Loser, Whatever!


We arrived at the stadium just on time for the game, it was a good thing that we had reserved seating, or else we would have had to stand in the aisles to watch the game. My parents ran into some friends that worked at the Ministry, which left me to watch the tiny terror, AKA Kurt. Like the previous game, my parents didn't return to watch the remainder of the game with their children. I didn't mind, I never really had a close relationship with my parents anyway.

You know how parents somehow believe that discipline helps build character? If that was true, I'd be the most responsible, optimistic, respectful, empathetic and whatever else you can think of, person in England. My mother always felt the need to discipline me. Mostly for the little things, like if my room wasn't up to her standards or if there was only one roll of toilet paper left. When my chores were done, there wasnt even the smallest hint of praise. My mom is the boss, whatever she says goes and she's always right.

As for my father, he was never really home, only really early in the mornings and at suppertime. He knew mom had a short fuse and tended to over-discipline me, but I don't think he had the courage to stand up to her, which I think is sad. He tried his best, and he's a good father when he has the time to be a father.

Tutshill was a pretty good team, so I was really happy when Puddlemere managed to pull it off and win! Not long after the game ended and my parents still hadn't returned from wherever they went, A blur or navy blue shot towards us and landed right beside me.

"Hey Oliver! Good game!" I said. He smiled, his face was doused in sweat.

"Thanks, I couldn't believe we managed it." He replied, still out of breath.

"You'd better start believing in yourself, or you won't win many other games." I advised, returning the smile.

"Maybe it was because you were right there." He answered. I had almost forgotten that Kurt was right there. "Who's this handsome young fellow?" Oliver gestured towards Kurt.

"Oh, this is my little brother, Kurt." I supplied.

"How's it going, Kurt? I'm Oliver." Oliver stuck out his hand for Kurt to shake.

"I know who you are! Can I have your autograph?" Kurt asked enthusiastically, offering a pad of paper and pen to Oliver after shaking his hand vigorously.

"Sure, you know, you have an amazing big sister. You're lucky!" Oliver tried to make conversation, I felt my cheeks turn red.

"She's not nice all the time." Kurt replied, sticking his hands in his pocket while Oliver signed the paper.

"I'll bet she is, you just need to pay more attention." Oliver finished signing the paper and handed it back to Kurt. "So, you coming to my place?" Oliver turned to me.

"Can't, Mom's orders." I answered gloomily.

"Too bad, maybe we can get together some other time."

"I'd like that."

"Can you come over more often, Oliver? I could use some Quidditch training for Hogwarts!" Kurt piped up.

"Really? What house are you in?" Oliver asked. I almost laughed out loud, seeing as Kurt was only five and obviously not old enough to be in Hogwarts.

"Well, I'm not there yet. But I will be someday!" Kurt explained.

"Well then, we'd better get to work if you want to get on your house team!" Oliver said. Kurt's face lit up.

"Thanks a lot, Oliver!" He replied.

"Looks like I'll be seeing you more often than you think." Oliver winked in my direction.