Lacin' up the Cleats

Chapter 9

"What?!" An enraged Kirsty exclaimed.
"Kirsty it's ok! At least we got to see the, y'know? And maybe they'll even come to our homes one day to redeem themselves for skipping out on our backstage pass!" You said, hoping to calm her down.

Kirsty turned toward you during your monologue and by the time you had finished, her face had turned a purple-y red color.

"Kirsty? Are you feeli-" You were interrupted by Kirsty screaming, "This is BULLSHIT!"

A mother in front of her turned around, glared, and opened her mouth to say something but Kirsty started up again, "You should be thankful! You should be glad that your stupid little brat will hear it now rather than later and wonder what it means! You're sheltering her too much! And if you think that by encouraging her to listen to only the Jonas Brothers will keep her mind naive, then you are just as STUPID!"

And with that, she threw her soda bottle up onto the stage. The mother had covered her child's ears and ushered her away.

"C'mon, Kirsty. Let's go." You said tugging on her arm.

But she wouldn't budge. "NO! I want to get my money's worth!"

"Kirsty, Joe gave us the tickets ..." You left hanging as you stepped slightly away from her.

Kirsty stared at you. At the stage, at the Jonas Brothers paraphernalia in her bag, back to the stage. And then she began shoving kids and mothers out of her way.

"Move! Get out of my way!" She was screaming again.
You followed; apologizing to everyone she hit or annoyed.

One she got to the stage, she heaved herself and her bag up.
Then she began screaming at the top of her lungs for Joe Jonas to "get your hot ass back down here! Right now!" Not only that, but she had a cigarette lighter and began lighting some of the Joe Jonas shirts on fire.

All the while, you were hissing at her to get down. Suddenly, You shuffled out of the way and a few police officers jumped up on stage. They ordered her to put her hands behind her head, but she wouldn't cooperate, so they pepper sprayed her until she calmed down.

At this point, an officer was talking to you, and you explained what had happened. They let you go, and since you couldn't do anything else you went outside. Where, lucky you, a news crew was waiting.

"Excuse me, ma'am! But can you tell us what happened to the enraged female teenager?" asked the lovely newsreporter.

So you were on the midnight news.
When you finally got in your mom's car, you explained all of the drama and she said, to your surprise, said quietly, "I knew she was crazy."

And you busted out laughing.
That night you got a text from Joe asking if you were ok.
"Yeah, but Kirsty went insane."
"No kidding. Any clue why?"
"I don't know. I just reminded her that you bought the tickets for us and then she started bursting everything into flames."

"Crazy. Hey do you have practice tomorrow?"
"Well today actually, but yeah. Luckily it's in the evening."
"K. Goodnight!"
"Goodnight!" You finished texting him and fell asleep almost the instant your head hit the pillow.
♠ ♠ ♠
So although you may think pepper spray is flammable, it's not. Although CSI had an episode where a woman burst into flames after being pepper sprayed, yeah ... NO.

Honestly, why would the Police use a flammable substance when they are trying NOT to kill you?

P.s. --> I wonder what's gonna happen next. ;]