SHH! There's a Killer in the House


I could feel his eyes on me as I walked to the closet. I knew he could see me almost all the way there, he just couldn't see me once the closet door was open. My hands were shaking as I tried to get a grip on the handle. Finally it opened after a few painful seconds. I didn't see it! There isn't a bag in here! Only a few jackets, Gloria's creepy cat statue and some running shoes.

"I-I don't se-see any b-bag," I stammered, backing up. The sweat on my back slowly rolled down my skin, making me more nervous.

He huffed. "Look behind that piss-ass ugly cat thing!" Landon yelled, scaring me even more. I did and found the bag he wanted. I carried it back out to him. It weighed a ton, it was like there was a body instead the freaking bag! "Set it there," motioned in front of the TV that was playing on Bravo. I looked up at him, ready to do whatever he wanted me to do. "Go sit down on that couch," he said, pointing to the one that sat directly in front of the entertainment center.

Bryan looked like a lost child, he watched this whole thing and didn't say a thing. His eyes were on me as I sat down at the end near him and pulled my knees up to my chest. Landon was rooting though the bag, his back towards me. The thought of running into the kitchen crossed my mind. I looked back at Bryan, he was shaking his head "no," like he was reading my mind.

"Don't try it, Princess, I promise I will beat you to where ever you are thinking about running to," Landon said, still rooting through his bag for something. Was I in a house full of mind readers? I thought, laughing slightly on the inside. Then Landon turned back to me, a pair of fuzzy, purple handcuffs were dangling on one hand, a bandanna and duck tape was in his other. I stiffened up.

Landon walked over to Bryan and pulled a huge piece of duck tape off the roll. Bryan glared up at him as the tape was pushed over his mouth. He turned to me, an evil smile uncurled across his lips. He started to twirl the handcuffs on his finger. My breathing became shaky and harsh. I pushed as hard as I could against the couch to keep him from touching me but it was no used, he caught my left hand and cuffed it with one side of the handcuffs. He pulled me up with it and began dragging me up.

He dragged me all the way up the stairs. "Stop! Please, God, NO! PLEASE!" I kept begging, digging my heels into the ground as he pulled me to my room. This was the first time a tear slipped down my cheek as he slung me onto the bed by my hand. He looped the handcuff around my headboard with rod iron decoration the cuffed my other hand.

"Please no," I whispered as he duck taped my mouth. He rolled up the bandanna into a strip. I had no idea why he had it. Not like it would hold my feet together.... He placed it over my eyes, lifted up my head and tied it. All I saw was black.
She was whimpering quietly to herself, barely he could even hear it. but he could hear someone ramming into something downstairs. He raced down the stairs like a bat out of hell to find Bryan up against the front door, trying to open it. "Oh, no you don't, Bryan, ol' pal!" He said, grabbing Bryan by his hair and dragging him to the kitchen. "You and I are going to have a little talk." He pulled out one of the huge kitchen knives and placed it on Bryan's cheek.

"Do you remember me, Bryan?" He asked. When Bryan shook his head, he smiled even wider. "Well, I remember you." Was the last thing he said before drawing designs on the side of Bryan's face.

Blood poured down onto the floor. Bryan screamed into the duck tape. His muffle words were begging for mercy. Mercy the gunman didn't want to grant him. After he decided he was done, the gunman pulled Bryan's face up level with his so he could see his handy work. "Not bad, it fits you. Now you're ugly on the inside as well as the outside."

Then he slammed Bryan's head down on the counter and dragged him down the basement steps to where Mr. Gordan sat, tired up in the pipes. "Now, now, you two play nice down here and don't make a sound or else I'll execute you like the scum you fuckers really are," he warned as he tired Bryan next to Mr. Gordan.

She was passed out. He could tell by her calm breathing. He smiled down at her as he slowly dragged his fingers up her leg, watching the goose bumps rise on her skin. Her skin was soft and smelled sweet. Too bad that won't last long, he thought as she began to stir from her sleep.
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sorry it slowed down at the end, I don't know why I did it like that but oh well ^_^

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