My Heart Is the Worst Kind of Weapon


"No they're not!" Lea shouted. Everyone around the table laughed as they heard the door slam.

"So, are you guys staying for Rory and Faye's party?" Nicky asked. Rory frowned.

"Since when are Faye and I having a joint party?" She asked,

"Since now, because what I say goes. And, its Pete's birthday too."

"And when are we going to be having this party?" Patrick asked.

"On the fifth, so they can all be old together." Joe joked.

"Mummy, who's birthday is it going to be?" Faye looked up.

"Babe, it's going to be mine, and Panda's and yours." Faye clapped and Pete stood up.

"Do you want me to take her to brush her teeth? That's what I'm going to do." He said. Rory smiled.

"Sure, if you want to." Pete exited the room and Rory, Nicky and the three other boys began planning a party.

"So, Faye, which one is your tooth brush and toothpaste?" He asked her. She hopped onto a little stool in front of the white sink and reached for a Cinderella toothbrush and a tube of pink toothpaste.

"These ones are mine!" She said. He took the brush and toothpaste from her and added a dab of paste on her toothbrush before handing it to her. He took the toothbrush he had put in the bathroom the night before and began brushing his teeth. They both looked in the mirror at each other for a while as the brushed furiously at their teeth. When Faye spit Pete mimicked her actions and took the small red cup from the top of the medicine cabinet, poured some water into it and gave it to Faye. She gargled it and spit again, before jumping off the stool.

"Want me to do your hair?" He asked her. Her mouth dropped and she talked at a rapid speed.

"Can you do a French braid like all of the girls in the movies?" She asked, eyes wide. He laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, but you have to show me where a brush and elastics are." She grinned and raced over to a long shelf beside the sink and swung a door at the bottom open. She pulled out a brush and a handful of elastics. She handed them to Pete, who sat her down on the edge of the sink and stood in front of her. He angled her o she could see him in the mirror as he did a French braid in her hair.

"You know," Faye said slowly, in a voice that would make anyone coo, "My mummy talked a lot about you and your band." Pete's eyebrows rose.

"She did?"

"Yep! All the time."

"And what sorts of things did she say?" He asked.

"She said you and Hats and JoJo and Andy were her bestest friends and she loved you." Pete started working on the second braid.

"Well yeah, she has to love Patrick. I'm not sure if she liked me very much."

"No, mummy said she loved you." As Pete tied the little elastic around her last braid he looked at her in the mirror.

"Does your mummy tell you a lot of things?" He asked.

"Yep. She tells Lea and Auntie Nicky everything too."

"Does she tell you you're not allowed to say these things to other people?"

"She says I can say whatever I want as long as I'm not saying bad words because bad words makes everybody sad." Pete lifted her off the counter and set her on the tile.

"Oh. Do you want to go get dressed?"

"Lea said she wanted to play dress-up today with me cause yesterday she couldn't."
"Okay then. I'll see you later."

As Pete sat in the backyard with Joe, Any and Patrick sitting with him, he spoke up. "I know who Faye's dad is." They gulped in unison, but Pete didn't seem to notice.

"Who, then?" Patrick asked.

"I' am."
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