How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

So Much For The Two Week Rule

Authors Note: Yay! An Update on my birthday! Yeah, today i'm 16 finally. I decided to post this before everyone gets crazy and starts to come over. So enjoy and comment!

*In Phoebe's Point Of View*

I'm Sleeping On Your Folk's Porch Again, Dreamin'. She Said, She Said, She Said, 'Why Don't You Just Drop Dead?' [/]
I groaned and rolled over throwing off my blanket.
What Are You Waiting For? Kiss Her, Kiss Her. I Set My Clock's Early Cuz I Know, I'm Always Late
"Turn off, Turn Off, Turn Off" I groaned
Write Me Off, Give Up On Me, Cuz Darling What Did You Expect?
I sighed and got out of bed to turn off my damn alarm before it went into another chorus.
I yawned and walked to my bathroom to comence my daily morning activities. Showering, brusing my teeth, washing my face, all that good stuff.
Once I was done with that trash I decided to call Patrick as he requested.
I grabbed my cell and jumped on my bed.
"Patty Pat!" I yelled into the phone
Patrick: "Damn Phoebe, Are you BEARLY getting up?"
Phoebe: "What The Hell Are You talking about? It's bearly..."
I glanced at my clock seeing it was Two O' Clock in the afternoon
Phoebe: "Shit!"
Patrick: "My Thoughts Exactly...looks like we're not going to breakfast..."
I laughed.
Patrick: "'s kinda early for dinner and a little too late for lunch...maybe we can go mini golfing and eat junkfood?"
Phoebe: "Sounds Fun Trick."
Patrick: "Great. I'll be over in like a half hour to pick you up."
Phoebe: "I'll be ready."
Patrick: "Okay, Love ya Pheebs."
Phoebe: "Love Ya too Trick."
I hung up the phone and got dressed. After a while dressing without music finally got boring. I put my iPod on their speakers and put it on shuffle.
Hey! Hey! You! You! I don’t like your girlfriend! No way! No way! I think you need a new one Hey! Hey! You! You! I could be your girlfriend
I smiled and danced around. I picked out a pair of capris and a Cladestine Industries black t-shirt with Pete in mind. I really do adore that tattoo on his stomach. I looked through my Fall Out Boy stuff and found a shirtless picture of Pete. After a while I was staring at it. I caught myself. Shit Pheebs, stop it. I put the pictures on my bed and decided dancing around to Girlfriend would make me feel better.
"Don't Pretend. I Think You Know, I'm DAMN PRECIOUS!"
"And Hell Yeah, I'm The MotherFucking Princess." I hered someone else say.
My eyes widened as I turned around to See Pete standing in my bedroom doorway.
" just..."
He laughed.
"Dancing around to Girlfriend. So THIS is what you do to pass an afternoon by." He said walking closer.
" it's just..."
He smiled the most beautiful smile i've ever seen in my life.
"Nice T-shirt Pheebs." He said.
"Thanks Pete." I reliped. He glanced over to my bed.
"Woah." He said. What the hell is he 'woah-ing' about? I turned to see the pictures of him shirtless were still out.
"Oh My god...Pete...I was just..." Before I could think of an excuse he pulled me into a heart-stopping kiss. I swear, it lasted soo\ long. The kiss intensified and he led me to the door and shut it with his back. He then walked forward and pushed me so that I was laying on the bed. So much for the two week rule. He's using me...oh god he's just feeling shitty about his breakup. He layed on top of me and looked deep into my eyes before his lips found mine again. Reboud, Rebound. REBOUND! I was screaming inside my head. This is all sympathy shit. Oh god...there goes his tounge. I...I can't do this. Shit...He ran his right hand through my hair as his left ran up and down my midriff. My lips left his before the kiss went any further. He filled the void by nibbling on my ear. "Pete..." I whispered. He ignored me. "Peter..." I said. He licked my cheek and found my lips again. I shook my head and moved it to the side so he would hopefully stop. He didn't take the hint and moved on to my neck. "Peter, stop it." I said trying to get out from under him. He sighed and sat up. I sat at the foot of the bed and let out a long sigh.
" their something wrong?" He asked putting his hand on my back.
" JUST broke up with Allison...Fall Out Boy is going on tour in another two months...Patrick doesent approve...I just....this is..."
"Crazy?" he asked.
I nodded. "Pete...theres just...too many things getting in the way of this..."
I hered him sigh, he moved in front of me and got on his knee. He took my hand and looked into my eyes.
"Phoebe..." He said
"Yes Pete?"
"Phoebe...Do You Love Me?" He asked.
I felt like crying. So long i've known Pete and loved him. Ever since I was thirteen. 7 years. 7 years i've loved this man kneeled down before me. And in 7 years, something he does hurts me.
"Pheebs." He repeated.
"You know I do Pete." I replied.
"No...I you Love Me." He asked emphasizing the Love.
I felt a tear escape my eye.
"With all of my heart and soul Peter." I said trying not to cry.
His bottom lip quivered as he stood up, pulling me into a hug.
"Phoebe, I never told you this but...when you were about came home with a you remember?" He asked me
"Yes...his name was Jesse or something like that..." I said.
"Yes well...Jesse...oh shit Pheebs. He got me so damn jealous..."

