Lacin' up the Cleats

Chapter 10

A day when usually have a day off from football practice to go to church.
But not this Sunday.

You were cramming pads and your helmet into your bag while eating a bagel and heading out to your car.

"Love ya! Don't make the boys feel too bad, k, honey?" Your mom called after you.

You waved and shoved all your crap into the passenger seat. Starting the car up, you swallowed the rest of the bagel and backed out of the driveway.

You just barely made it in time. Though your coach glared at you from running up at the last second, practice began immediately as usual.

Sweaty, exhausted, and grumpy from an especially grueling practice, you clambered out of your car and into your house.

It was quiet.
Walking into the kitchen, you hear, "A female teenager that had become enraged when the Jonas Brothers left the stage has apparently broken out of jail. Now remember the Jonas Brothers left because there mother had been involved in a accident. Denise Jonas is perfectly fine but she was taken into the hospital anyway."

Now you heard a click as if a TV had been turned off and a slight chuckle.
'Mom does not chuckle,' you thought, concerned.

You picked up a butcher knife from the utensil drawer and slowly began to walk down the hallway.

As you approached the living room, you heard a ripping sound.
You jumped into the room brandishing your weapon and saw none other than Kirsty.

"What were you going to do with that?" She eyed you as continued ripping the pillow that went with your couch.

"I thought you were a criminal."
She chuckled and you knew she was going to say 'I am one' so you hurried on to say, "A criminal who had harmed someone. Like a murderer."

She mouthed an "Oh." She set aside what used to be a pillow and looked at you oddly.
"You really are clueless, aren't you?" She stated.

Confused you asked, "About what?"

"Wow. Just wow." She continued on, "Do you mind if I stay here?"
"Oh no, make yourself comfortable! Let me go get some blankets and a pillow." You quickly allowed her to stay and calmly walked to the stairs.

Once you were up the stairs, you practically ran to your room where your cellphone sat on its charger. You grabbed and called '911.'

"This is 911. What's your emergency?" The dispatcher asked.
You whispered back, "Y'know that crazy girl from the Jonas Brothers Concert? She's in my living room!"

"Where do you live, ma'am?" You could hear the keyboard clacking on the other end.
You quickly told her and you were trying to tell her she needed to hurry when you could hear a siren. You hung up, thanking her, and ran down the stairs.

Kirsty was running for the backdoor. "Kirsty, wait!" You yelled, knowing she wouldn't.
The police were trying to break the door down but Kirsty was getting away.

You ran after her, grabbing whatever you could easily throw and threw it at her. Hoping to either knock her down or slow her up.

She stumbled when she heard the Police yell, "Police!" and the front door slam open with a loud bang of splintering wood.

It was just enough for you to get close enough to try to tackle her. You missed her torso but caught her foot and she fell to the ground. At this point, you two were out back.

You started screaming for the police to get out there and , though it seemed like an eternity, it wasn't long before the did come and handcuff Kirsty.

They asked what happened, blah blah, you got to be on the News again.
When it finally calmed down and your mom came running in, from grocery shopping, crying and screaming for her daughter, you went up to your room after taking a shower.

"ARE YOU OK?!" A text from Joe.
"Yeah, a little shaken but ok." You texted back.
"We need to hang out again. You keep getting in crappy situations." He sent.
"But YOU are DJ DANGER. Wouldn't I be in a more crappy situation? ;] " You teased him.

"C'mon. Take this seriously!"
"But it's Kirsty. And she's back in jail now." You texted back, confused.

"She broke out once before." He retorted.
"Well, this time she'll be watched and not underestimated like what you are doing to me." You responded getting miffed.

"I'm sorry. I'm just getting protective." He sent.
Startled and beginning to blush, you didn't know what to send back and thankfully he sent you another text before you could respond.

"Oh crap. Ignore that last text, it was for my kid brother." He said.
All you sent back was, "Oh."

As you were falling asleep, you were slightly depressed. You didn't know why. You just kept thinking that life wasn't fair.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I am so incredibly sorry that I stated in my story that someone of the Jonas family got hurt! And their MOTHER, nonetheless.

Sorry but I needed something to happen that would get them off that stage. AND SHE'S NOT HURT. SO don't send me hate mail. :|
