Shudder as I walk on by.

Possesson; Betrayed; Shudder as I walk on by.

I thought of him as a pure being. Not driven by sex, not phased by romance. The kind of perfect man. But in my head, he was about as perfect as a Woody Allen record.
The air of mystery about him once sent me mental.
The Doctor…
I wish he knew who he was, because I had the feeling he didn’t.
“Mmm.” I mumbled a greeting at him as he walked past, coffee in hand, cheerful as ever.
“Could you…could you…” He looked imploringly at me as he trailed off, as if I knew what he was asking me already.
“C’mon,” my accent, an Australian one, stark against his own. “I’ve just woken up, if you’re gonna play games, I’m going back to bed.” I might have sounded short and ungrateful to the man, but in reality, I loved him with all my heart. Not the mushy stuff. But the way an army loves his captain. I’d go to the ends of nothingness for him.
“You know that all I do is play games.” He smiled over his coffee. I grinned.
“So, where’re we going today?”
“Scotland? Pleth. It’s too cold this time of year.”
“No,” He smiled, “Australia. I figured you needed some time off.” And I’m slightly intrigued, although he didn’t say it, I knew what he meant. I was excited at the prospect of going back. I’d sort of lost track of the time, it seemed irrelevant to know how long I’d spent here, what mattered to me most was what time it was now.
We started off, feeling the familiar as we time traveled. The first time we set off, I was a little, if not more, nerve-wracked. I twiddled my thumbs and grinned a little sheepishly and then we halted.
“Question, what year are we in at the moment?”
“Oooh…I’ve already moved then.” See, I met the Doc in London. I spent 4 hard years saving to move to England, and when I finally left, I thought my life had just begun.
And so it had. We had landed in somebody’s backyard. “How long am I free for? I’m assuming nothings going to be blown up is it?” I kept on jibbering. I was pretty excited. “I want to convert this,” I pulled out a small, sad wad of Pounds, “into money we can use here.”
“You, I’m just checking out this soil here.”
“What? You expect me to believe that?”
“Okay. I’m dropping you off here for…a while.”
“Wait.” I frowned.
“I don’t want to be left here.” I must have looked like mutiny, the Doctor gave me a look.
“It’s not going to be for very long. 2 days tops.”
“You’re not just leaving me?”
“No,” He smiled at me “I just don’t want to go back there with you.” I shuddered.
“I’ll see you later.” And he was gone. I tried to be upbeat. I swung my arms about and walked.
Gotta keep my mind off that place.
I walked off down to the train station.
Train went past, train stopped. I pressed the button, door opened. I felt mechanical.
I felt the scalpel slice through my flesh. Felt parts being pulled in and out of me…I shuddered and slipped as the train swerved around a corner.