SHH! There's a Killer in the House


I started searching the web for something, anything about where Bryan may be. So far nothing came up. He hasn’t used a credit card, check, anything that would leave a paper trail; he didn’t even pull a single penny out of any of his bank accounts anywhere. This is as bad as working a cold case file in a little government office, I thought bitterly as my blood shot eyes watched the little laptop screen. “Jace, there isn’t anything here. I’ve got nothing!” I shouted at him.

He had his nose against another laptop screen. “Well fucking check files again. There’s got to be something.”

“Why won’t you just let me look at the car, I can find a lot more on what’s on the car then what credit cards he didn’t use.”

Jace gave up and got up, gesturing me to follow him. The ride over to the other side of the property was so slow in the little golf cart but finally we made it. The garage that had Bryan’s sleek little black 2008 Dodge Charger. From where I’m standing, it looked perfect, not a scratch or dent in it. I thought that until I saw the other side. Someone had T-boned it, leaving a huge front bumper dent in it. “Shit,” I whispered, walking up to it.

Jace stand behind, leaning against a work bench, smoking some cigarettes. “I thought you didn’t smoke anymore, Jace?” My eyes scanned the little details of the car.

“Just started back up day when Alyssa handed one to me. I forgot how great it was to smoke.” He let out a long, lazy breath, smoke billowing out of his lips. “Did you need anything?”

“Yeah, all my stuff, it’s by my closet door,” I said, not looking up from the goo I found along the door handle.
Stupid Jace, I thought bitterly as I paced the room. It was some adjoin room to his. I never noticed it before now. He freaking locked me in it! That dirty pig locked me in a room with only a bed in it and ugly paintings built into the wall. “JERK! WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO IN HERE!” I screamed, gain more and more anger as I paced the room.

This stupid little room was no more than seven foot by ten foot and painted in a baby poop green. The bed was at a bed and not a stupid cot like I slept on last time. It had light green sheets with a blanket folded at the foot of the bed and a fat, fluffy pillow.

I walked over to the bed and sat down on it. It was bouncy. Like really really bouncy! “Hehe, bouncy!” I giggled, going up and down slightly a few times before my foot brushed something. “What in the world?”

Down on my knees, I looked under the bed. There was a huge, long box under the bed. Carefully, I slid it out and pulled the top off. Coloring books, crayons, paper of every color, markers, colored pencils, and an MP3 Player filled the box. “OH!”

The biggest smile slapped across my face. “YAY!” I started flipping through the different coloring book, deciding what picture I wanted to trace. I finally picked a pictured of a fairy with smoke and little stars all around her.

The MP3 Player had all the music that I liked to listen to; Endeverafter, Seven Story Fall, Hollywood Undead, Narcissus and Echo, and more. I couldn’t help it, I started dancing around the room when I saw I like Big Butts on the list of songs.

In the middle of coloring I realized I’m one of the biggest little kid I know. I love coloring, shiny things, and I can keep myself entertained for hours at a time. To top it all off, before all this stuff went down, I still called my father “daddy” even when I didn’t want something. “Oh, well with that thought,” I giggled, and continue coloring with a big smile on my face.
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i want to go color know...... crap!

BTW, you should totally check out this artists' music, its pretty good if i do say so myself! but, i have to warn you, Narcissus and Echo is a new band that is like almost a year old and they dont have any studio recorded music but they are really good so CHECK THEM OUT!

cOmMeNtS aRe LoVeD!!