Lacin' up the Cleats

Chapter 1

A cell phones ring, Shake It by Metro Station, was heard loud and clear in a room full of posters of various Alternative, Rock, and Pop bands. If the room were to be stripped of all its’ posters, you would find the walls to be the exact color it was painted a few years ago, bright orange and yellow stripes, not faded by time.

The room was an average teenager room. Clothes all over floor and furniture, curtains askew on the hangers, a guitar or two were leaning against the wall, even a skateboard sticking out from underneath the bed. A zebra print rug was in the middle of the room. On the desk, a computer with internet access, a jar of various writing utensils, paper and random objects strewn over it. A wardrobe with a mirror on it had many perfumes, lotions, hairspray, a straightener, a curling iron, hair ties, hairbrushes, barely used makeup, and other things used in perfecting the physical appearance.
The bed had a multiple-color-striped comforter which, at the moment, was in a lump form. The pillows on the bed were lined up against the wall and the bed. The lump under the covers was steadily rising and falling in a slow easy manner.

The song, Shake It, was heard once again along with the phone vibrating. The lump suddenly snaked a hand out from under the covers and searched around for the phone. As soon as the hand connected with the phone, it slid it up, tapped a button putting it on speakerphone and groggily asked, “Hello?”
“Finally you answered! I’ve been calling forever!” A voice resounded through the speakers.
The phone was pulled under the covers, a few buttons pushed, and then, “Kirsty … you’ve only called once before this. Why are you calling me at … really early in the morning?”

“Riley! It’s 8:19 am! You should be up by now!” Kirsty exclaimed.
You groaned as the time was announced; you usually slept in to at least 10:00 am.
“Anyway, it says that the Jonas Brothers are coming to our county! Our crappy little Fredericksburg is having three oh-so-fine celebrities!” Kirsty finished that with a squeal.

You knew immediately what ‘it’ was that Kirsty said knew about the Jonas Brothers.
The internet. Kirsty was a computer whiz. She knew how to find anything she wanted on it. She always got top marks on her research projects and usually would help you on yours.

“And they just happen to be having a concert in Fredericksburg also! My mom says if I can earn enough cash to buy my ticket and get someone else to come with me, then I can go. So, do you think you can do it?” She finally got to her point.

You turned on your radio, listening to the rhythms, you asked, “And how much are the tickets?”
“Well … $67.00 for the seats I want. I know that’s a lot and neither of us have a job but, we can think of something right?” Kirsty rushed to say when she heard your intake of breath.
You sighed and thought, ‘I’ll never hear the end of this if I say no, but on the other hand I might not enjoy this. I don’t really listen to the Jonas Brothers, all I know about them is that they are really fine.

You thought a moment longer and then decidedly said, “Yeah, I’ll come. “ Kirsty squealed.
You hurried on to say, “But you have to help me think of ways to get the money.”
“Fine, fine! I’ll call you later! See ya!” Kirsty practically screamed and hung up.

You sighed.
You knew you’d have a good time going with Kirsty.
But you weren’t too positive if the music would be great.
You sighed yet again, flung the covers back, grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom connecting to your bedroom and took a shower.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just the beginning.
The rest will come in a few days.