Lacin' up the Cleats

Chapter 7

You woke up suddenly.
You don’t know what woke you but you felt as if you forgot something. Something very important.

You sighed, stretched, and texted Joe. “When is the party?”

He replied within a few minutes, “Saturday, so tomorrow. Can you come?”

Then it dawned on you.
The Jonas Brothers Concert was Saturday!

Disheartened, you texted back, “Remember the Jonas Brothers Concert? Well it’s that night! And since I agreed to that before I agreed to the party so I can’t come!”

You were waiting for a text with what seemed like hours when it was actually only one and a half, when he finally texted back. “Are you positive? Check again!”

You sighed and turned on your computer. Once it had finished booting up, you were searching the concert listings online and you saw it wasn’t this Saturday but next Saturday!

“Seriously? Ugh …” You quickly called Kirsty. “You do realize the concert is next Saturday not this Saturday?”

She giggled, “Oh! Oh yeah! I guess I just said the wrong day!”
You kept hearing something in the background and a few whispers and giggles.

“Uhm … Well, I will talk to you later since you sound busy.” You stuttered. ‘Awkward …” you thought.

“Oh good! See ya, bye!” And she hung up so fast she cut herself off.

You shuddered and called Joe.
“Hey! Sorry, Kirsty told me the wrong date! So what should I get Kevin?” You asked.

“Oh, well, we do a different kind of birthday party. We give presents to people instead of people giving presents to us.” He replied sounding cheerful.

“Oh … Well, that’s cool but stil-“Joe cut you off, “No, don’t add any ‘but’s’. I have to go but just don’t buy those tickets for your concert yet.”

“What are you suggesting?” You asked, wondering if that was going to be your present.
“Don’t let your friend buy them either. Text ya later.” And he hung up.

Weird …’ you thought and texted Kirsty, “Don’t buy your tickets yet. I will explain tomorrow night.”

You decided you needed to get something nice to wear to Kevin’s party. You didn’t know who was going so you had to make sure you looked nice.

You got read and drove to the mall where you looked for hours. Finally you went into a normal looking store and found a cute red dress. You tried it on and it fit perfectly. You found some heels to match and you looked great! It hugged your curves just right and softened your toned muscles.

You bought it, grinning from ear to ear.

You drove home[Duh.] and went for a jog came back and took a shower. You went to bed before returning the texts.

The next day nothing much happened but you were super excited for the party.
You got all ready and drove to Joe’s house. You didn’t want to jog and ruin your cute red dress!

You met the guard at the gate and he actually smiled. “I told you, you’d come back.”

Before you could answer the guard, you heard, “Riley?”
You turned and saw a guy who looked like Joe.
“Hi, you must be Kevin?” You smiled.

He smiled in return, “Yes! It is a pleasure to meet you! It’s all out back. Joe’s back there right now, entertaining a few guests.”

You walked with him around the house and you stopped mid-stride.
“This is a ‘few guests’?” you asked stunned.
Kevin only laughed.

You were roused only when you someone walked past you. “Was that Miley Cyrus? How do you know these people?”

“We just meet them as we move around the country.” Kevin replied smoothly, still smiling.

“Riley!” You heard Joe call.
You turned and saw Joe standing there stock still, staring at you.

You whispered, “Is there a ‘Kick me’ sign on my back or something?”
Kevin whispered back, “No you look absolutely stunning.” And he walked away as Joe walked forward.

“Riley! You look great!” He stuttered.
Shyly you thanked him.
“I mean, really! You look truly amazing!” He just kept going on about it.
You just ducked your head, blushing profusely.

Someone called Joe over and that led to you being introduced to multiple celebrities and Joe just happened to have a camera with him so he took pictures with you and the celebrity of the moment.

Finally Joe led you into the house and you were sitting in the living room with him. He kept taking pictures of you which got you annoyed.

“C’mon! Stop! It’s really annoying.” You said for the sixty eighth time.
“Ok, ok. I’ll stop! Sorry!” But he didn’t look in the least apologetic.

You two sat there looking at each other when he suddenly pulled out an envelope. “Here.”
You took it, looking at him oddly, and opened it. There were two concert tickets and backstage passes.
“No way! You are kidding me! I can’t accept this!” You fumbled to close the envelope and give it back.

He wouldn’t accept and finally got you to keep it with much persuading.
“Anyway you can thank me some other time, ok?” He laughed as you beamed.
“Oh, crap!” You checked the time on your cell phone. It was 11:43 pm.

“Ah! I have to get home!” You got up and started rushing out the front door and to the gate. Joe was right behind you, no longer looking as happy.

When you got to the gate, the guard was missing.
You turned and thanked him again. He just smiled. For some reason that smile just made you feel so good so you gave him a hug.

You breathed in and thought, ‘Smells good …

You let go and said goodbye leaving Joe behind with a crooked smirk.
When you got home, you talked to your mom for an hour explaining all of the celebrities. Then you called Kirsty and squealed the news of the tickets to her.

Then, like always, you went for a jog, took a shower, and went to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠

-Riot. ♥