarrassment.

This lasted a rather long fifteen minutes. After a while, I decided to be the hero- I grabbed Tom and shoved him off of the girl. He stayed snoring all over a really pretty carpet worth hurling on.

Bill look as if he was in a dream world, and his brother's embarrassing plight was just a nightmare. Social nightmare. I grinned an evil grin, just snickering cruelly. I wonder when he'll realize this was reality...

"Hey Bill." I smiled at him.

"Hi, Ránë. Thanks for getting To-"

"No issue. Let's talk. Now." I said slowly. I took his arm and walked to the couch. Oddly enough, he didn't need any dragging. In fact, he looped his hand into mine.

At the sudden warm contact, my body stiffened. I felt my lips rise into a slight snarl, but I didn't begin to growl at him. Instead, I simply relaxed and tried to forget who was holding my hand.

The rest of the posse horded around the couch, giggly and making jokes. The obviously drunk Mand was denying an equally drunk Nancy; instead, she sat on me. Being the partial giant I am, I was used to her smaller frame on me. Bill looked surprised, as she wrapped her legs around my waist and bit my neck. I giggled and bit her back. At least her bitchiness was resolved.

Bill was looking at us with very wide eyes.

"You're all lesbians?!" he gasped. He stood up and attempted to walk away. I grabbed his hand, the snarl almost fully taking effect.

"We're bisexual, except Will, who is gay. Is there an issue?" I frowned at the last word. I could feel a weird sensation in my stomach as my eyes clouded over. I blinked it away.

"Oh. No." he looked relieved as he sat back down, snuggling as close as possible. I fought the urge to growl or snarl.

Mand continued to bite my neck, her teeth grasping my neck harder each time. I almost didn't noticed till she hit a spot and I gasped against my will. She grinned evilly, Bill interested and watching, the rest of the posse talking without a care.

"Mand, don't you fucking dare." I hissed.

"Oooh, you-know-you-like-it" she slurred in a single word.

I bit my lip. She wouldn't. I hope.

She did.

She bit down on the spot as hard as possible, the urge to moan rising to my nose. It was a nice fluffy cloud, one that was sitting in a room full of people and Bill leaning into us. This was not the time to moan loudly while Mand had herself wrapped around me like a snake, pressing into me and biting a rather sensitive spot.

My throat threatened to vibrate loudly.

I was chewing on my lip to shut myself up. Bill was smiling, an encouraging face. At that, I started laughing.

Mand frowned. She glared at Bill and licked me, declaring me her territory.

Before being forced to fall off of me from my laughter, vibrating my body to the point of losing several hundred calories.

Bill's face didn't really change, the smile growing bigger and into a grin. He then started to laugh, and it grew into my teared laughter. The posse watched Mand grumble as she stood up, and then looked at our identical laughter before putting two and two together. They smiled, mostly drunk, and went back to talking.

It took me several seconds before I realized I was laughing with Bill. Oh, who am I kidding, that was funny.

And that stopped my laughter as I knew it would.

I watched Bill laugh, his perfect face contorting slightly, his honey skin reflecting the lights at the perfect angle, his long eyelashes curling up to the edge of his eyebrows, his light mouth open, the soft look of velvet floating above them, and the shaking of his thin body. The sight made me want to slap him, to yell at him for his perfection. "Why can't you be normal?" is what I would say. Asking him is sure to get an answer, right?

I sat there miserably, watching Bill and finally, just as the eruption stopped, I looked at Mandy. She was tearfully laughing at Nancy, apparently having forgotten about my lap. Because no one likes me. Everyone wants a fuck or they won't deal with you. Whatever.

"I really love your eyelashes." broke my depressing thoughts. Bill was looking at me, genuine feelings flying behind his perfect brown eyes. Why couldn't I be like that?

"Everybody does. It's sort of why I'm famous in the first place." I said. Layers of feelings writhed in my voice, and I winced as soon as the last word left my mouth. Can't I freaking try to be as upbeat as Bill?

His eyes shifted, something behind the sweet chocolate layering. His mouth opened, either to talk or out of surprise. His brows furrowed.

"Is... there something wrong with that?" his perfect vocal tone erupted.

You know that book Twilight? The freaky vampire book?
You know how all the vampires are perfect?
Hello, that's so Bill! He is perfect in like, every way! Sure, he has normal eyes, but the kid is everything I wanted to be! Famous at a young age, beautiful, long black hair, can lie easily, gets everything that he wants, lived in Germany, had parents, had an easy childhood, and knew his family. And fuck, he has tons of fangirls in a snap, where as I had to do so much to protect my fans that were... ok, well I have a lot. And they think I'm pretty. And they like me, they get everything that I want...

Bill waved a hand in front of me. I just realized the smug smile that was painting my face a nice shade of honey. I'm pretty fucking hot. I laughed at this.

And true to my inner drunkness, I strangled him in a hug.

"You're pretty fuckin' stupid, kid." I ruffled his spikes. He smiled and frowned, a look of pure stupidity ruining my joke.

"Is that good or bad?" he said.

"It makes me feel like I have an IQ of 300. Does that help you.?" I giggled.

"Not really, because if that's good, I'm not willing." he groaned, flopping onto the couch.

I can be as mean as I want until I share their bus tonight.

Damn it, the passies are leaving.
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy! This took several DAYS to write, so comment.