*In Pete's Point of View*
*5 years Ago*
"Come on guys, mom said we are playing too loud." Patrick said. "Quit being a bitch Patrick." I said tuning my bass. "Fuck You Pete!" He yelled.
"Hey, are you two gonna make out or what?" Andy asked throwing a stick at me.
"Shut up dumbass!" Patrick yelled. "Man quit with the freaking yelling!" Joe yelled walking upstairs out of the basement. We all continued to yell until Joe came back downstairs with a mouth full of food. "Raiding the fridge' again?" Patrick asked. Joe nodded happily. "Guys!" he said swalowing whatever was in his mouth. "What?" I asked.
"Phoebe is upstairs on the couch!" He said.
"And?" Patrick asked.
"With a BOY!" He said.
Andy's eyes widened. "Boy?"
"Yeah a BOY!" Joe repeated.
"Shit!" Patrick said running upstairs. Andy and Joe followed him. I returned my attention to my bass. "Pete! Arn't ya Comin'?" Joe asked popping his head in the doorway.
"Why the hell for?" I asked
"Ah DUH! Cuz it's Pheebs with a boy! We get to mess with his head and embarass her! It's gonna be GREAT!" He said. I sighed. embarassing Phoebe asounds kind of fun. I walked up the stairs slowly to see everyone spying on Phoebe from the kitchen. "What did I miss?" I asked Patrick. "Well, he did the whole yawn thing and put his arm around her." Andy said. "Yeah and if he goes any further i'm gonna kick his little scrawny ass." Patrick said. "Okay, time for Stump to look away." Andy said motioning for Patrick to go back downstairs. I looked back over to Phoebe and saw the unthinkable. He leaned in to kiss her. My eyes widened and I swear my heart skipped a beat. Everyone else looked in shock too. Patrick ran downstairs and played a seris of out of tune chords. Phoebe, startled turned around to see all of us minus Patrick staring in shock...
"Um..guys, this is Jesse..."

A few weeks later I found out he cheated on her. I felt like giving him the beatdown of his life. But Parick reminded me that Phoebe would never speak to me again if I did that. So instead of resorting to violence I helped Patrick make sure all of Phoebe's boyfriends were good enough for her. Not because I was her brother and loved her like Patrick loved her...but because I loved her the way a boyfriend should love her...

*End Flashback*
*In Phoebe's Point Of View*
"So ever since then...i've always had a little thing for you Pheebs...but...being with Allison just reinforced my idea that theres no one is more fit for me than you, Pheebs." He said hugging me close.
"For me it was the first time I saw you." I confessed.
"What? Really? You were...14?" He asked.
"15" I corrected.
"Wow! Really?" He asked in shock.
I giggled. "Yeah, really. Oh I thought you were so freaking gorgeous." I said into his chest. He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead.
"Why did we wait so long Phoebe?" he asked.
"Don't Know...fear?" I asked.
He pulled away from our hug.
"I'm not afraid anymore."
"I'm not either." I replied.
He gave me another amazing kiss when the doorbell rang.
Pete looked confused.
"Expeciting someone?" He asked.
"Not that I..." I gasped. "Patrick!" I said
Pete looked alarmed. "I don't think now is the best time to let Patrick know..." He said.
"Me either...Uh...The closet!" I said. So much for not being afraid anymore. It's just that...Patrick has always been uneasy about my boyfriends...and him and Pete are best friends.
Pete ran into the closet. "Pete, just wait till we leave...then lock up okay?" I asked.
"Sure thing." I kissed him before shutting the door.
I ran to the front door and opened it not at all surprized to see Patrick.
"Hey Pheebs. Ready?" He asked.
"Sure just let me get my purse." I said heading back into my bedroom. Pete's pictures were all over the floor from when Pete pushed me on the bed. I gathered them before Patrick saw them and threw them under my bed.
"Cladestine Hoodie?" He asked from the living room.
"Uh yeah...Pete got it for me a couple of months back."
"Hey Speaking of Pete...." Patrick said walking into my room.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Have you gave much thought to what you're getting him for his Birthday?" He asked.
Shit Pete's Birthday is in two months.
"Uh...not really, have you?" I asked.
"Yeah, i'm thinking this really nice-" I cut im off before he could say more.
" about we discuss this on the ride over?" I asked.
I'm sure Pete was dissapointed.
"Sure Pheebs. Come on." He said walking out. I opened the closet door and saw Pete pouting. I giggled and gave him a peck on his lips. "Be back later sexy." I said winking.
"Pheebs!!!!" Patrick yelled from the living room.
"Coming Patrick."
"Text me babe." Pete whispered.
I smiled and ran out before Patrick came in.