Loser, Whatever!


For the first time, I noticed the other girlfriends and fiancees and wives of the other players. Why weren't they as happy as we were? Or maybe Janna and I just weren't as sef-conscious. Soon, the team broke they're own celebration as one by one, they came to the box and celebrated with us.

"That was amazing, Oliver!" I commented as soon as he finsihed twirling me.

"Thirty-eight seconds, on the nose! That has got to be some sort of record! I didn't even have to do anything!" He smilled and he kissed me full on the lips. Beside us, Janna and Jered were celebrating, but at that moment, I only had eyes for Oliver, "Are you coming to the party afterwards?"

"I'm not sure..." I started, immediately, I saw his features dampen and I instantly regretted it.

"It's not going to be right away, I'm thinking it'll start at 7:00. So that's four hours until your curfew." He explained.

"I can't argue with that, and nothing can happen between 7:00 and 11:00, right?" He was beaming.

"I have to go shower." He excused himself. I laughed.

"Right, you spent more energy on the warm-up than for the game!" He laughed back.

"You know it!" As he turned away, I noticed all the other girls and players were gone, all except Janna. She looked as if she were only physically here, her mind was worlds away.

"Are you okay, Janna?" I asked tentatively. She snapped out of her reverie.

"Jered just asked me to marry him!" He squealed and hugged me. I held her tight.

"That's amazing!! I'm so happy for you!" I replied.

"Look," She let go of me, still beaming and held her left hand out. On the third finger was a gleaming gold band with a huge diamond on the center with two smaller diamonds on either side.

"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed and took her and in mine to get a closer look. The jewels sparkled in the afternoon sun.

"Of course, we'll probably wait at least two years before we get married. I'm only eighteen and he's twenty-one. My parents would flip! But still, it's something to look forward to." She smiled.

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Sorry it's short.