How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

Don't Be So Modest, Babe

*In Patrick's Point Of View*
We got home and everyone had already ordered the pizza. No one wanted to watch Phoebe's X-3 so we popped in my pick for a scary movie. Andy turned out the lights and we all sat down and ate while watching the movie. I love scary movies. I always have, when Phoebe was younger, maybe 15 I was 16. I would always take her to the movies and we'd watch a scary movie. It was funny when she got scared she'd grip onto my arm. Now Jessica does that. A little into the movie I lost my appetite. Wathinc blood spew everywhere wasent exactly the thing to watch while eating. When the killer was following the girl, the music got more intense and I knew something was going to happen. Then he showed up out of nowhere and Jessica and Phoebe let out a loud ear-peircing scream. Jessica quickly held onto my arm. I looked to Phoebe who was gripping onto Pete's arm. I glared. " the movie baby." She said. Wentz better watch his back.

*In Pete's Point Of View*
Phoebe screamed and held onto my arm. Damn it felt so good to be her protector for a breif moment. She soon regained her composure and let go. I sighed. That didn't last long. I could feel Patrick starting at me. I hope he doesent loose his trust in me. It's not like I don't respect Phoebe as a lady. Oh i'd treat her like a princess. But Patrick would be too protective. I know it would never work out. And yet...why do I wish it would?
"Pete." Phoebe whispered.
"Yeah Pheebs?"
"Pete, i'm cold. Share your blanket." She said tugging at the blanket I had covering me.
"But then i'd be cold." I said teasing
"Quit being such a diva Peter." She said poking my side.
I chuckled and opened the cover for her to get under it.
She leaned in closer to me. I wrapped my arm around her without thinking.
I then hered Patrick clear his throut rather loudly. I sighed and took my arm off of her.
He doesent let me get close to her anymore.
"You okay Pete?" She whispered.
"Yeah Pheebs. I'm fine."
"Pete, quit lying. I know something's up with you..."
"Shh Pheebs. The movie." I said shushing her.
She got up and walked across the room to her door and left.
"Hey, what the hell happened?" Patrick asked.
"She uh...I think she said she needed something from her car..." I said lying.
"Oh. Okay then." He said turning his attention back to the tv.
And I never wanna say goodbye But girl you make it hard to be faithful, With the lips of an angel..
"What the hell?" Joe asked.
" cell phone..."
"That's your ringtone, Pete?" Jessica asked.
"Well, that's my ringtone for a certain person..." I said
"Who?" Patrick asked.
"I'd better get that before they hang up."
I said running quickly to Phoebe's bedroom.
"Pheebs. What is it?"
Phoebe: "Pete come outside. I need to talk to you..."
Pete: "What about Patrick?"
Phoebe: "Oh god, don't tell me you're afraid of my brother Peter."
Pete: "No...Patrick can just get...he'll think we're doing something Pheebs."
She sighed.
Phoebe: "Pete, just shut up and come out here. I'm in my car."
Pete:"But Phoebe I..."
The phone made a beep sound indicating that she hung up on me.
I put on a hoodie and started to walk outside.
"Where are you going, Wentz?" Patrick asked lifting his eyebrow.
"I uh...I have to go get something..."
"Whats that?"
"Uh...i'll be back in a min guys..."
I closed the door and headed towards where Phoebe usually parks.

*In Phoebe's Point Of View*
Pete was coming. I just really wanted to talk to him without anyone else around. He's been so uptight it's really freaking me out. Maybe I can give him a hug? No Phoebe, stop it. Patrick wouldent approve. But Oh Peter. His beautiful smile and that angelic voice.
"Knock, Knock" Pete said knocking at the passenger side window. I rolled it down to talk to him
"Can I help you?"
He laughed
"Yeah you can let me in."
"How do I know you won't kill me?"
"Trust me I wont unless you keep me waiting out here any longer."
I unlocked the door and he came in.
"What did you want to see me for, Pheebs?" Pete asked changing the radio station.
"I just wanted to talk to you Pete...what the fuck are you doing?" I asked him
"Changing the station."
"But I was playing a cd..."
"Exactly, the band is overplayed trash and the bassist is a attention hog."
I laughed.
"And dont even get me started on that lead singer..."
"Hey watch it. That lead singer means a lot to me."
"What about the Bassist?" he asked lifting his eyebrow
"What about him?"
"Does he mean a lot to you?"
I laughed.
"You guys are getting big."
"Nah, people just responded to the video."
"Don't be so modest babe."
My eyes widened at my slip of the tounge.
"Uh...oh wow. I'm so so-"
Pete shut me up by planting a kiss on my lips.
His lips aganst mine was a pleasant surprize. OH so VERY pleasant.
I let my hands roam to his hair as his roamed to my back. After a while the kiss intensified. I've waited for this so long. But...Aw shit...Patrick.
I pulled away.
"Woah Phoebe..." Pete said through matted hair covering his eyes.
I smiled and move the hair so I could see those beautiful eyes of his.
" brother..."
"Shit. Patrick...uh..." He started.
"Pete...what does this mean?" I asked.
" means Allison didn't mean a damn thing to me." He started.
"Allison! Pete, I can't be with you right after you went through a break up..." I said.
"At least abide by the 2 week rule."
"Two weeks?"
"Two more weeks, my foot is in your door." I sang to this beautiflly sexy man before me.
"Okay, two weeks. In two weeks we pick this up?" He asked.
"Can you handle it Peter?" I asked.
"Oh most definatly."
I kissed him again.
He leaned in for another but I stopped him with my hand
"I'll see you in two weeks Wentz."
"Such a tease, Stump."