Buttercup, Baby

Chapter One

Paisley Brown sat down at the table with a groan. Who's bright idea was it to start school at twenty after seven? And why did her parents pick to live in the middle of nowhere? She hated getting up so early for such an unworthy cause. She got back out of her chair and headed to get a spoon and bowl. Setting them down, she turned mechanically towards the fridge to get her milk. Then she fetched some cereal from the cabinet and began to make her delicious and nutritious breakfast.

Mmm. Cocoa Krispies.

As soon as she started chewing the first bite, a small thing started putting its paws on her thigh. Paisley dropped her hand to pet her small dog, Scout, on the head. After she finished with Scout, a much larger animal skidded to her other side. She sighed and petted her collie, Duncan, on his head before returning to her meal.

"Good morning!" her dad greeted her as he walked in the kitchen. Paisley mumbled something incoherent back. Her dad put the dog leashes away and helped himself to some of his special cereal. They ate together in silence, as per usual. With only about three bites to go of her cereal, Paisley felt like saying something.

"So, Dad. Ready for school again?" Yep. Today was the first day of school of the year.

"Not even close. You?" her dad replied. She shook her head no and emptied her cereal into the sink. "I'm gonna get ready," she told him.

Paisley walked back into her room and shut her door quietly behind her. Now for the fun part of my morning, she thought to herself. She grabbed three possible shirt options and two pair of jeans she loved. She would, of course, be wearing her usual black-and-white converse.

After deciding on a simple three-quarters sleeve white shirt and faded jeans, she laced up her shoes and grabbed her bag. She left her room and walked into the kitchen. Deciding it was about time to leave, she said goodbye to her dad and walked out of the house.

The walk down her street was quiet and breezy. When she got to the bus stop, she whipped out her cell phone and called her best friend for a ride. He picked up on the third ring with a yawn. "Hey Paize," he said tiredly.

"William. You're running late," she told him. Right then, she saw headlights coming down the little hill in front of her. He drove onto the gravel and rolled down his window. "I'm pretty magical" he said sleepily.

Paize saw that the passenger seat was taken so she slid into the back with an unfamiliar face. The guy, whom she assumed was new to the school, gave her a big and cheesy grin. She closed the door and glared at the back of her best friend's head. She recognized the person in the shotgun seat, it was William's other good friend - Jason Siska.

"I know you're giving me a dirty look but you need to get over it," William said. Paisley stuck her tongue out at him.

"Can you at least inform me of who he is?" she snapped back. Early mornings should be made illegal.

"Hi!" The stranger said enthusiastically. Paisley strongly resisted the urge to slap this fellow. "I'm Adam, Jason's brother!"

Ah, so this must be who Jason and Bill always complain about. "Why aren't you riding the bus?" Paize asked. He must've had something really good in order to get a ride.

He grinned. "Just a little something I like to call 'blackmail'." Paisley was very curious. "I am now guaranteed a ride to school until at least Thanksgiving Break."

"And what happens after that?" she asked. She'd ask later what the blackmail was.

Adam shrugged. "I haven't looked that far into the future yet."

The rest of the car ride passed by with the soothing sounds of the Red Hot Chili Peppers quietly playing. Soon enough, William pulled into the the high school parking lot. Paisley sighed one last sigh before the year fully began. She opened the car door and stepped onto the pavement. She, along with William and Jason, headed to the building, leaving poor Adam behind.

"I'll see you guys after school!" he shouted happily. Paisley tried to hide a grin. This would embarrass both of the guys.

William put his arm around Paisley's shoulder. The final year. Were they ready for it?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, it's a wee bit short.

But the next part will be longer! I promise!

Comment or whatever. Tell me how you like it!
