The Only Difference Between My Father And My Boyfriend Is The Ages

Ryan's dad was an alcoholic and passed away a few years ago. After finally getting over it and rebuidling himself, his boyfriend ends up faling in love with drinking just like Ryan's father did. He's unable to take it after a year filled with pain, frustration, hurt, and alcohol fired fights. Here's just a little look of what exactly he had to go through.

Disclaimer: I have no idea if Ryan's dad was ever that bad. I don't own anyone in this story at all. Brendon's not an alcoholic, as far as I know. I don't really own the title, I got the idea from the Panic At The Disco song, The Only Difference Between Matrydom and Suicide is The Press Coverage.

Rated PG-13 for alcohol abuse and language.
  1. The Only Difference Between My Father and My Boyfr
    "Alcohol kills life, not love."