How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

Secrets Will Kill Your Soul

*In Patrick's Point Of View*
I used my key to get into Phoebe's apartment. I walked in to see her standing by the closet looking scared. "Phoebe?" I asked walking into her bedroom. "Y-Yeah trick...i'm fine." She said smiling awkwardly. I walked closer to her and felt her forehead. "Holy shit Phoebe. You're burning up." I said taking her hand and leading her to her bed. "Fuck Pheebs, don't you ever make your bed correctly? Your sheets are all wrinkled." Her shade reddened. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah Patrick....fine...fine fine fine." She answered quickly. "What the fuck? You act like you saw a ghost."
"I'm fine Patrick. What makes you think i'm not fine?" She asked.
"Okay...nothing. Nevermind." I said. Whats up with her?
Her room was a mess. Clothes thrown everywhere.
"Uh..Patrick. Do you want some coffee or something?" She asked getting up quickly.
"No...i'm fine. You don't have to play host with me Pheebs. It's me." I said putting my hand on hers.
She looked into my eyes and smiled.
"Patrick..." She started.
"Patrick...I have something to tell you...Pete and I...We...We're D-"
My cell phone ringing cut her off
I looked at the caller ID. It was Jessica. But whatever Phoebe was saying seems important.
"I'll let it ring." I said smiling.
" Patrick. Go ahead and answer it." She said softly.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yeah. Go ahead."
I smiled and walked out of the room.
"Hold that thought."
Sh nodded.

*In Phoebe's Point Of View*
Patrick walked out of my bedroom and I let out a sigh. I want to tell him. I hate hiding something that I care about so much from Patrick. I walked over to the closet and opened the door slowly. Pete picked up his head to look into my eyes. I placed my hand on his cheek and sighed again. "I want to tell him." I whispered. He rubbed my hand which was still on his cheek. "I know. Me too." He whispered back. I stepped into the closet with him and he hugged me tight. "We shouldn't be doing this. He's just in the other room." He whispered. "I know...but I want to hug you." I whispered back. He kissed my head. "Phoebe?" I hered Patrick ask. I sighed and let go of Pete.
I mouthed the word 'later' and closed the door.
I looked to my doorway to see a very confused Patrick.
"What the fuck were you doing in the closet?" he asked.
"Um...looking for a better pair of pants..."
"Oh...okay. Well that was Jessica. She wants to do something tonight." He said re-adusting his hat.
"Something like what?" I asked.
"I don't know. Something with everyone. Maybe got out to a club..." He said.
"Club sounds nice. Should we call everyone?" I asked walking over to my phone.
"Yeah, but later. It's bearly 2:40. Clubs don't open till at least 7, and they don't get good until midnight."
"Yeah, we don't want to be the losers showing up first." I said.
"Of couse. So you call the guys. Good luck trying to get in contact with Pete. He's not answering his cell." He said pulling out his cell.
"What are you doing?" I asked trying to hide my nervousness.
"I'm calling Pete again. This isn't like him to not answer his phone."
Shit. What if it rings. "NO!"
Patrick looked at me confused. "What the hell?"
"I'll call them. Don't trouble yourself."
"Trouble? He's on speed dial. All I have to do is press 4 and i'm calling Pete. Not too much effort their Pheebs."
"'s...maybe he's...showering?" Shit. I sound so stupid right now.
"Showering? Pete Wentz is showering? you want me to buy you some meds or something? I think you're getting a little sick." He said looking at me carefully.
"I'm fine" Shit. I want him to leave.
"' know, i'll come back in about I don't know...maybe three hours? Oh...nah, i'll just come back at How about you meet me at Jess's apartment. Like around 10:00. Then we'll all head out to the club. That alright with you?"
I smiled widely. "Yes! That would work perfectly!" I said hugging him.
He patted my head slowly. "Um...take a shower or something...maybe go to a Parks are dangerous Get some fresh air, sis." He said. I sighed. Patrick, my big brother Patrick. I love him so much, it kills me keeping anything from him.
"Okay Pat. I will."
He let go of me and smiled.
"Good. I'll see ya later, Pheebs." He said leaning in and pecking my cheek.
I led him to the front door and he left my apartment. That may have been one of the most awkward visits he's ever given me.
I waited for a while,
"Pete, you can come out now." I said, trying not to sound too depressed.
I heared the creaking sound of my closet door opening slowly. Pete walked out and looked over to me.
A tear formed in my eye and he came over closer and hugged me tightly.
"How about we tell him tonight?" He whispered in my ear.
I looked up at him.
"Pete...what if he gets upset...what if he tries to hurt you?" I asked.
"Phoebe...Patrick loves you, he loves me. He won't hurt me."
"But what if-"
He cut me off mid-sentance and kissed me.
I broke our kiss and layed my head on his shoulder.
"Phoebe, you're worth every risk. I can see hiding this from Patrick is hurting you. The last thing I want is you hurt, especially if the reason you're hurt has something...anything to do with me...That kills me."
I began to rub his back "Are you sure?"
He nodded and kissed my head.
"So...tonight...we tell Patrick?"
"Looking forward to it."