How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

Sibling Bonding

Authors Note: Hey everyone. Sorry this is a day late I don't know if I told you guys but I had a football game last night and had to conduct the band cuz I'm Drum Major. So yeah, BUT it's up now so read and enjoy. Don't forget to comment!

*In Phoebe's Point Of View*
Patrick and I got into his Honda Civic to go mini golfing. I giggled a little.
"Whats up, Pheebs?" He asked.
"Honda Civic. You guys are on the Honda Civic Tour...just kinda funny."
"Ha ha yeah. BUT! I already had a Honda Civic before this tour even started." He pointed out. I nodded
"True, True."
"So, Pete's Birthday." He said driving out of the apartment parking lot.
"Uh..." To distract him and myself I turned on the radio.
Do Or Die, You'll Never Make Me. Because the world will never take my heart and though they try, you'll never break me, They want it all, they wanna play this part.
"Hell Yes! My Chemical Romance!" I said moving my head to the beat of the music.
"Pheebs!" Patrick said shutting off the radio. "Focus!"
I gasped overdramatically.
"How dare thee shut off the beautiful music that IS My Chemical Romance!"
Patrick just stared at me.
"Gerard frowns upon your actions Patrick Martin Stump." I said in monotone.
A smile formed across his face.
"A smile! Yay!" I said cheering and turning on the radio again.
"And that was 'Welcome To The Black Parade from My Chemical Romance's new album, 'The Black Parade."The guy on the radio announced
I frowned. "See what ya did Trick? I Missed it!"
"Shut up Phoebe" he said.
I laughed inside. It's fun pissing him off.
"You're too easy to aggrivate Patrick."
"'re just too east to get aggrivated AT." He pointed out.
I stuck my tounge out at him. "You know you love me Stump."
We pulled into the mini golf place and Patrick put on some sunglasses. "Put yours on Phoebe." He said. I nodded and reached for my dark sunglasses.
"Why me though Patrick?" I asked as he adjusted his trucker hat.
"Because...some Fall Out Boy fans look into us...a lot. So I don't want to take a risk with someone recognizing you and then finding the obvious and recognizing me." He explained.
I nodded as we walked to the entrance. Patrick payed the fee for the both of us to get in and we hurried over to the front desk to check out clubs. Patrick picked a blue one and I picked a purple one.
"Race you to the green, Pheebs." Patrick said. I smiled and took off running. "Hey! Wait up!" Patrick yelled from behind me. I laughed and ran faster.
I of course beat him to the green and leaned on a fake tree to laugh at me beating him.
"No!" Patrick said in between pants.
I giggled at him bearly able to stand up.
"Stop eating those damn twinkies on tour Trick." I said.
"Shut Up, Pheebs. You're not exactly healthy either." He said catching his breath finally.
I looked down to my stomach which over the last couple of weeks has gotten a little flabbier.
"I...I...You guys were gone on tour...I was troubled and missed you guys." I said looking down.
Patrick smiled. "You're up Pheebs." He said tossing me the golf ball.
After maybe a good 30 minutes of mini golfing Patrick won.
"Come on sport, i'll buy ya some junk food." Patrick said tassling my hair.

He chose pizza. It was so funny, we have to lay low so we picked a dark table in the corner.
"So what were you planning on getting Sir Wentz?" Patrick asked taking a sip of his Dr. Pepper
"Hmm. Dunno. We still have 2 months Pat." I said
"Yeah but I want to be prepared. Last time I got him something at the last minute and it was a sucky gift."
"Patrick, you got him like 40 hoodies for the winter and a new camera."
"Thats not what I would like to get him...what about you?"
"I really havent given it much thought I..." My phone started to ring
I keep dreamin' you'll be with me and you never know. Stop breathing hold on to me, never let me go.
I turned a deep red as Patrick squinted his eyebrows in confusuion.
"I...should probably answer that..." I said. Patrick nodded.
"Maybe you should."
I walked away from the table to the other side of the food room.
"Hey Babe. Whats up?"
Pete: Hey Phoebe. You never texted me.
Phoebe: Sorry, I kind of lost track of time.
Pete: But Why? Were you not thinking about me?
Phoebe: Yes I was...
Pete: So why didn't you text me? You hurt my feelings precious.
I laughed at his pleading voice
Phoebe: I didn't mean to hurt you Petey Boy
He laughed
Phoebe: Hey Pete. I gotta go. Patrick looks confused and sad
Pete: Patrick this, Patrick that. You're damn lucky i'm not the jealous type.
Phoebe:'s my brother...
I said laughing
Pete: Always an excuse with you, eh Stump?
Phoebe: Bleh go do something productive
Pete: Like?
Phoebe: I don't know...go write something
He sighed
Pete: I'll try
Phoebe: Good. Talk to you later
Pete: Bye
Phoebe: Bye

I hung up the phone and went back to Patrick who looked about ready to leave.
"Ready to go Pheebs?" He asked
I nodded and he took me home. It was a lovely day of sibling bonding. I love my brother Patrick.