Loser, Whatever!


Oliver had arranged to take me out for the day. Seeing as it was my ninteenth birthday and all.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked as I slipped my flip flops on.

"You mean you haven't planned where you're going to take me?" I questioned with a small smile.

"Oh, I have. I just wanted to see if I was right." He explained.

"I really don't care. If you've already got plans, I can go along with them quite happily." I replied.

"Easy enough." He said and opened the door for me. I stepped out and he locked the door behind himself.

"Well, today's the first day of the Quidditch World Cup. I thought I'd take you to the first game, Ireland against Japan." He said.

"Really? It starts today? I had no idea!" I squealed. He covered his ears.

"Don't worry about it, you've been busy with the wedding and school and all."

"I guess so. Wait, if the World Cup starts today, shouldn't you be in training?" I asked.

"Yeah, but they gave me the day off. Most of the guys are married and know what it's like to miss their wives birthdays." He explained. I laughed.

"So where are we going? I mean, is the game in Ireland or Japan?" I asked.

"Ireland. Here, take my hand and I'll take you there." He held his hand out to me, which I took and we apparated with him guiding me along. I knew we were there when I heard the distand cheering from what was no doubt a Quidditch Pitch.

Oliver never let go of my hand and I never complained as he led to towards the stadium. He handed the wizard at the entrance his tickets and we were instructed to go to the very top row.

"Wow, nice seats." I commented through my aching feet as we climbed higher and higher.

"There are certain consolations when you're a World Cup Quidditch player." He explained.

The game started and seemed to never end. It was longer than most games, but I guess they just kept going until one of the Seekers caught the Snitch. Japan was up 450- 210. So even if Ireland managed to catch the Snitch, they would still lose.

The sun was setting and the sky was bright red. I put my sunglasses on.

"Just out of curiosity, how much are you paid for every goal you save? That is, if you want to tell me." I blushed as I asked Oliver.

"No worries. I get 1000 Galleons for just playing a game and an extra 300 for every goal I save and a bonus of 500 if I don't let any in at all. I had to play a game and save eleven goals for that ring." He winked.

"Are you serious? You didn't have to spend so much on me!" I was horrified.

"It's no problem. I want to spend money on you." He assured me and placed his arm around my shoulder.

"I feel bad, I shouldn't have brought that up." I mumbled. He turned in his seat so he was facing me.

"You shouldn't. I honestly wanted to spend what is really little to me on that ring. I want to show you how much I love you and I want to have a big fancy wedding, one we'll never forget." He said seriously. He leaned in close to me and our lips met. A flash went off and we broke off, staring around for the cause.

"What was that?" I asked when we found no source.

"No clue." Oliver answered and brought my face back to his.

The game ended fifteen minutes later when Japan caught the Snitch.

"I had plans for lunch, but the game went longer than expected. I do have reservations for dinner though." Oliver explained as we walked out of the packed stadium among grumpy Irish fans.

"Where?" I asked.

"That place we had dinner at two summers ago." He answered.

"Really? I love that place!" I exclaimed. He smiled and gave my shoulder a squeeze. By now it was getting dark and I took my sunglasses off. Once we were out of the stadium, we apparated.

The restaurant was about half full, so we easily found a table.

"Hi, I'm Melanie and I'll be your waitress this evening. Can I get you anything to drink?" Melanie asked as we settled in to the table.

"I'll have a ginger ale." I told her.

"I'll have a pepsi." Oliver ordered. Melanie walked away and returned in seconds with the drinks.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked.

"Yes, I think I'll have the lasagne." Oliver told her.

"I'll have the pasta alfredo." I said. She wrote our orders down and disappeared back into the kitchens.

"I love this pop stuff." Oliver said as he took a sip of his drink. I chuckled.

"I can't believe you've never had it before!" I commented as he drained his cup in one sip.

"Have you thought about where you want to get married?" He asked as he played with the wasted ice at the bottom of his glass.

"I thought we were getting married in Scotland." I clarified.

"Yeah, but Scotland's a pretty big place." Oliver pointed out.

"True. What about your backyard? That's big, right?" I suggested.

"It is, are you sure you want to get married at my house though?" He asked.

"You're relatives are going to be the only relatives there. It's not like I can tell my parents I'm marrying you after they worked so hard to break us up." I assured him.

"Alright, my backyard it is. And what time?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean morning or afternoon."

"Um... I don't know, what do you think?"

"Morning, I won't be able to sleep the night before and it'll give you less time to escape from my mother's clutches."

I laughed. "I'm sure she won't be that bad."

"We're talking about the woman who has lived, since I was first born, to see me get married."

"Then I'm sure she already has lots of ideas for the wedding. Maybe we should consult her before we make any major plans." I suggested.

"It's your wedding." He threw his palms skyward. I laughed again.

"It's your wedding too! If you have any suggestions, just tell me!" I pleaded.

"I'm working on that. But I will take you up on that offer."

Dinner passed with more wedding plans then he took my to his house.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"I thought we could watch a movie, but it's getting late. Do you want to?" He asked.

"Sure, what movie did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Uh... I don't know. You can pick one." He said as he unlocked his door and led me inside. It hadn't changed much. He led me around the corner, after we kicked our shoes off, and down a flight of stairs. The basement had grey carpeting and mis-matched armchairs. There was a love seat in from of the flat screened TV.

"I really don't care what we watch." I said with a yawn. Oliver laughed and picked a movie at random and placed it in the DVD player. He sat on the love seat and I sat between his legs.

The opening credits had barely started when I fell asleep.
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Okay, so I'm going away tomorrow and won't be back until school starts, and then I don't know when the next update will be. Thanks for hanging in there! I'll update again ASAP.