Open My Lips

Chapter 4: The Tour: Part I

Before I showed the Bangkok’s around, I asked them, using my notepad, which rooms they wanted to see. Monica wanted to see the library, Kasey wanted to see the band room, Brandon wanted to see the weight room, and Matt wanted to see the art room. They didn’t know it, but we were going to go all around the school. The library was in the east wing, the band room was in the south wing, the weight room was in the west wing and the art room was in the north wing. Each wing is connected with a little hall way, which is where most people get beat up in, because no teacher in one wing goes to another wing.

The east wing is for English classes and the library, plus writing and all literature classes. We headed to the library first. On the way there, I showed them all where the English classes were. Even though we don’t have the same schedule, we have the same teachers, Mr. Bangkok and my father persuaded them to do that. Our English teacher’s name was Mrs. Rice. She is a fair grader, until you get on her bad side; you’re in for a world of hurt then, grade wise at least. Last year, I also had her and one of the most important football players cheated, and she caught him. Let’s just say that he’s never going to play football for our school again and he has to take the class, again. Back to the tour though, when we got there, Monica was amazed. All four of them were amazed actually. I could see it in their eyes.

“Oh my goodness, this place is amazing!” Monica almost yelled. As soon as I heard her getting loud, I covered her mouth enough to make it seem like she whispered. The librarian, Mrs. Pembrook, didn’t like anyone making any kind of noise. That’s why there’s a room where it’s sound proof, in the library. If someone wants to talk instead of study, they go in there and everybody’s happy. But once you come into the main part of the library, you’d better watch out. No talking, at all, or you’ll get a detention with Mrs. Pembrook, and I’ve heard they’re horrible.

“Who’s making that….oh, Raychel, it’s you; how nice of you to come here today.” Mrs. Pembrook started to yell, but smiled and calmed down as soon as she saw me. One good thing came out of not talking, I’m on the good side of every teacher, including Mrs. Pembrook, and she doesn’t like anybody.

“Who are these children with you today Raychel?” she asked me, not even looking at the other children.

These are the Bangkok children I was telling you about last week. Monica, the one with the black dress on, wanted to see the library on the tour I’m showing them before first period starts. I wrote this in my notebook and gave it to her.

As she started to read it, I sat down and got comfortable. This is one of my favorite places in the whole school and I loved it because no one could make fun of me without making noise, because I stay in the main part of the library. I was looking at Mrs. Pembrook as she tried to read, she was trying to read without her glasses on, but she’s blind without them. So, without as much as a creak in the chair, I got up, went behind her desk, and retrieved her glasses for her. I didn’t notice, but one of the Bangkok’s was staring at me, at everything I did.

Matt’s POV

Ever since the incident outside, I just couldn’t look away from Raychel. This girl was an angel in hiding, and no body in this school even knew it. I’m betting that her voice is angelic, but I’ll never get to hear her voice! I wonder why that is?

She seems like such a caring person! Without being asked, she got up from her comfortable position and retrieved the librarian’s glasses for her. Who is Raychel? Why does she let people tread all over her when she could perfectly stand up for herself? I will get to the bottom of this girl, even if it takes me a life time to do it.

Normal POV

After I got Mrs. Pembrook her glasses, she could finally read what I wrote.

“Oh yes, I remember now. You did mention last week that they were coming. Now, whose voice did I hear before I saw you? And don’t you lie to me Raychel, or I’ll band you from the library for a week this time.”

Knowing she was serious, and how much I needed the library in Study Hall, I wrote Monica but also flashing Monica an ‘I’m sorry’ look. Mrs. Pembrook turned towards Monica and looked at her. Mrs. Pembrook has this special ability where she can tell if someone is worthy of her time. I guess Monica was, because Mrs. Pembrook sighed, which I’ve only seen her do with one other person, myself.

“Well, Monica, my name is Mrs. Pembrook and I’d like to say welcome to Medina High. If you ever need any help finding books, just ask either myself or Raychel here. She knows where everything is, probably even better than I do myself.” Mrs. Pembrook smiled at Monica, which is another thing I’ve only seen toward myself.

“Thank you very much Mrs. Pembrook. I’m sure I’ll be taking you up on that offer.” Monica said quietly, smiling at Mrs. Pembrook.

We must be on our way Mrs. P; I must show them the other 3 rooms before first period. Goodbye, I’ll see you during lunch.

“Alright, goodbye dear, see you then.” Mrs. Pembrook said and went back to typing.

As we walked out of the library and headed towards the band room, the Bangkok’s where talking about Mrs. Pembrook.

