Part of the Plan.

Section One.

A Week Ago. Gotham City.

The air was dank and dark, just as it always was. Stagnant, still, in this abandoned building under construction, even the occasional ominous breeze did little to stir the oppressing, choking air. The clouds hid the moon for the most part, allowing little light to pass through the thinner areas. As usual, the ceiling reflected the well-known symbol, the sign of the Batman. The man standing on the edge of the floor overlooking the modern-day Thebes known as Gotham sighed and ran both of his hands through his greasy, curly, dirty blondish green lockes.

"It's been a lot less fun in this city with him around," he commented to himself. "The mob's been getting steadily worse as well."

"So then why do you keep playing with them? Move on to something better, more suitable."

The man closed his eyes and allowed another sigh to escape. "I don't know. There's nothing else. There's not much in this city with him around except for the mob. They're the only ones who still do anything. Even then, they only work in daylight."

"Well, isn't the next step clear then?"

The man turned his scarred face, looking to the ground and trying to trace the thought process.

"Play with him now."

An expression of confusion danced across the man's face as he slowly brought his gaze up to meet that of his companion's, only to find he was alone. He scowled.

He'd always hated when she'd done that.