Loser, Whatever!

Home Cooked Dinner

It smelled really good as Oliver opened the door for me and we walked inside. Like beef and potatoes.

"I'll just be upstairs taking a shower. That is, unless you want to join me..." Oliver smirked.

"Not a chance." I smiled and gave him a push towards the stairs. He was still grinning as he headed upstairs. I hung around at the bottom of the staircase until I heard the shower turn on.

"It smells really good!" I commented when I entered the kitchen and found Margot at the stove.

"Oh, Bridgette! I'm so glad you came back!" She exclaimed, her hands full of mashed potatoes.

"Well, I'm just glad that someone in Oliver's family can cook." I laughed. Margot joined in.

"Did Ollie get home then?" She asked, turning back to the potatoes.

"Yeah, he's just taking a shower." I smiled at his nickname. I don't think I could ever be able to call him Ollie and keep a straight face. He would always be Oliver to me.

"Well, I hope he hurries up. Supper is almost ready." Margot chided.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked, looking around for cutlery.

"Um... I suppose you could set the table if you wanted..." Margot mused.

"That works. I need to familiarize myself with all the cupboards and drawers in this house." I immediately started pulling open drawers until I found knives, forks and spoons. I took three of each and started setting the table in the dining room.

I walked back into the kitchen and got lucky with the first cupboard I opened as there were wine glasses there. I pulled three out and brought them to the table.

"Bridgette, dear, why are you bringing three sets of everything out?" Margot asked as I returned to the kitchen.

"Because there's three people eating?" This seemed obvious.

"Oh no! It's just going to be you and Oliver tonight. I have to get home." She explained.

"Are you sure, I mean, you just spent the afternoon making supper, you should enjoy it!" I protested.

"I'll take some home with me if that makes you feel better." She assured me.

"And some for Mr Wood too." I said as I helped her put some meat on a plate for her to take home. At that moment, Oliver reappeared, looking quite fine with his wet hair hanging in his eyes.

"I picked up some wine on the way home." He said and pulled a bottle of red wine from out of nowhere.

"That was thoughtful of you, son, but I won't be joining you tonight." Margot repeated.

"Oh, well that's okay." Oliver said as he placed the bottle on the counter and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Now, I've got your meals all served up, so eat them now, while they're hot." Margot explained. Then she walked out of the kitchen and we heard the crack as she disapparated.

I placed my hands on top of Oliver's around my stomach.

"I missed you." I breathed as I turned my face to see him better. He kissed my lips tenderly.

"You were on my mind the entire time." He replied.

"Well that's no good! You have to be watching for Quaffles!" I laughed and kissed him again. I pried his hands loose from me and set the full plates on the dining room table. Oliver opened the wine bottle and poured some into my glass then his.

"Would you believe I've never had wine before?" I commented.

"Well, yes and no. You've been sheltered all your life, but I thought you might have some with that Rick guy around." He answered. I took a sip. Then another. Well, I guess it took a bit of getting-used-to.

After dinner, Oliver took me in his lap on a sofa in his livingroom. He brought the wine glasses with him. I hadn't noticed that most of the bottle was gone.

I drained the contents of my glass as he did likewise with his, then I lay with my front against his on the sofa. His lips eventually found mine and never seemed to want to break apart.

It wasn't slow, like any of our usual kisses. I guess the wine might have had something to do with that. I brought my hands to his face and caressed it. His tongue ran against my lower lip and I opened my mouth to let his tongue explore. Unlike last time, I brought my tongue into his mouth.

His hands started exploring my back and made their way up my shirt. I didn't even care this time. He pulled it up over my head and discarded it on the floor. He brought his lips to my bare shoulder and planted soft kisses along my arm.

I was glad he wore a button-up shirt to dinner, it made it easy for me to undo it. He helped a bit, then it too joined my shirt on the floor. He brought his hands back to my back and started undoing the clasps on my bra. Soon enough, he got it off and slipped it off my arms. He dropped kissed all over my bare chest, but I brought m face back to his and our lips met again.

He rolled so he was now on top of me. He dropped his hands to my waist where he found the top button on my jeans and undid it and unzipped the zipper. I helped him pull them off.

After that, I seemed to come back to reality. I broke the kiss.

"Oliver..." I moaned. My eyes were open, and so were his, but he wasn't looking at my face. His eyes were full of longing. He snapped his gaze to mine as he heard me speak.

"What is it, love?" His voice was full of concern and disappointment. He had managed to get so far!

"I know what you're up to." I smiled. He grinned back and our lips met again. His hands found my waist again and it took all my will-power to stop it.

"We're so close." I whispered.

"I really want this." He breathed back. His hands were on either side of my face. I tried not to succomb.

"Can we please wait?" I pleaded.

"Why do you need to wait?" He was hurt.

"I explained this before." I reminded him.

"RIght." He remembered. Then he sighed. "Any chance of the wedding getting moved up?" He was hopeful now.

"No." I smiled. He rolled again so I was once again on top of him. "Was this what that wine was about?"

"Yep." He grinned. "It almost worked."

"It was smart." I pointed out. I rested my head on his chest. I could feel his heart clearer now.

"What are we going to do?" He asked, pulling his arms around me again.

"Well, for tonight, I'm going to fall asleep right here in your arms. And for the future, I don't know." I supplied.

"Let's get through tonight first." He suggested.

"Good idea." I yawned and I was asleep shortly, like I promised.
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