How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

You Mean More To Me Than You'll Ever Know

*In Pete's Point Of View*
I walked down to the pool. No one was here. But that didn't surprise me. It was getting late. I laughed at a HUGE sign. 'No Lifeguard On Duty. Swim At Your Own Risk" Ha ha I can swim. I'm pretty sure Phoebe can swim too so we'll be fine. I put my toes in the water to test it. It was warm. I smiled and got in slowly. Eventually I was wet from head to toe. SO glad I wore Phoebe's waterproof eyeliner. You know, it's weird. I know she finds me physically attractive. But even in knowing this, I still feel like she doesn't really like me. It's so strange because everything I usually do to impress a girl, it doesn't work with Phoebe. Sometimes I say, "Oh, I play bass guitar in a very successful band." With Phoebe, she already knows that. Sometimes I introduce my girls to the guys. She already knows all the guys, Hell one of them is her brother. Buying her things won't work either. She's a dentist. She has money. I can't write her a song, because her brother has probably already showed her the mystery of composing music. She knows how to play electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, piano AND she can sing. She's so thoughtful and not at all shallow. What the hell can I do to impress her? What the hell will impress someone like that. "Shit." I heared a female voice say. It has to be Phoebe. I tried to fix my wet hair and make it slightly nice to look at. Then I saw her. She was carrying two robes and a towel. Her stunning strawberry blonde hair covering one eye as she looked over to me. How the hell can I compare to that? "How's the water, Pete?" She asked. All I managed to do was to let a goofy smile form across my face. "F-Fine...just fine." She laughed and put the towels and bathrobes on a lawn chair. She was wearing a black hoodie and some black sweat pants."Is that MY hoodie?" I asked. She smiled and stuck her tongue out at me. "I hope you're not going to swim in those." Shit. I must sound like a sick perv. She smiled to my relief. "Nah I have swimming clothes." She said.I just stared back at her slightly confused at her not saying anything. "What?" I asked. "Well...turn away." She said. "What? Why?" I asked. "Ugh. Just do it Pete." She said. I nodded and turned away as she requested. After what felt like at LEAST twenty minutes she gave me permission to turn around. I turned to see her, standing before me in her black bikini with hot pink skulls. I hadn't noticed I was staring until she cleared her throat. "Shit." I said looking down. I felt my face go red. Why can't I control my-fucking-self? She slowly joined me in the pool. I turned my face in embarrassment. I can't believe this. I've known this girl ever since she was 15...and now I'm dating thoughts were interrupted by her splashing water in my face. I looked at her in surprise. "Well, don't just stare at me...splash me back, idiot." She said giggling. "Oh you're gonna wish you hadn't done that, Stump." I said chasing after her in the water. I eventually caught up with her and I wrapped my arms around her frame. She stopped laughing followed my lead by looking deep into my eyes. I honestly thought hers were so much better than mines are. Such a beautiful shade of green. "Your eyes are amazing..." She said in a hushed tone. "I was just thinking the same about yours." I confessed. She smiled a warm smile. Being with her is perfect.

*In Phoebe's Point Of View*
Pete Wentz is a complex piece of work. Just when you think he's gonna go right, he goes left. Just when you think he's gonna forget about you, he shows up at your doorstep with flowers and a box of chocolate. He's amazing, unpredictable and stunning. Sure, he can be conceited at times. Oh so conceited...but who wouldn't with a face like that. Talent like his...and his big heart. And I'm not going to lie, sometimes I feel like slapping the living crap out of him when he gets like that. It makes me think he's just this pretty face with nothing underneath. But then I can tell I'm wrong just by the way he holds me. By the way he looks into my eyes and with me looking back in his, I can see his sincerity. I was a little upset when he was staring at my stomach and chest when he saw I was in my bathing suit, but made me feel better when he blushed and looked away when I caught him. Still, I'm officially offended, but the way he showed he was wrong made it all better. I hate the way people think Pete has never felt pain. They're so far off it's not even funny. So many times I've seen this amazing creature broken before me. Crying at the unbearable pain of a broken heart. He smiled warmly and came closer to me. "Whatcha thinkin' about, Precious?" He asked softly.I couldn't tell him. I swam my way out of the pool instead. The water was getting too cold anyways. He followed close behind. We went back up to apartment and just watched movies all night. Not really needing to do anything else. No touching, no kissing. Just holding my Petey Boy close to me.
"Pete?" I asked
"Mmhmm?" He mumbled.
"You mean more to me then you'll ever know.." I said hoping it wouldn't freak him out.
"Same here, Doll."
I'm glad to hear that.

Oh so glad.