Loser, Whatever!


"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Oliver asked when he met me after my last exam, Herbology.

"No, it wasn't." I answered as Rick's billowing robes passed us on the right. I sighed. Oliver placed his arm around my shoulder as if to protect me.

Two weeks later, Oliver met me at my house, all packed up for the next few days. Tonight was the wedding rehersal and final fittings for Janna and Jered's wedding.

"You all set?" He asked, all of his supplies for the next few days in a single backpack ovver his broad shoulders.

"Hold on a second..." I panted as I raced around the house, packing last minute items into my already over-packed suitcase.

"Why do you need so much? We're only gone for three days. Including today!" He laughed.

"You're a guy, you've probably packed the same clothes for the entire weekend!" I retorted.

"Wrong. I've got clothes for the rehersal dinner, an pair of jeans and t-shirt for tomorrow morning, then shorts and another t-shirt for Sunday." He laughed.

"It's not funny! Didn't you pack a toothbrush?" I asked, sitting on my suitcase, trying to get it shut.

"I have a wand." He replied simply.

"Eww! That's gross!" I answered. Wands didn't do as good a job as toothbrushes, the only advantage Muggles had against Wizards.

"Here, let me help." He walked over to sit on the suitcase while I zipped it shut.

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek.

"We've got to go, Jered and Janna will be wondering if we died." I stuck my tongue out at him, dragged my suitcase to the door and we apparated.

"Here, let me take that." He sighed as I struggled against the weight of my suitcase. He picked it up easily as if it were empty.

"How do you do that?" I asked, incredulous.

"Years of training, love." He answered with a wink as we walked up the path to Jered's house.

"Bridgette!" A familiar voice called from the back yard. I turned, and Janna was racing towards me, Jered not far behind her, though he was walking.

"I'm so glad you made it! We were beginning to wonder fi you were even coming at all!" He squealed as she hugged me.

"We just had some delays due to female packing." Oliver answered as he shook Jered's hand.

"Oh, I know the feeling." Jered replied.

"That's a different ring than the one I saw before." Janna commented as she took my left hand in hers to examine it closer, "It looks really familiar." She smiled.

"Congratulations, man! I always knew this would turn out fine in the end." Jered gave Oliver a one-armed hug this time.

"He showed us the ring as soon as he bought it." Janna explained, as I was confused as to how they already knew what the ring looked like.

"Well, we should get going. The rehersal's about to start." Jered took Janna's hand and Oliver took mine with his free hand as we walked to the backyard.

The rehersal went fine. Oliver was to escort me down the aisle and back up again at the end of the ceremony. Fairly straightforward, but a lot of standing and waiting. There was only one other bridesmaid and one other groomsman. Plus the Maid of Honour and Best Man.

After the rehersal, Jered's parents made reservations at a fancy restaurant in London for dinner. I changed into the green dress that I hadn't worn in so long along with the white scarf.

"I haven't seen that one in a while." Oliver commented as I met him in the front hall where most people were assembled.

"I haven't worn it in a while." I answered. He offered me his arm and I looped mine though it as we waited for everyone else to arrive. We were only waiting on the Maid of Honour at this point.

When we arrived, we all joined hands and apparated to the restaurant.

It was pretty fancy. I couldn't understand the menu, the cursive was so elaborate. But Oliver helped me desipher it and we didn't recognize anything. I ended up ordering something that sounded meaty and it wasn't that bad. Oliver wasn't so lucky; he ended up with a type of cabbage roll that smelled okay, but tasted revolting.

We turned in early. We had a big day ahead of us tomorrow and Janna, her sister (Idina), bridesmaid (Kristen) and me had to be at the salon for 8:00 the following morning. I kissed Oliver goodnight and went to bed.

"Bridgette!" Someone was calling me. Was I dreaming? Or was this for real. I was too groggy to notice.

"Bridgette!" Whoever it was was persistant, "We have to be at the saslon in ten minutes!"

Oh crap! My eyes flew open and Janna and Idina were in my face.

"I'm so sorry guys! I forgot to set my alarm! Give me five minutes and I'll be ready to go!" I jumped out of bed as they laughed, pulled on a button up t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Then I bounded down the stairs to wolf down a bagel that was set on the table for me. A just as tired looking Kristen sat there, half-asleep in her cereal.

"I'm so sorry about the early hour, guys. But this was the only time I could schedule an appointment!" Janna apologized.

"Don't worry about it. I'm awake now." I assured her.

"Speak for yourself." Kristen sighed. We laughed, then pulled her up and apparated to the salon.

There was only one stylist, so only one person could go at a time. Kristen went first and fell asleep in the chair while Idina got her make-up done. The photographer met us there and his camera never missed a shot.

After two hours, we looked completely different. Janna had her veil practically stapled to her head. This was a Muggle salon, so they couldn't make it stay without an excess of bobby pins. My head hurt too. My short hair hung down and curly, simple, but elegant. There wasn't much you could do with short hair.

We ordered pizza once we got back to Janna's and ate quickly. Then we changed into the burnt orange gowns. They were knee-length and strapless, and poofed slightly from the waist down. I liked them.

Then came the difficult part: getting Janna into her dress. It was big and heavy. We managed to get her into it, then we had to lace up the back. It was sort of like a shoelace, except it was silk and more elaborate. Luckily, it was strapless too, so she wouldn't be too hot in it. The photographer managed to get some shots of all of us struggling to get Janna in it before he left to check on Jered and the boys.

At 1:45, a limo arrived that held the guys. Idina was strict to the tradition that the bride and groom shouldn't meet until the ceremony, so she herded Jered and company out to the backyard where they would wait until 2:00 for the ceremony.

Meanwhile, Janna was hyperventilating.

"Don't worry, it's going to go fine! You guys are perfect for each other, you totally deserve this." I assured her.

"Calm down, you'll sweat all that make-up off." Kristen chided. We laughed, somewhat nervously. Janna regained some colour in her cheeks.

"It's time." Mr Walshe had arrived to escort Janna down.