SHH! There's a Killer in the House


I woke up and looked around. The clock said it was 1:57 in the morning. I dragged my hands through my hair. OH SHIT! I thought, I'm free! I shot out of my bed like a bat out of hell before meeting the floor. My right foot was cuffed to the bed post. I had about twenty-four inches of chain to move with. "God dammit!" I yelled in a quiet voice.

"Why act so surprised, Heather?" The shadow in the corner of my room inquired. I made a squeaking sound, I didn't know he was in here. Landon walked out of the shadow and held out a hand to help me out. "Did you know you talk in your sleep? It was quite adorable."

He pulled me up into his arms. They were strong and supportive, I started to forget who he was and what he was doing to me as I looked into his pale green eyes. My hand touched his face, a scar that was along the side of his jaw. It was rough and jagged. It reminded me of when he had the bread knife under my jaw... I sucked in on some air. "Oh God," I whispered softly.

"Your father gave it to me," he whispered back, pulling my hand off his face. Then he kissed each finger. In the dark lighting, his face looked like a black and white photo of a sad boy, his features soften and innocent.

Then he stepped back and turned to the door. "Go back to sleep," he commanded before leaving the room. I looked around and sighed, there wasn't anything in reach anyway, he moved all the stuff by the bed out of my way and reach.
Landon pounded his fist into Steve's face. Everyone, but Heather, was all down in the basement. Steve cried in pain but Landon couldn't hear it, he was too busy being made. Did he really have some feelings for that.... girl? No, he couldn't! That's just.... not right!

Finally he stopped. Blood was dripping out of the middle-aged man's mouth and nose, cuts and bruises were generously sparkled around his face. Landon backed up, looking at his handy work. He smiled evilly at the dented piping from where Steve's head kept hitting them.

"Steve," Landon said, bending down to the bleeding man. "Steve, do you know how to play Russian Revolver?" He shook his head, no. Landon pulled out his six bullet revolver, dumping out all the bullets into his hand. Then he put three in every other hole and spun the holder before closing it. "I'm going to flip a coin, heads, I'm going to shoot you, tails, and I’m going to go to flip the coin for Bryan. You have a chance not to die if there is no bullet when I pull the trigger. Ready to play?"

Bryan began yelling into his gag. He began crying, begging for mercy that was muffled by the rag in his mouth. Steve shook his head harshly. "Too bad, neither of you get a chance to not play. We will begin with..." he thought about it, "Bryan."

He flipped the coin. Heads. Landon cocked the trigger and pointed it at Bryan's knee. Bryan cried in pain. His knee shattered like dropping an egg on the sidewalk. Blood poured out everywhere but Landon just bypassed it and step towards Steve. Once again he pulled out and spun the barrel. He flipped the coin once again. Heads. He aimed the gun at the man's foot and pulled the trigger. Nothing.

Steve let out a hard breath, about to faint from the fear. Landon moved back to Bryan, spinning the bullet rotation. Flipped the coin. Tails. He moved back to Steve. Right before he threw the coin up, an ear piercing scream echoed throughout the house.

Landon took two steps up at a time. No one was on the first floor. He dashed up to the second floor. There in Heather's room was a dark dressed figure standing over her with something shiny in their hand. Heather couldn't take her eyes off the figured as she tried to push herself as far away from him as she could. He was reaching for her, pulling her towards him by her leg that was attached to the bed.

"We're going to have a little fun, sweetheart," the figured said. When he had Heather by her hips, that's when Landon pulled the trigger on the gun. The guy turned around at the little click of the gun. He started to laugh. "You think an empty gun scares me, boy?"

"No, an empty gun wouldn't scare you," Landon said, cocking the trigger. "But a gun used for Russian Revolver might." He pulled the trigger again with the guy started to turn back to Heather. The black figure fell to the ground.

Blood was sprayed across her face. Her bottom lip quivered. Slowly her hand came up to her heart before she passed out. Shit, Landon thought as he unlocked her foot and carried her to her bathroom. He stuck her in the tub and turned on the shower. She shot up quickly, trying to cover her face from the cold water. "Stop. Stop. STOP!" She yelled.

He did. When she tried to get up, he just pushed her back down. "You realized you messed up what I was doing, correct?" She looked scared. "And how the fuck did he get in here?"

"I-I don't kn-know. He was ju-just standing in the doorway when I lo-looked up. He told me not to scream but I co-coouldn't stop myself," she said, shaking.

He cupped her face in his hand. "You did right, then." He bent down and kissed her forehead before getting up and leaving the room. She quickly followed, grabbing a towel on the way out. Landon was scooping up the body. She stayed close to the wall by the bathroom.

"What are you going to do with him?" She asked. Sliding down the wall, keeping her knees up against her chest.

"What I was planning to do with your father and that piece of shit of a man, Bryan. Now, either help me or cuff yourself back to the bed." When she didn't move to the bed but instead walked to his side, he smiled to himself. "Ok, grab his feet unless you want to touch his head."

"No, I'll take his feet." Once she did, they cared the dead body out to the garage. They set it down by the car while he unlocked it. But before they put him in, Landon started going through the man's pockets. "Why are you doing that?"

"Because, I set the alarms, the doors were locked, and when I came through, getting to you, both were still unlocked and turned off. He knew what he was doing." Landon stated as he pulled out a picture of Heather with writing on the back. Landon read it out loud. "'Grab Thursday night. Room on second floor, door on the right. $100,000. Kill and dump in river. Ordered by B.A. and S.G." Landon crumbled up the paper. "Do you know who put a fucking hit out on you?!"

Her eyes widened. Hit. Someone is trying to kill me, she thought. "No...."

He looked her straight in the eyes. "This was the same hit set on my brother. You're father and his boss wants to kill you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Didn't see that coming, did you?!


well, I'm going to go read Breaking Dawn, more will be up after I finish reading it!