Open My Lips

Chapter 1: The Past

My father had been offered a bigger, and better paying, job. We moved from warm, sunny California, to uncontrollable Ohio. My first day of school was in the middle of the 3rd quarter. This was the time that the new kids, from the beginning of school, weren’t considered new any more.

I was so excited because I was naive and thought this school would’ve been different. I walked into school and was looked at like I was a freak. People just started at me, and I was really self-conscious. I walked to the office, and it was eerily quite.

My father had written a letter to the principal, and my teacher, saying that I don’t talk. The principal was waiting for me when I got there. My father was really well known and respected.

“Miss Farley, what an honor to have you in this school. Will your father be coming in?” she asked. I had checked on the computer and the principal’s name was Mrs. Spears.
In answer to her question I shook my head. Mrs. Spears looked at me, waiting for a spoken answer. Instead I handed her the note my father had written. She took it, not understanding why I hadn’t greeted her with a spoken greeting.

After she read the note, Mrs. Spears looked at me and chuckled, saying, “No wonder you haven’t talked. Well, let’s go see your teacher.” She started walking towards a room, beckoning me to follow her. So, being the person who follows without question, I followed her.

We walked down the empty hallway. I heard laughing and teachers yelling at students. At my old school, you wouldn’t have heard that type of thing. I already knew that this school was going to be VERY different. I wasn’t looking forward to it.

When we finally stopped, Mrs. Spears opened the door, to what seemed like the nosiest room. I covered my ears to quiet the noise, but it didn’t help. Mrs. Spears got a whistle out of her pocket and blew into it. If I weren’t a mute, I would’ve screamed.
As soon as Mrs. Spears blew the whistle, the class became quiet. I looked ar4ound and everyone was staring at me. I wanted to run out and run to the safety of my library, but I couldn’t. If I did that, then my father would put me back into Private school, and I hated private schools.

Once everyone had a seat, I noticed the teacher. She was sitting at her desk, headphones in, and snoring. I wanted to laugh, but that would blow my secret. Everyday when I’m at home, alone, I talk; just incase I meet someone I’d like to talk to.
I could already tell that there wouldn’t be anyone in this school that I would talk to. The kids looked like you basic kids; except they were already in cliques and they were only 10! This was going to be hard!

“Attention everyone, we have a new student joining your class today. Her name is Raychel Farley, and is a very important person because of who her father is. So treat her nicely,” Mrs. Spears said, not even looking at the students. She was looking at the teacher. “Miss MacAfee, you have a new student. She doesn’t talk, but you won’t have any problems with her,”

Mrs. Spears Then walked out of the room. Miss MacAfee went back to her music. The “jock” people came over to me and made a circle around me. The person who looked like the buffest came out of the circle and asked me two questions.
“Hey mute, why don’t you talk? Are you retarded or something?” And, so it begins.
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first chapter....not as good as I would like it to be, but oh well, hopefully I'll get better! :D


PS please tell me what you think! :D