Status: Slow, I'm bad with updates.

A Lifetime of Waiting For

Chapter 6

After Mackenzie thoroughly read through the contract she clarified some points that she had marked. One point being that I have to be close to a hospital due to my migraines. Pete of course said yes. Then she brought up the fact that we didn't have a merch person when I interjected before Pete had the chance to suggest anyone.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be rude or anything but I already have someone in mind."
"No its okay. Really, who is it and why aren't they here right now?"
"Well, he's my cousin. His name is Gabriel and Mackenzie already knows him. The reason why he isn't here is because he is vacationing in Mexico with his dad. He'll be back tomorrow night."
"Okay, cool." Pete told me looking quite happy with himself.

After that went down my phone started blasting one of my band's songs. "Oops, I better take this." I said with an apparent blush on my face. I looked down at the number and saw that it was Gabe calling and thought 'well speak of the devil'.
"Oh my gosh, Rawr! you called! What's up, oh and you should know that you are now a merch boy, so don't make anymore plans for the summer."
"That's great Fun Dip! Is Mackenzie going on tour with you?"
"No Gabe, we're going to leave our manager at home while we go off and tour without her. Of course she's coming!"
"Oh, okay. Oh yeah, I was calling to let you know that we had to come home today so I'l be at your house in about five minutes."
"Great, thanks for the heads up. I would have cooked something had I known sooner."
"Nah, its cool. I bought some food from Tres Rios."
"Ooh, I love that place, okay. I'll see you in a bit."
"Okay bye."

Once I hung up the phone I had a stabbing pain shoot through my side, causing me to collapse.
"Damn it, Mackenzie, get me three ibuprofen." I called out, then felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.
I looked up and saw Alex; of course he knew what was happening so this was only natural for him. He carefully carried me into the bathroom and set me on the ground gently.
"Thanks." I told him through a grimace that was intended to be a smile.
"You're welcome, do you still need me?" He replied in sincerity.
"No, I think I'm good, Mackenzie is here so I'll be alright."
"Okay Alex, you can leave I'm here." Mackenzie told him when she came in and handed me the three pills and a bottle of water, then left. I left not too long afterwards, but as soon as I was out I was bombarded with questions.
"Yes I'm fine, yes they know what happened, not I don't need to go to the hospital, and I'll explain after we eat." I told them while walking across the room to the stairwell. Thirteen people soon followed me; how we all fit in my basement I’ll never know. Once we were back in the main part of the house I heard the front door open and heard Gabe call out for me.
"Fun Dip, where are you? I have tacos!"
So I, being the nice person I am, decided to sneak up on him.
"Mari, where are you?" He called out not have gotten an immediate response. Then I casually walked out of my hiding spot and tackled him.
"Hey Rawr! guess what?"
"What?" He asked pushing me off of him and getting p off the ground.
" I found you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, still sitting on the floor.
As I was getting up Mackenzie came out of the entertainment room and tripped causing me to fall to the floor again.
"Oww! Isn't it enough that I do that on my own?" I complained.
"Umm," She said pretending to be deep in thought. "Nope!" She said and walked off in pursuit of Gabe.

Instead of getting up, like I should have, I stayed on the floor waiting for someone to walk by and help me. Soon enough Sisky walked through, probably following the scent of tacos to the kitchen, and saw me lying on the floor staring at the ceiling.
"What the fuck!" He stated loudly while laughing his ass off. "Why the hell are you laying on the floor?"
" 'Cause, it’s my house, I'm being lazy, and I'm staring at the pattern on the ceiling." I stated like it was something that happened daily.
"Well, how did you end up on the floor?" He asked not bothering to help me up.
"Mackenzie tripped me while I was getting up after tackling Gabe and falling down." I again replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Oh, okay. Well I'm going to go eat so I'll talk to you later." He told me while walking off.
“I guess Alex and them left.” I said out loud, talking to myself. “Usually the would be in the kitchen for food by this point and someone would have helped me up by now.” I said, still talking to myself.

Just then I saw Butcher walking down the hallway and to the kitchen.
“Oh, hey Mari”
“Hi Butcher. I suppose you’re not going to help me up either.”
“Nope, sorry.”
“Oh, oh well; hey do you know where Alex and the rest of my band went?”
“Yeah, they took FOB over to Scott’s house to play some video games, since apparently you don’t keep any here.”
“Oh, okay, that’s good to know.”
“Bye.” Hey said while entering the kitchen.

Chizzy and Mike were the next to walk through. They took one look at me and started laughing. I’m guessing it had to do with the faces I was making. Then they started talking to each other and walked passed me and into my almost full kitchen.

I was deep in thought when I felt another person lay down next to me.
“Hey Mari, what ‘cha thinking about?”
‘Bill’ I thought as soon as the words left his mouth.
“Not much, just trying to figure out when Mack and Gabe are gonna’ tell me the truth about their relationship.” I answered semi-truthfully.
“Oh, that’s cool. Is there any particular reason why you’re laying on the floor?”
“Nope, I was just too lazy to get back up after Mackenzie tripped me for tackling Gabe.” I told him while chuckling lightly.
“Oh, well in that case would you like some help up?” He asked me after having stood up himself.
“Yes please.” I replied with a smile on my face.

He bent over and threw me over his shoulder then took off into the full kitchen with me pounding on his back laughing and yelling at him to put me back on the ground.
“Shit! William, seriously! My skirt is falling off!” I yelled at him not realizing that we were already in the kitchen.
“Oh, I’m quite sure he wouldn’t mind that.” Sisky teased while Butcher laughed.
Mackenzie then said, “Yeah Mari, what took you so long; I’m sure that your skirt was secure about fifteen minutes ago.”
Everyone but William and me found this amusing.
“Well Mackenzie, I was positive that my cousin was straight ‘til I saw him kiss you.” I retorted jokingly once my feet were firmly on the ground.
“Hey, that’s a good one; how long did it take your marble sized brain to come up with it?” Mackenzie shot back without missing a beat.

From that point our fake insult fight had ensued and everybody just stared, except for Gabe. By the time we were done ‘arguing’ we were on the floor in fits of laughter, because we some how managed to move from insulting each other playfully to the time I got drunk and decided to go swimming in the fountain at the square.
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In case you don't know what I mean by the square; it's the downtown area of small cities or large towns such as the one I live in.