Lacin' up the Cleats

Chapter 4

You woke up the next morning, slight stiff. And you knew why. Your bones were preparing for the sudden jolt of a body grabbing you and slamming you into the ground.

In other words, football practice today.

You were down in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon when your mom walked in.
"Dear, practice might be cancelled."

You stopped playing with the soupy eggs and turned to face her.
"Weather says 'Thunderstorms are a seventy percent chance today'." She gave you a sympathetic look as she walked into the computer room.

You walked into the living room, turned on the TV and as you were sitting down you heard, "And today Fredericksburg has a good chance of thunderstorms. It is possible for the storms to pass over but that is only a thirty percent chance."

You angrily pushed the power button and ran back to the eggs and bacon before they burned.

You went for a jog even though the ominous dark clouds were slowly taking over the sky. By the time you got back, it was starting to drizzle.

Your mom met you at the door and said, "No practice today, but if there's no lightning or thunder you may got to the park and play with the boys."

You smiled and hugged her, getting her damp.

You were upstairs in your room changing to non-see through clothing from the rain when your phone beeped.

You slid it up and you had five new text messages.
Number 1: "Hey" From Kirsty
Number 2: "You there?" From Kirsty
Number 3: "Jogging, right?" From Kirsty
Number 4: "Text me, got news." From Kirsty
Number 5: "Hey." From Unknown Number.

You ignored Kirsty's and texted "Hello?" to the unknown number.

A few minutes passed and then you got another text, "Riley, it's Joe.
You quickly added him to your contacts and texted, "Ok :]" back.

He texted a little while later, "So what are you up to?'
You replied, "Going to the park to play with the boys."

By that time, you were out the door already.
There was no lightning or thunder so you were allowed to go.

When you got to the park, they were already picking teams.
You called, "Hey! Can I play?" as you set down your things.

Some of the boys snickered while others looked awkward.
One of them said, "We don't play with girls. You can't handle our strength as we tackle you."

You walked up to him, opened your mouth to say something, and shoved him backward.
He fell into his friends as they all fell to the muddy ground, the rain falling down harder.
He sputtered, "What was that for?"
You grinned "Can I play?

He grunted a 'yes' in response as he got up.

They continued to pick teams and yeah, you were chosen last and they argued about how it wasn't fair that they got you.

They put you on the line, in front of that guy, hoping you'd get crushed making you cry and run home.

The guy sneered at you as you readied yourself and muttered to the guy next to him, "Women; they are only good for the kitchen and sex."

Furious, you waited while the numbers were called and the 'hut' was heard when you and he slammed into each other. You could barely get any purchase on the muddy ground, but managed to shove him away from you. He slipped on the mud and fell down.

His friends jeered at him and he got up and started yelling your face that women sucked, lower than dirt, good only for the kitchen and sex, if at all possible men could get rid of every women and the world would be ten times better.

He turned and began walking to his friends.
Clenching your jaw, you called a "Hey!" as you caught up with him. He turned and as he did, your fist connected with the side of his face.

He hit you back and the fight ensued.
You were getting knocked about and so was he, when two arms wrapped around yours pulling you away.

You spat at the jerk hitting his feet. He almost got away from his friends who were holding him back.

"Let me go!" You hollered, but the person kept pulling you away.
The person pulled you all the way to the edge of the park with you thrashing all the way. Your things were sitting there.

Finally, the person began to let go of you as soon as the person did you started running back towards the group of guys.

You didn't get far when you were tackled from behind. You managed to twist around, but you couldn't get free so you began to scream. The person quickly covered your mouth and then you realized who it was.

Your eyes widened.
You quietly said, "Joe?"
He grinned, rain dripping from him onto you, "You put up a good fight."

He got off of you and helped you up.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, still a little stunned.
"Well, I got curous so-" he was cut off as your name was shrieked.
"RILEY!" It was Kirsty and she was running to you.

You took a few steps toward her, knowing she doesn't run much so she wouldn't run that far.
Kirsty stopped a few paces from you and huffed, "Why'd you beat Brad up?"

Ignoring her comment, you introduced Joe.
"Kirsty, this is Joe. Joe this is Kirsty."

She stared at you and asked incredulously, "Who?"

You turned to point at Joe, but he was gone. He had disappeared.
You stuttered, "He was right here! I swear, he pulled me back!"

Kirsty curled her lip and asked again, "Why'd you beat on Brad?"

Turning back to her you angrily said, "You mean that jerk? Maybe because he was dissing women. Maybe because he doesn't give people a chance. Maybe because he is a piece of shit. Why do you care?"

She fumed, "Brad is one of my patrons. So if you would kindly stop beating him up and leave him alone it would be greatly appreciated."

She spun on her heel and was gone.
There was nothing else to do so you picked up your things and managed to make it home. It took awhile longer than it usually did considering you'd stumble occasionally or take a breather.

When you got to the door, your mom opened it and ushered you in. She helped you upstairs to your room, got ice, and was gently but firmly holding it on, all the while asking what and how it happened.

You explained every thing that happened and then your mom forced you to lay down on your bed.

You were laying here listening to the rain when your phone went off.

You slid it up and it said, "You alright?"
It was from Joe.

Angrily, You texted back, "You left me out there alone."

It wasn't long before the next text message came, "I told your mom, followed you to make sure you were okay, and stopped those guys from getting you."

As soon as you read that, you called him.
He picked up saying, "I told them you lived on the other side of the neighborhood."
A silence followed.
Quietly, you said, "Thanks."

All he said was, "Get some sleep."
And he hung up.

Images of Joe floated through your thoughts as you slowly drifted off.
♠ ♠ ♠
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