Loser, Whatever!

Figured Out

I woke to the sound of metalware clanging around in the distance. Once I was awake, I realized it was coming from the kitchen. Once it stopped, Iheard a scream. Kurt. Who else? The next thingI heard was two pairs of footsteps thundering down the stairs, no doubt my parents rushing to help put the pots and pans back.

I sighed and crawled out of bed. Years of experience had taught me that once Kurt was awake, everyone was and there was no chance on getting back to sleep. Instinctively, I pulled my computer out of it's hiding place and turned it on. Once it loaded, I signed on to MSN and it wasn't until then that I realized what had happened the previous night.

I planned to to sign off as quick as I could once the stupid thing finished loading, but it was too late. Oliver was online and the dumb program had already sent him a pop-up telling him that I was online.

Oliver says:
Hey! what happened last night?

Crap! I hoped he wouldn't do that!
Bridgette says:
Oh, my computer crashed.

He had to buy that, it didn't sound like a lie.

Oliver says:
Really? Did you get that last message I sent?

Hmm, this one would require more thinking...

Bridgette says:
Um, what one?

Please, please, please...

Oliver says:
You're such a liar, Bridgette!

How did he know? How does he always know?

Bridgette says:

It seemed safe to say at the time, but looking back, it sounded more like I was sped!

Oliver says:
So explain yourself: why did you turn the computer off when I asked you out?

Ugh. I hate guys.

Bridgette says:
I don't know! I wasn't thinking. No one's ever asked me out before. I guess I didn't know how to react.

Might as well tell him the truth, he'd probably be able to tell ifI lied again. What kind of sick skill is that anyway?!

Oliver says:
Oh, so have you had enough time to come up with a reaction?

Bridgette says:

Oliver says:
Will you go out with me?

Erg! I don't know why, but I sort of hoped he had forgotten about this all. Or better yet, I had dreamed the whole thing. He was sort of cool. He was the only one who payed me any attention, and one of my closet friends, apart from Kasey. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad...

Bridgette says:

Okay, it's out there. I don't know what I just got myself into, but it's too late to turn back now.

Oliver says:
That wasn't so terrible was it? I've got practice now, but I'll stop by after.

What? No! He was coming here? Hold up a second! I started typing, but then the message, 'Oliver appears to be Offline. Any messages sent will arrive when he/she has signed in again.' Crap! That totally put me in an awkward position!

I turned the computer off and pulled some fresh clothes on. The I headed to the kitchen for breakfast. The mess was probably cleaned up by now. Magic was a wonderful thing. I could smell bacon sizzling.

"Good morning." My mother called as I walked in.

"Morning." I replied. I sat at the table where a plate was waiting for me. Kurt sat opposite from me and my dad was beside me.

"Sleep well?" Dad asked.

"Sort of. Nightmares." I answered.

"Oh no, about what?" He looked up now as your mother had. Kurt was playing with his eggs.

"I can't remember, something stupid probably." I felt my face burn. Normally, they didn't pay any attention to me. But then again, they were pretty nosy people. I knew I couldn't break it to them now that Oliver Wood, International Quidditch player was coming over in a few hours. They were so overprotective! My dad would probably curse him to kingdom come, and my mother would give me the whole sermon on how I'm too young to have a boyfriend and all boys are only after one thing.

I'll work something out.