Sequel: Fighting Addiction.

Innocence to Experience.

part; sixteen

I sighed out a trail of grey smoke, my eyes staring intensly at the shining silver band around my third finger. Many thoughts about what this could mean floated around my head, one being of course, a proposal.

Marriage was something I'd rather not think about. I wasn't ready.

My right pinky started to push the ring side to side, and then inhaled once more. My vision was slowly starting to blur and my hands were just starting to shake when I grabbed a cigarette out of Oli's pack and lit it. I let myself drop back onto my bed. Although the drop was quick and hard, it felt soft, like I was landing on a cloud. I smiled.

Now a days, my smiles seemed forced, but as I let my conscience wander, I smiled the warmest smile I had in months.

"Hey babe." Oli's smoothe voice entered my room. My smile grew larger, my teeth now showing.

"Hey!" I felt myself get pulled up and pulled into his warm lap. My eyes locked onto his, the warm gold color they were that day. My hands lifted, brushing ever so softly against his cheeks. Oli snatched the cigarette from me and took a drag, blowing smoke into my face and giggling.

Coughing, I slapped his shoulder.

"Your a dick, you know that?", Oli continued to laugh as I leaned back away from him, swatting smoke from my face. "I could have died!"

"You've inhaled worse."

"I know."

I couldn't help myself. I pushed myself forward, connecting our lips. Kissing him while I was high felt amazing. I could feel every wave of pleasure weaving its way through my body, relaxing me. I let myself fall backward ont my matress once more, Oli landing softly on top. My fingers tangled themselves in that hair at his nape, tugging ever so gently. Oli's hands grabbed my sides tightly.

We parted, but only enough so I lips no longer touched. I sighed, holding myself as close as pyshically possible to him. His warmth sent more waves through me.

"How are you adjusting to the ring?" Oli spoke, pulling away completely and sitting beside me. My eyes fluttered closed. The ring suddenly felt ten pounds heavier. I'd just forgetten the weight on my finger.

"Fine, I guess." I hesistated asking his what it meant.

By the look Oli sent me, I could tell he knew what I was thinking. But yet, he didn't ask.

I pushed my boy up, resting on my elbows. My eyes scanned my ceiling, just now noticing the yellow tint the once pearl white had taken. My habits were making my surroundings disgusting. I could see a small haze surrounding me. I moved away from Oli so I could open my window and let some of the fog exit my already stuffy room.
I lingered at my window.

Soft arms wrapped around me tightly, his breathe trickled down my neck.

"What you thinkin' about?" I pressed myself closer, letting my eyes close. I enjoyed the cold breeze coming from the open exit, and I loved him being this close. I loved it all. But yet, that nagging voice in the back of my head kept bothering me. Ask him!, it'd yell.

"What does the ring mean Oli?" I felt his heartbeat increase.

"It's just a gift."

Pft, okay.
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I'm really not into writing right now, so I'm sorry the updates are horrible.