“She seems nice, when you respect the library,” Kasey stated.

“Yea, but she gives me the creeps.” Brandon said.

“Every librarian gives you the creeps BB, so when are you going to stop saying that?” Monica said and asked.

“I’m not sure,” Brandon said.

How come you just called him BB? I wrote in my notebook and handed it to Monica.

“Because his first and last initials are Bs…we don’t like calling him by his real name because there’s always too many Brandon’s in a school.” Monica told me after reading my note. I made an ‘O’ with my lips and continued walking, after getting my notebook back.

The south wing is the wing for the band, choirs, and the Science classes. I have no idea why they put science with band and choir, but they did. After showing them the Chemistry class we’d be taking, taught by Mr. Johnson, I headed over to the band rooms. Yes I said rooms.

These are the band rooms; there are two different bands in our school. A band that plays at the football games and has concerts, and a band that plays at all the dances and gatherings that’s not football related. The football band is a normal band, but the Fun band, as they liked to be called, is a normal rock band. I wrote this out and gave the notebook to Kasey. As she read it, I started walking towards the Fun band room.

“That’s so cool! I can’t believe that they have two different bands! I’m so going out for the Fun band! Do you know how you get in?” Kasey asked me, looking around the room, after reading the note and catching up to the rest of us.

Alls you have to do is tell the Fun band teacher that you know how to play an instrument that’s not in the normal band, he’ll ask you to play something for him, and if he likes you, and the rest of the band likes you, you’re in and that’s your band class. After I gave her the notebook, I walked over to the Fun band teacher, Mr. Mazz, and had him follow me.

“Hello Raychel,” he said as we stopped walking and stood in front of the Bangkok’s. “Are these the Bangkok’s that everybody has been talking about?” he asked. Instead of writing it down, I just nodded my head. Before I could write down the name of the person we’re here because of, Kasey stepped forward.

“Hello, my name is Kasey, and I would love to be in the Fun band,” she said with a smile. Most people didn’t think that a person dressed in black pants and the kind of shirt Kasey wore would have any interest in any kind of band. But Kasey was different, I could tell.

“Well, the only instrument that we need in this band for this year is an electric guitar player,” Mr. Mazz told Kasey. “So unless you know how to play that and ACDC’s ‘You Shook Me All Night Long’ I can’t help you there.”

“Electric guitar is the only one I play! And of course I know how to play ‘You Shook Me All Night Long’! How can I call myself a guitarist if I DON’T know how to play that song?” Kasey looked like she wanted to jump up and down!

"Well, how about we make an appointment today, and I’ll tell the other band members at practice today. Hope to see you soon, goodbye Raychel, I’ll talk to you sometime this week,” Mr. Mazz said as he walked away from the group.

“Oh my goodness, I can’t believe that I might get to play the electric guitar in the school fun band! It’s going to be amazing!” Kasey said as we headed to the west wing to see the weight room.

“Hey Raychel, where’s the cafeteria?” Matt asked me. This was the first time he had talked to me since we got into the school. I was still amazed by what he did, and his voice, oh his voice was so angel like.

I didn’t write anything down, I just stopped walking, which everyone did, and pointed out the window. On the other side of the window I was pointing at, was the commons, which is the cafeteria for us. The whole inside of the school was the commons. They had different types of things there to eat. They had a pizza place, a Chinese place, a Japanese place, a salad place, any kind of food you could imagine, they had a place for. If they don’t have the food you want, then you can get permission to go next door, to the mall, and get the food you want. You just have to make sure you get back in time, because if you’re not back, then you’ll never get to leave again!

“Wow, this place is awesome!” Brandon exclaimed. He looked like he was in heaven, which seeing as he’s a guy, I bet he was in heaven. “I can’t believe this school! It’s nothing like our other school, and that was a private school!”

“Well, this place is ever better than a private school! It has two bands, I still can’t believe it!” Kasey said, looking at all the places to eat. “Is that really a steak grill over there?” Kasey asked me. I looked to where she was pointing and nodded my head. I started walking away, but noticed they weren’t following me, so I sat down on the floor, against the wall, and closed my eyes. That was a very bad idea.

“Well, well, well, look at what we’ve got here!” I head Adam say, as I felt a foot kick mine.

Oh crap, I thought. This won’t turn out well!
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Sorry it took so long to get this out, I don't like writing short chapters and Word wasn't working write on my computer, but everything is fine now! :D

Please tell me what you think, anything you would like to see, or if you have an idea for another character, I could always use help!


PS: Remember, if you find the name Bryan in here, or any of the other chapter's, please tell me so I can fix it! :D